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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. problem with using css position fixed here is that different screen resolutions will appear to display the box at different positions. 800x600 may be centred but any increase in resolution would appear to drive the box toward upper left - unless you have this box positioned inside a fixed width element with position: relative;...
  2. There si nothing wrong with storing the date as you have done.... http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html
  3. maybe he has a filter that blocks what could be ads? I have avanat browser and that has features that prevent such things....
  4. yep. session_start MUST come BEFORE you output any html or white space - you can get round this by using ob_start and ob_end_flush at the beginning and end of your script respectively.
  5. have you not noticed the amount of work put into IE7???? there was once a battle for the internet so different browsers did things very differntly and had code that only worked on there application and not others. as the standards have evolved and the users of teh web wanting more consistency the browsers major browsers have (in rendering terms) got very close. Th ebig issue with ie6 was its boxmodel implementation when in quicks mode. to get it into compliant mode you need a strict doc type (xhml1.1 is great as is html strict) simply doing that you should notice a significant change (maybe in the standards compliant browsers too!) After that you will probably need to hack so if you google 'box model hack' the first page should be the css-discuss articel which explains why it happens and what methods are there to 'fix' it.
  6. not really - you could separate them out and have a separate window for each (running this the browser is an awful idea though - suggest you get access to fork asap).
  7. then forking really is what you need http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/71/0.php
  8. then the problem is most likely with his pc and that is his problem...
  9. then don't use javascript... there is no neccessity for js to be invovled for anything other than client side validation; which should be checked server side anyway just in case js iss off or hsa been tampered with. I don't understand the obsession fo using javascript to do things that are handled perfectly well by good old html...
  10. either fork your script or call the pages in order of least processing time.
  11. <?php $query = mysql_query("SELECT MTES_direct_sub_task_id, MTES_direct_sub_task FROM MTES_direct_sub_tasks WHERE MTES_direct_task = '$_SESSION[task]'"); $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { ?> <tr> <td> <input type="hidden" name="MTES_direct_sub_task" value="<?php echo $row[MTES_direct_sub_task];?>"> <input type="hidden" name="count" value="<?php echo $i++;?>"> <input type="text" name="hours" size="4" value="<?php echo $row[MTES_direct_sub_task]; ?>"> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> try that...
  12. I prefer the individual approach - once you know how to do it then maintenance is considerably simpler. Upgrading is straight forward - downgrading (for what ever reaosn) is just as simple plus you get a feel for how things are installed generally which can help you solve issue that may seem unrelated.
  13. why not? mysql's date manipulation/calculation abilities are very very good. allows you to use things like date_add(`datestored`, INTERVAL 30 DAY) which is exactly what will help this chap solve his 30 day expiry problem....
  14. for ie 6 just use height. for 7 and other standards compliant browsers use min-height: 800px... maybe use the conditional comments in ie to implement this...
  15. gifs only have 100% transparency or 0. if you need an image thats slighty opaque then use a png - you will need the png fix for it to work in ie6 http://www.twinhelix.com/css/iepngfix/
  16. tr are not the same kind of element to td's they have no visual interpretation on a page and as such are simply place holders for elements - needed so the browser can calculate where groups of elements should be. the solution is to give each td a top and bottom border and give the first td a left border and the last td a rigyht border. many ways to accomplish this... go play and let us know which method you decide on.
  17. do you have the correct permissions on these folders? does he have some settings on his pc that could preent the images being displayed? the potential reasons are numerous - unless we can replicate them I am afraid its needle and haystack country for you...
  18. yes - it will fetch a row at a time you normally use it like so... while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { // do stuff with each record set like fill-in a html table row etc etc. }
  19. you could do with an container for teh query resource id ($var=mysql_query($sqlQuery) but I don't think that is a problem... where is the script running? is it local or on a server? if its local makes ure you have SMTP (in your php.ini file) set to your isp's mail server NOT localhost (unless you have a mail server on your machine that is).
  20. styled unordered list is what would benned to display the images in 'grid' layout - they will then at least flow with the document and look good in a fluid layout. creating the mosaic images would be relatively straight forward. you are basically pixelating the image and placing the 'grout' as a grid. just wonderign about the pixealtion part... maybe create an newimage from the image to say 10% its size. add in a grid of white lines and the blow it back up to original size...
  21. if you are using a doctype that allows it you can use the target="_blank" attribute of the form and that will open a new window - just use a bit of js to resize the new window when its loads. The alternative (and one that mnay will expect far more) is to simply stay in the same window. Having a form left there and a new window opening can be quite annoying and then you have to do all the js work to update the html with any error reporting. extra work is very dull - just let it do its stuff - its what most of us expect.
  22. you can give your inputs an id or class (class can be applied to mulitple elements on one page) and use that to style them. Admittedly its not as nice as the attribute selector but it does work in more browsers. <input type="submit" class="bttn" name="submit" id="submit" value="Go" /> input.bttn { background: #ccc; color: #333; } note that some browsers on mac os DON'T style buttons anything like what you'd expect!!!!
  23. you could put a content management system in - then they could do it all themselves. HOWEVER if you do make sure it has lots of checks as to what they are putting up incase the destroy everytihng .
  24. its an add on in ff. tools > add ons then click the get extensions link in the bottom right of the popup. search the developer tools for console2 (the 2 is superscript). if you spend a bit of time on those pages you will find other little treasures like the 'web developer' toolbar, css view total validator and so on... have fun. PS is this page live? if you send a link I'll have a look at why the js i sent aint working.
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