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Everything posted by P5system

  1. Could u explain the question what you actually want to Save?
  2. You can create a Image upload function and an Image thumb creation function and call this thumb creation function in Image Upload function. Then there is no need of file path
  3. To just get the text from a PDF file, try these: - http://davidwalsh.name/read-pdf-doc-file-php - http://www.webcheatsheet.com/php/reading_clean_text_from_pdf.php (more in-depth) For a more heavyweight solutions, have a look at: - http://www.setasign.de/products/pdf-php-solutions/fpdi/
  4. for($i=0;$i<5;$i++) { echo date('Y-m-j', strtotime('Monday+'. $i . ' day')).'<br />'; } corrected code.. please check it will work
  5. echo $sql="Write your sql here"; exit; exit command will not allow to continue your code and echo will print the query
  6. print the query and run it in phpmyadmin u wl get to know where the problem is........
  7. You have to chek the file in directory, so pass directory path as well
  8. Hi< I am running a script in php I want the user logout when they close the browser? Any help will be appreciated
  9. No u cant run a javascript after browser is closed
  10. use mysqli function. It is used for connection in object oriented programming
  11. Put the array as a session variable and pass it to any of the pages
  12. Paste your code here, so that i can review it. You can check whether jquery is included in ajax page or not?
  13. You can use javascript validation. There are lots of free codes are available
  14. You can check the url: http://php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-open-file.php
  15. Thanks its really a good example
  16. Your query should be like SELECT * From blog order by postedDate desc limit 1
  17. At the begining when you are assigning $store_name = store1; put this string in quotes like $store_name = "store1"; print the actual query and paste it here
  18. stripos — Find the position of the first occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a string. For example: stripos(string,find,start); <?php echo stripos("Hello world!","WO"); ?> The output of the code above will be: 6
  19. You can store user registeration date in database and write a php programm where you will write a delete query checking the records before 4 years and set this file in cron it will run everyday and delete the records automatically
  20. Your query should be like this: WHERE s.subject_name LIKE '%$keyword%' AND c.city_name LIKE '%$keyword%' OR (o.option_name LIKE '%$option%' OR d.district_id = $districtId OR c.city_id = $cityId )
  21. which version of php you are using?
  22. You can store all the selected value in a Session variable and pass this variable to next page and other wise you can use another approach write an ajax function and save the ID's in a temporary table on checkbox onclick., so when you click submit button fetch all the ids from temp table and send mail once mail is send truncate table.
  23. Query Should be like this "SELECT * FROM registration WHERE uname = '$uname' OR email = '$email' LIMIT 1";
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