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posting the value of an auto submit drop down list to another page
fastsol replied to ajoo's topic in PHP Coding Help
Honestly I don't know what that error means. Are you sure you changed the isset code like Ch0cu3r showed? You had to many () in your original code. This is what I have on my end that tested good. select.php <form method="post" action="dropdownaction.php"> <select name="myselect" onchange="this.form.submit();"> <option>blue</option> <option>red</option> </select> </form> dropdownaction.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title>Untitled 1</title> </head> <body> <?php if(isset($_POST['myselect'])) echo " I am selected".$_POST['myselect']; ?> </body> </html> -
posting the value of an auto submit drop down list to another page
fastsol replied to ajoo's topic in PHP Coding Help
What isn't it doing? I tried the code with the changes Ch0cu3r suggested and it works as I expected it too. -
Unfortunately there isn't going to be any foolproof way to make sure they aren't. You can put multiple checks in place to check along the way to "try" and negate them from achieving 2 accounts but in the end all you may do is keep legitimate users from actually using the site too. You can use a combination of cookies, sessions and registration verification checks to start with. The problem is that people can just fake the registration checks by simply signing up a different email and verifying the email when you send them the "verifictaion email". They can just change or delete the cookies you set and use multiple browsers to negate the session issue. So again, there is no foolproof way to do it. Just put as many checks in place that make sense without keeping legitimate users out.
Ok, so what's so hard about that? Just change the on("hover" to on("click" And if you don't want the menu to close on mouseleave then remove the code block above the on("click" block, then it will only close the menu when you click it again.
Does this the_ID(); echo out an id automatically? Cause you don't have an echo in front of it in the script posted. Are you sure an id is being output to the browser? Check view source of the page to make sure it's placing an id in the link tag.
You need to turn on error_reporting in you php.ini file. Then put this at the top of the page error_reporting(E_ALL); Then it will show you the error the script is throwing and causing it not to load. A quick glance at your script I would guess that you are missing a closing } somewhere.
You mean something like this http://jqueryui.com/accordion/
Here is a tutorial I have on downloading a file in php. You'll have to modify it to accomodate your database query, but the concept of the download is exactly the same either way. http://amecms.com/article/PHP-Force-File-Download-With-File-Whitelist
I haven't used bootstrap so I can't say for sure but this is a meta tag that is usually associated with a responsive design. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1; maximum-scale=1; user-scalable=no;"> // Remove the maximum scale and no scale if you want the wite to be zoomable or scalable on the mobile device.
Seems like you already know what to do but haven't put in place. Have you tried this if ( $sectionname == 'Collars' && $productname == 'Collar' ) { echo '<p class="measurelink noprint">Remember to <a href="neckmeasurepop.php" class="lnkpopup sllink" title="click for popup measuring instructions" onclick="slf_popupwin();return false;">Measure Your Collar Size !</a></p>'; }
In need of a miracle. Some emails still not being received.
fastsol replied to njdubois's topic in PHP Coding Help
Well I suppose that's more info on VPS's than I was given by the (most likely under-paid and don't know much) salespersons at the hosting companies I contacted when deciding on how to handle my situation. All though I did talk to the lead tech at one place and he elluded to the same things I was already told, but maybe that means didly too Anyway the real issue I would say in the server you choose is the ability to setup the proper DNS records and have a whitelisted (as in it's not in any blacklist currently and hopefully has no previous record associated with it.) dedicated IP from the start. Maybe I am a little wrong on the server aspect but all the rest holds true. Cheers! -
Actually he/she has both mysql and mysqli in the posted code!
You don't have to do anything different compared to a desktop site. You just do some css media queries to move things around like the examples I showed. Use whatever coding you want for the page php/HTML it doesn't matter cause it's just the css that makes it mobile ready.
The "mobile" websites that were around the last few years are kind of a dieing bread at this point. The new and easier way is to use css media queries. The main difference for a mobile site is that you move things around to fit nicely in a smaller viewport. This generally would include making the main menu smaller or making it a slidedown menu from the top of the page. Generally you would also use floating divs or inline-block divs so they can move around as the viewport shirnks. Here is a good tutorial that I started learning from when designing my sites http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/responsive-design-with-css3-media-queries You can also see this in action on the websites in my signature. Just look at them on a desktop screen then start making the browser window skinier and you'll see how things move around and change once the viewport size hits specific pixel dimensions. Another site of mine that really moves things around is http://remotelystartedmn.com Those links should give you a fairly good understanding of what a modern mobile site is. The days of m.mysite.com are closing and moving to css media queries. The difficulties in the old way is having to maintain 2 different sites for the same info. The new way is still 1 site with some css to make it look different.
