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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. apache has a nifty little app called 'MindReader' that helps it serve the correct files from the correct site... don't listen to redarrow - he goes on about some kind of newfangled technology that can actually recognize things... a pipedream if you ask me.
  2. now this is a dangerous method to take. the parent class is the only class that grabs this main class effort you talk about. when ever you instantiate a class that extends another and that parent class holds the main class object then you must not only call teh constructor of the parent class but also pas the resource to this main class... In my opinion you woul dbe better off NOT building your model in this manner. perhaps consider making teh methods of teh main class static where possible so they can be called from anywhere whithout the need to instantiate that class... I have seen a few applications where there is one main class and everything else extends that class (or a child of that class) - this is totally unnessecary. The idea of a class is to encapsulate all associated pieces of data and methods into one entity so it can e be used all over the shop. The main class does NOT have to contain all these properties which, by the sounds of it, could be legitimate classes in their own right.
  3. http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Web_Authoring/HTML_Editors__Q-Z_/XStandard_XHTML_WYSIWYG_editor.html
  4. how did you solve it??? you shoudl post the solution so others can reference it later.
  5. edit you php.ini file - find SMTP = localhost change local host to the mail server your ISP's smtp server address...
  6. goeip is your buddy! you may also need to do some proxy detection
  7. whne the drop down changes the page is submitted to its self (I don't see a form tag in there but assume there is one). what ever code is on teh page that uses the 'inv_cmp' will be affected...
  8. A golden oldie!!! http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/threepxtest.html
  9. there is the 'show replies to your posts' link at the top of the page (expand the div just above the top nav bar).
  10. you have short tags enabled in the php.ini file you need to turn that off!
  11. http://www.alistapart.com/articles/succeed
  12. assuming you store a time stamp then... $qry = "SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE `timestamp` > " . time() - (3600 * 24); $qry = mysql_query($qry); if you actually store a date... $qry = "SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE `date` > DATESUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)"; $qry = mysql_query($qry);
  13. when they login you need to update a table (or flatfile or some setting of your choice) to add 1 to the number of people online - you will also need to store the time and some method of maintaining state (like a cookie or session var). each page request you will need to update the time the user has been active. if they logout or the activity has been dormant for say 10 mins then remove them from the logged in brigaed and subtract one from the online count (if you use a database table you need only count number of rows of course)
  14. IE is still the 'dominant' force but only just - nothing like what it used to be... Perhaps we could petition FF to accept this technology????
  15. not quite true.... NOW this doesn't work in FF BUT the method has been approved/recommended by the web standards people.. You will need to download the WEFT tool. use this to create an eot file which you can then upload to your server.... to embed this font in a page use the following css... @font-face { font-family: MyNewFont; src:url(relative/path/to/file.eot) } then simply give which ever elements you require x { font-family: MyNewFont, Arial, sans-serif; } NOW when a visitor comes to your site (and their browser allows this to happen) the page will load with Arial or sans-serif initially. A soon as the machine has downloaded the eot file the page will change to your font. http://www.netmechanic.com/news/vol3/css_no15.htm - a page I just found.
  16. JESSIE!!!! how on earth to carry on without ie6???? this link is for standalone versions of IE - brilliant for developers as you can test it on older IE's and not mess with your 7 installation... http://tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE
  17. When you solve this - let me know - I have a multilingual site in progress and I am scared to death at how I am going to display and process chinese, japanese, hebrew and those ####### french letters with the dash on the top etc etc etc...
  18. TABLES ARE NOT FOR LAYOUT!!!! I am amazed that so many still use it - lets face it the hardest problems to solve (in terms of time requirement) in this section of the forums is nearly always due to a table layout... Those who use tables becasue they don't know css layouts - GO AND LEARN - it will be the best thing you ever did in web development!
  19. html... <tr><td>Quantity:</td><td> <input type="text" name="Quantity" id="Quantity"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Unit Cost:</td><td> <input type="text" name="UnitCost" id="UnitCost"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Total Cost:</td><td> <input type="text" name="TotalCost" id="TotalCost" onfocus="calcCost();"> </td></tr> javscript to be placed in the head section. function calcCost() { var num = document.getElementById('Quantity').value; var cost = document.getElementById('UnitCost').value; document.getElementById('TotalCost').value = num * cost; }
  20. sound like a good idea - cover up the frame with an image - I LIKE IT!
  21. BECAUSE - thats all you need to know... I was MOST upset when doing a new online paymeny system with the new 3d secure scheme visa and mastercard have implemented - the guidlines ADVISED using an iframe for displaying the password form for teh new scheme!!! - needless to say I swore a lot and refused to do it!!!!!
  22. if you are doing just one update then you can check mysql_insert_id() if its multiple updates this only returns the last update id (or the first - i have experienced this on the odd occasion! - don't ask me to replicate) so you'd have to do some magic before hand like count the current number of rows then insert then count the number afterwards - this would involve you locking the particular table so no other wriets could be performed before you've finished. [and breathe]
  23. reliability??? they work or they don't - try the lite versions and if they do what you want use them if not pick another.
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