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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. there is a difference. front page takes you input and generates a proprietary html bag of wbank. probably about 4 or 5 times as much html as you actually need. Best way around this is to not use front page - infact unistall it from your machine asap - it is LITERALLY WASTING VALUABLE DISK SPACE. However the fact that you are even thinking of using front page suggests that you probably don't yet have the skills to do this 'properly'. The issue is time - if you don't have much just do what you was going to do - if you do go an search tutorials on css layouts, tableless layouts, and search engine optimisation. That last one is what will get his site a good rating - and its not as straight forward as some think (not that difficult when you know how though). good luck
  2. hmmm it sounds like you are doind something inefficiently... can we see some code? 2.5 seconds is like a lightyear on a server!!!
  3. I take it you are using an older version of php (the $HTTP_POST_VARS suggest you are). If that is teh case then you may need to use sesion_register to set a session var.
  4. if you go down teh png route be sure to google iepngfix - to make it work in ie6
  5. is this the best way to contract divitis - its obvious to me! the answer is yes... who needs p's and span's - this chappy certainly don't.
  6. give the images a width and height and swpa the back slashes for forward ones... such a pitty you have used a table layout... could have done a good site there.
  7. Hi guys, I would like to know a little about the physical operations of uploading a file. I'll explain why first and hopefully someone will be able to pass comment on whether what I would like to do is possible... I have been using uber upload to provide a progress bar while a file uploads - this uses some perl scripts and ajax to monito the process. I notice that the script accesses the temp dir - it passes a unique id and the file appears to be uploaded into that diectory inside the temp directory that has the same name as teh unique id. I also noted that the scripts calls a file inside the unique dir called .params and .flength. Now what I would like to do is monito the upload WITHOUT the perl scripts. Could I use an ajax call to a php script that can retrieve content from these .flength files and .param files without the perl script. Is the perl script responsible for creating this folder with the unique id or does the server generate this automatically? How portable is this method? (does *nix MAC and Win create these .param and flength files) I would really appreciate any responses as I am keen to learn more about this subject and perhaps create a cross platform php/ajax app that can do teh job without perl.
  8. are you trying to replicate the suckerfish menu???? http://www.alistapart.com/articles/dropdowns/ you can always develop it too with some background images if you so wish...
  9. Don't do it again - for fear of retribution in life 2.0!!!!!! keep it simple - nice clean semantic markup and mimmal amount of css to schieve your goals - will make life 1.0 MUCH easier.
  10. Awwwwwwww - thanks guys... I've gone and got all emotional - its a wonderful feeling to think you have in some small way participated in enriching the lives of others... God bless every layout convert...
  11. pure xhtml is most certainly the way to go - strict and 1.1 are standards compliant technologies - as such they DO NOT have valid markup for style OR document effects. Those are for css and javascript. The beauty of it all is that what you shuld do is sit down and make a site that works with nothing - no javascript no css nothing. You then have a site that just works (in ANY client potentially). Then you style the site - make it look good and provde styles for different media (mobile phones, printers etc etc). THEN you add all the things to increase the users experience - flash, javascript. OPening a new window might seem like something you shoudl be able to do regardless - but many find it annoying, visually impaired are not likely to know they are in a new window and may not then know how to get back to the content they wanted.... Stick with the standards and you will make better sites...
  12. well if you use strict ahtml then you should stick to the standards. The standards state that a new wondow is a document effect and as such should be controlled with javascript. Browsers still open windows ifyou use target="_blank" BUT that is not valid markup in strict xhtml or xhtml 1.1
  13. $keynum = array_keys($user, 'Root'); if it is found you shoule return 0 (the index of that occurence in the array).
  14. * { padding: 0; margin: 0; } is just as effective.... and easier
  15. I personally would use a partially transparent png as a background image for the paragraph (google iepngfix to get solution to make this work in IE6). When you make and element opaque you make everything in it opaque...
  16. <a href="http://www.anothersite.com" title="What ever" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" onkeypress="window.open(this.href); return false;">link text</a> ideally you should actually keep these eventtrigger attributes out of the html all together and use javascript to add the triggers...
  17. try creating valid html!!! divs DO NOT belong inside paragraphs - this way you will create more than enough html soup to mkae it nigh on impossible to maintain and extend your site. if you want an element centered within another element then give it margin: 0 auto; - use text-align to change the way text is alinged within an element.
  18. I was being flippant - clearly lost on some though. All teh same I am still interested in processing of non-latin charsets so if you do have any joy please post some links up - many thanks...
  19. search for 'php bbcode' in google - results should give you all you need to know
  20. can't do it in css - use php to set an inline style attribute like so <.... style="background-image: url(/path/to/background/image)" ....> set the rest of the background styles in your css file.
  21. float them both left with no border, padding or margin.
  22. Which makes your code most secure? I have read alittle and see that ioncube obfusicates code whil zendguard actually encodes it. Have I got that correct? If so is the annual price tag for zendguard worth it over the one (and much reduced) ioncube price... Many thanks y'all.
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