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Everything posted by keeB

  1. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-pconnect.php
  2. CSS: http://nick.stinemates.org/styles/table.css Page: http://nick.stinemates.org/alert.html Doesn't span both rows. WTF! Also, Clicking on the first "fail" twice doesn't make the table resize. Irritating as hell.
  3. Why a circle? Never seen this before?
  4. Might be offbase here, but isn't this why persistent connections are made?
  5. Nope. Pretty sure it's the same.
  6. What you really want is either an AJAX implementation or JavaScript. What you're asking is not trivial. Please ask concise questions about what problems you're having -- the freelance section is over -> if you don't want to write it yourself.
  7. That's one approach, but if your experience is limited: 1) Why did you take on such a complex task, or 2) Why don't you take the time to research an existing framework and build from there? Chances are if you don't understand some of the concepts in these frameworks, developing your own, while educational, will result in a huge waste of time. Without really understanding what a 'large, dynamic' website means to you, we cannot really provide you with an accurate direction. Writing a blog would be fairly trivial for anyone with basic knowledge. Writing a CMS which lists products, categories, search.. not so much.
  8. srand(microtime()); $val = md5(rand()); $start = rand(0, 27); //32 - 5 $str = "#OCC" . substr($val, $start, 5); print $str ?>
  9. psuedo (dumb) code: <?php $q = mysql_query("select ..."); $results = array(); while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { if ($lat) $results[] = $result; // if it's something you plan on echoing, add it to the results array.. why you're not doing a where clause is beyond me, whatever. } for ($x=0; $x<count($results); $x++) { if ($x == count($results)) { echo $results[$x]; } else { echo $results[$x] . ","; } } ?> Ugliest code I have written in years.
  10. http://url-press.com/about.htm disappointed is spelled wrong as well, btw
  11. You guys aren't taking in to account that this guy lives in a completely different world than us Americans. Great salary, man. Congratulations on getting a lot more than you expected/planned to live on. Way to go!
  12. I'm lost. Did someone pay you to make this? 15 minute effort. Edit: Mission statement/about is completely lol too. TinyURL anyone?
  13. start transaction insert into insert into insert into insert into xhow many ever inserts commit; ^ the only way to do it.
  14. <?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "../relative/path/to/where/you/need/to/be.php"); ?>
  15. Or, you can do it the proper way which is to put it inside of a transaction. http://dev.mysql.com/books/mysqlpress/mysql-tutorial/ch10.html This is what they were made for
  16. Take a look at LEFT JOIN. This will give you what you want FYI -- You're doing an INNER JOIN.
  17. I guess my help in the OOP section wasn't enough.
  18. Write one using the Gecko HTML Renderer
  19. I can't sight type like that worth a shit. I can only type if I know what I am going to be typing (i.e -- It's in my head.) I hit 96WPM but I felt very inferior to my normal typing speed. I also made 10 mistakes. Which is really abnormal. Oh well.
  20. As long as you program to an interface, with the idea that you can and will rip out entire implementations of an object (and not affect client code) -- You're on the right path. Good luck!
  21. Sure. It initializes the AlbumList object with references to constructed Images and Videos. Think of what an album is. It's a collection of things with a given name. So, that's the way I have modeled it. Depending on how abstract you want to make your app, AlbumDao.initialize() could return raw information (a ResultSet or something along those lines) from the database, or, it could [the more OOP way] return Image and Video objects which the AlbumList stores however it sees fit.
  22. I'm 5'6. Always been a shortie. Keeb (short for keebler elf) has been my nickname since I was 6 or 7.
  23. DAO = Data Access Object http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Access_Object Here's a snippet of how I would display some family album. <?php $configuration = Configurator::getInstance(); // reads the configuration file which contains database info, paths, etc $db = new DatabaseFactory::getInstance($configuration->database->getType()); $album = new Album("Family Photos"); // who knows where you got the name from. Maybe a script which printed all listed albums. $a->setDao($db); // make sure it's using our database echo "Photo's in this album"; foreach($a->getImageList() as $images) { $image->draw(); } echo "Videos in this album"; foreach($a->getVideoList() as $video) { $video->draw(); } ?>
  24. Looks like it probablt should be.. $this->empHist->validate(); no?
  25. You are wrong. To the op: You didn't provide much data. __get is not something I work with, though. It's being extremely lazy. Opening up your entire for get/set is bound to cause way too much of a headache down the line.
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