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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. the sessions data would then have to be stored indefinitley on the server - and imagine storing 2000000 cookies that no one is using!!!!!
  2. Close your browser down completely. this means all windows of your browser not just the one that page was opened in.
  3. I use backticks all teh time in my code just to differentiate between fields and values... I fin it helps but as thorpey says - it's not neccessary.
  4. you have to put a value in there ' ' may work but if you have set the field in the database to not null then your design will be expecting something tangeble - if you want null in there change your field so it will accept it.
  5. looks like I missed teh opening quote! $haypicture = '<td width="68%"><img src="/GY/images/masters/".$picture." alt="" name="teacher_image" border="0" id="teacher_image"/></td>';
  6. Why are you looking for this page? It is your webmail that controls what you see/don't and how your sessions are handled. Unless you have any access to the server and can actually make any changes then you won't be able to integrate anything there. Bottom line is that the easiest thing to do is NOT try to absolve yourself from any responsibility by trying to automate your security and just logout - if you can remember to do that then you will be fine. If you are using a terminal that may be used by others then don't save any passwords for pages etc.
  7. server - there is a seeting for upload_max_filesize which is normally 2-8M if memory servers me well you may beable to use ini_set('upload_max_filesize' , 30720000); // 30M BUT uploading a file that size via http is very slow...
  8. You cannot have an indefinite session or cookie - you can set the expiry time to a long way into the future but you should NOT use sessions for that - I believe they should be left to expir when the browser closes...
  9. I'd just start on web tutorials this one goes through the basics (even installation!) http://www.sitepoint.com/article/php-amp-mysql-1-installation once you are happy with querying databases etc etc then perhaps PHP and MySQl Web Development http://www.amazon.com/PHP-MySQL-Development-Developers-Library/dp/0672326728/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_k2a_3_img/002-3047012-9362457 will be of use use....
  10. you can put a html form in an email and set its action to a script that will accept the data.
  11. yep $haypicture="<td width="68%"><img src=\"/GY/images/masters/<?php echo \"$picture\";?>" alt="" name="teacher_image" border="0" id="teacher_image\"/></td>"; change to $haypicture=<td width="68%"><img src="/GY/images/masters/".$picture." alt="" name="teacher_image" border="0" id="teacher_image"/></td>'; this assumes you have set $picture before hand
  12. opening a new window will still maintain the session - so if they know the url of the secure page you were logged into then they will access it too - providing the timeout has not been surpassed.
  13. http://www.dustindiaz.com/dhtml-expand-and-collapse-div-menu/
  14. the way to avoid exceeding your maximum number of connections is to not use persistent connections. the OOP mysqli is fabulous and while creating a connection uses a lot of resources the new imporved mysqli effort is not bad at all... Try to optimize your database by index all fields that you will search on... and keep it tidy! Good luck and have fun dealing with the frustration that sest in sometimes when you are trying to do something great and it just won't bloody play ball (then you realise that you have a closing brace in the wrong place or something else fundamental).
  15. errrr..... absolute positioning is fine if you keep a lid on things. float left or right also takes that element out of the flow of the document. The difference is that floats will still occupy some space as would any element positioned relatively. fixed and absolutely positioned elements don't occupy any space. plenty of starting points here to get to grips with this... http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%20css+positioning+tutorial
  16. ??? just use css to set the properties of h1 like so h1 { font-size: 1.1em; } you should refrain from using fixed font sizes (pt, px...) as that is considered bad form for accessibility.
  17. Then I suspect it has been added to a database somewhere - perhaps contact them (web sense) and ask for it to be reomved
  18. I think Websense uses a database to store the type of content a site has once it has been visited... so you may have to get that updated... if not... Do you have meta data or even page content that may identify it as an adult site?
  19. Andy - if there are 1000 users banned on one day then that loop will not unban them all (I say that as most pages are limited to 50 queries - which is why it would be more beneficial to just update those records where the banned date has expired as a block rather than individually). Lewis - what version of mysql are you running? <?php mysql_query("UPDATE $tblbanned SET `banned` = '0' WHERE `banneddate' < DATE_SUB(NOW(), 60 DAY)"); ?> That query should unban everyone who's ban date was more than 60 days ago. It does require that you store a banned date in the fields that is of a datetime type ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') if you have that then all should be fine.
  20. without seeing the code I fear we would all be guessing...
  21. You have short tags enabled on your server - ask them to switch it off. If they wont then you have to echo out any lne that starts with '<?' in your file. If that fails then there is something amiss with your xml file.
  22. the query seems a bit odd to me try this <?php mysql_query("UPDATE $tblbanned SET `banned` = '0' WHERE `banneddate' < DATE_SUB(now(), 60 DAY)"); ?> Need mysql 4.1.1 for that I think.
  23. well this is a little surreal. I'm failry sure I can 'get' what you think should happen BUT... Not all browsers are the same. Some are text only browsers, some browsers are siomply used as conduits to supply content to speak apps that read the page to a visually impaired user. Some have all the graphical support in the world. IE 6 won't work with partially transparent png's unless you use the behaviour hack. So you have to provide content that 'means' something to all these browsers - that means ticking the boxes for the lowest (popular) denominator.... Now as to your projected html to server what ou want... these blocks - how wide or high are they? if a block on one line is higher than the others then how should those blocks on the next line behave? - should they fill the gaps in or should their top line be level with the bottom line of the deepest block from the line above? Reading those questions/comments you should note that they are all issues associated with the visual layout or 'style' of the page - and we already have a tool to play with that don't we.
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