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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. is that a table based layout causing problems as usual?? switch to a css layout - you'll find it much more manageable
  2. don't bother - there are too mnay ways round it mention - it simply can't be done...
  3. i use the iepngfix in conjunction with the conditional comment. put the iepng fix stuff in an ie6 style sheet...
  4. not really apart from th fact it would require more diskspace to save the data
  5. You don't mind if I save that for personal use do you?
  6. this osunds like it would be better implemented as 'config' values for the javascript. you could use your php to echo out a series of javascript values inside a script tag in teh head section. ie. <script type="text/javascript"> mailfrom = <?php echo $setting['mailfrom']; .... </script> alter your javascript file to use these settings that have been generated by php - that way you are only altering settings - no going into teh javascript file and having to find bits to alter.
  7. You should NEVER force a user to do anything like this - it shouldn't be automated evn in an intranet environment. OK make is easier by using the javascript but don't do anything that takes control away from the user. One nice touch maybe to save the receipt as a pdf and allow them to save it then print - or just print immediately.
  8. why not cahce each page and save it in a file of your choice? use ob_start and ob_end_flush - you can write the contents of the buffer to a file prior to clearing.
  9. http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/ref.imap.php is your stating point... Lots to read and learn but that is the library you need.
  10. when I did this I used three fields to track messages. A unique ID A root ID A parent ID unique is self explanatory.. Root was either 0 for a starting thread or the unique id of the starting thread.. Parent the id of the message the current is replying to. This allowed listing of post (SELECT... where root = 0) selecting all post in one thread (SELECT...where root = 'x' OR unique = 'x' ORDER BY root ASC) I then placed this data into an array which had a recursive loop to list the nodes... JOB Done
  11. you will need to use the gd library. imagecreatefromxxx and createimage will help - you also need to grab the original size and work out what area you will grab to make the new image.
  12. try peinting out the entire $_SERVER array and see if there is anything in it failing that I suspect you will need some javascript to grab the url of the parent document.
  13. use css layouts instead - I guarntee you'll have a more enjyable time developing your site css examples
  14. you will have to use javascript in ie 6 to keep an element at a fixed position in the window...
  15. what have you ste SMTP to?
  16. missed the ; after mysql_query....
  17. if this is on your own machine you can go into the php.ini file find the 'SMTP = ' and set you own value... alternatively you ca use ini_set('SMTP', 'smtp.yourserver.com');
  18. not really clear what you are doing - perhaps you should print out the results of your query to see what you are actually selecting (is the result just one record or lots? - if its lots then remember that your final query will NOT hold different values for $rand[$id]; that will simply be the last value calculated in your loop!).
  19. you can only use an iframe to do that directly - css does NOT control document effects - it controls style nothing else.
  20. best method to do what exactly? linking to a div means absolutely nothing (or so many things we can't just pick one at random and expect it to be the right answer)
  21. yep... <input type="text" class="text" .... input.text (I use a class as ie 6 doesn't support the attribue selector) { wdth: 15em; height: 1em; padding: 0.2em; background: #a88100; color: #cbeeff; direction: rtl; } text direction shoudl really be done in html and associated with the page language - like hebrew is right to left... just use teh correct css selector and use teh usual suspects for color back ground width / height etc and you'll be fine
  22. strip tags removes php and html - if the grey matter serves...
  23. you could compare the string with itself after tags have been removed if they are identical then no html is in teh string if (strcmp($string, strip_tags($string)) == 0) { // no tags found } else { // tags found }
  24. you acn use the WEFT tool to make the font available to those who don't have it BUT it is not supported by all browsers. What you have to do is specify a list of fonts in your css with that last being one that everyone will have while still maintaining a similar feel of the site...
  25. yeah did you do anything I suggested??????? like echoing out the $_POST array to see what you are procesisng and that it is the data you expect?
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