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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. you don't need an anchor if you are submitting information form a form then the submit button is what you should use. If you use and anchor then you rely on javascript being enabled to do teh submission for you - and that is not always the case.
  2. hmm there is an awful lot of OR in your logic <?php $check = true; foreach($_POST as $key => $val) { if (empty($val)) { $check = false; break; } } if ((bool)$check == false) { echo "It seems you have missed a feild or more. Please Check your Information Carefully"; exit; } ?> as for the upload script - I can't really decipher what is going on in there as it is a mess and you didn't use the code tags on the post. where exactly is the code to perform the upload??? or have I got the wrong end of the stick???
  3. You don't need to reload the page. google javascript div toggle for some examples on how to show/hide an element. with the onclick even of the checkbox you can call the function that shows are hides the bits you want.
  4. http://www.google.co.uk/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=automated+call+system
  5. alternatively just give the h3 a padding-bottom big enough to fit the picture in.
  6. even better just use a submit button and style it with css...
  7. put the image before the header tag then float it right and give the header clear: none;
  8. you don't have a button inside a anchor have one or the other
  9. there is no global contect in classes. you need to pass the $sql_connection to the class by assigining it in the script creating the class like so... <?php $clss_ref = new cha; $clss_ref->dbconn = $sql_connection; ?> then in the class itself you can then use $this->db_conn; OR if you only have the one just leave it out of the mysql_query functio - php automatically uses the last connection it created if no resource is passed in the argument...
  10. all you need to do is parse the feed file and use it to your own ends. php5 has simpleXML and php4 you will need DOMXML. Just grab the url of the feed and use the functions in those modules to grab content...
  11. it can be done BUT why? This must be a superdooper secure site. That means your security after this point must be top-notch. The system I experienced was one where the user had to call the phonenumber and enter a code they were given on screen but what you want to do is pretty much the same. Suffice to say I don't know how to go about it but if I remeber the company involved I will post back under this thread and maybe they can tell you were they got the system from.
  12. try to avoid spaces as much as possible if you really have to use them use %20
  13. ie 6 will act like you have used position: absolute so you don't have to change your css - just be ready for it not doing what you expect!
  14. have them load from a reposiory location on oen of your servers - then you can add and remove what ever you like...
  15. I prefer the css route... .algnrght { text-align: right; } <?php print "<td class="algnrght">".$info['profit'] . " </td>"; print "<td class="algnrght">".$info['balance'] . " </td></tr>"; ?> You should also make sure that the decimal places are correctly displayed! - just in case its .00 <?php print "<td class="algnrght">". number_format($info['profit'],2,'.',',') . " </td>"; print "<td class="algnrght">". number_format($info['balance'],2,'.',',') . " </td></tr>"; ?>
  16. ToonMariner

    IE and FF

    I think the problem arises from people trying to develop sites in accordance with the standards and beind frustrated with the results... Safari professes to be a compliant browser - its not! Neither is FF. Burt we all have to admit that if your site don't do the business in E then you are going to fail. Many of the problems associated with IE relate to its implementation of the box model in quirks mode. IF you use a good DTD you can get IE to play ball. I use xhtml 1.1 simply because it makes ie 6 work in standards compliant mode. That is NOT to say it does what the standards say but you get a whole closer to cross browser compatibility with a decent doctype than anyother method you can use to get it look similar in a range of clients.
  17. echo out the query and test it in phpmyadmin or similar db app.
  18. why the hell would you need a session var storing in the database?
  19. you could buy some books... site points old 'desinging without tables is still pretty good and I have just had a look at andy clarks transcending css whihc was a pleasure... have a look at csszengarden.com. the same html with different style sheet applied on each page. I often go there for a litte inspiration - you can see something on screen and then have a look at the css to see how they achieved it.
  20. i didn't reply because I don't think my reply would have been anywere near as nice as yours.
  21. :hover only works on the anchor (<a>) tag in ie 6 - you have to use js and 'onmouseover' to get anything to happen with other elements...
  22. well xhtml is even more strict in its requirement for good code so it (should) demand(s) that you are more standards compliant with your code - the base principles still apply and the title tag is still one that shoudl be in the header section to define the title of the page. w3schools have a decent xhtml section too btw...
  23. $break_location = FALSE - thats the default value if nothing is passed to the fucntion.. this line if($i%$break_location == 0 and $break_location) is dividing $i by $break_location if break location is false (0 as php will do an internal conversion to the 'correct data type) the you are trying to divide a number by 0 which will throw the error you are recieving.. so the fix... either use error suppression with the @ operator or change this section of code if($i%$break_location == 0 and $break_location) { $output .= "<br />"; }else{ $output .= " "; } to if ( (bool)$break_location != false ) { if ( $i % $break_location == 0 ) { $output .= "<br />"; } else { $output .= " "; } } else { $output .= " "; } the error supression is easier option if(@$i%$break_location == 0 and $break_location)
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