In need of a miracle. Some emails still not being received.
fastsol replied to njdubois's topic in PHP Coding Help
The main reason you can't really use a VPS is even though you may be told you are getting a "dedicated" IP address, you most likley are not getting a truly dedicated AND whitelisted IP. Both of those things are HIGHLY important to make all this stuff work. What I mean by dedicated IP is exactly what it states, a 100% fully dedicated IP never before used and not shared in any manner by another domain. I have a normal shared hosting account with IX also that I used for previous website stuff, within there I have normal shared IPs and then I can also mark a couple as dedicated IPs. The problem there is that even though it's marked as dedicated and I could actually use the ip in the url to navigate to the domain the IP isn't truly dedicated cause it is used by other aspects of IX to do other things behind the scenes. Those "other things" can have a HUGE direct effect on your email reputation simply because whatever else happens on the IP may be hurting your reputation if another domain is using the IP in some way and sending out spam. All the stuff I just talked about is coming straight from the sales people at the few hosting companies I talked to about setting up a dedicated server for my business. Plus if your company wants to have total control of it's business and how it's reputation is handled, then you can't really leave it up to chance that someone or something else is effecting it besides you the company. After researching and understanding the amount of things that higher companies go through to ensure their emails are received, I found it was well worth the investment for my business to go the same route. -
mysql_fetch_assoc() Only returning 1 value instead of all of them.
fastsol replied to MstrGmrDLP's topic in PHP Coding Help
Try changing the $users in the while loop to something else, I think it's overwritting the $users from the query after the first loop while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($users)){ echo "<tr><td><p><a href='users.php?id={$row['user_id']}'>{$row['user_name']}</a></p></td><td>{$row['user_clan']}</td><td>{$row['troop_donations']}</td></tr>"; } -
You have all sorts of weird things going on in that last post of code. If you can zip me up a copy sql dump of your DB and the code you have and send it to [email protected] I can take a look at it.
In need of a miracle. Some emails still not being received.
fastsol replied to njdubois's topic in PHP Coding Help
There are a few other detail things that you would need/want to do after the new server it setup. Mainly sign up for the aol, yahoo and msn feedback loops and microsoft has one other sign up thing that I can't remember at this time, but that is covered in the certification from returnpath. Hopefully your boss listens and will help in fixing this issue for you. You can tell him that the investment would be ~$1500/year for the server and ~$1000/year for the returnpath certification. -
In need of a miracle. Some emails still not being received.
fastsol replied to njdubois's topic in PHP Coding Help
If you't using phpmailer there isn't much that can go wrong there. I can tell you from first hand experience with lots and lots of testing and research to make my own site deliver emails effectively, that emails are NOT simple like you think they are. There is a tremendous amount of things that go into delivering an email to an inbox, expecially at msn/outlook/hotmail account, they have the strictest spam filters of any of them. For an email to go to an inbox you need to have a number of very specific DNS records setup on your domain. I can also tell ou first hand that GoDaddy cannot achieve these for you. I used to have GoDaddy a couple years back and they are honestly terrible for more than just a simple non-dynamic website. So in order for you to get the DNS records done properly, you must use a dedicated server that you can control every single aspect of. Now some people may say that "oh you can just use a VPS or any cPanel setup", no you can't! Those setups still have restrictions that will not allow you to effectively setup the correct DNS records that the email ISP's are now REQUIRING to deliver to the inbox. The other newly and VERY important aspect that the email ISP's use is email/domain reputation. Even with all the proper DNS records setup perfectly, you will still not go into inboxes with out a good reputation. Unfortunately reputation takes time to build unless you send thousands of emails a month. At a rate of 50 emails a day, your reputation will take a couple months to get high enough to really do anything for you. Now with the proper DNS records, you will generally get in to most inboxes, except the ones listed above, right off the bat simply cause the other ISP's are not as strict. If your company is truly set on delivering emails to inboxes EVERY time and can afford the expense to help guarantee that, then you should get certified with returnpath.com. Simply by having their certification you will almost be guaranteed to hit inboxes immediately. BUT they are very strict on requirements to become certified and will require all the things I already talked about and then some. You should start googling stuff about reverse DNS record, spf record, DMRAC record and DKIM. Those are the main DNS records that you will need to setup for the domain and as I already said GoDaddy cannot support this. You need to find a good host that provides fully dedicated servers. I personally use http://ixwebhosting.com and have a friend that uses bluehost. If you call ix and talk to the sales staff and then ask to speak with Mel Vidal and tell him JD from remotelystartedmn.com sent you and he can help set things up once you sign up. Now I will say that I am not always 100% correct in many things I know about coding but this is something that I do know what I'm talking about. Hopefully that helps you get the results you want even if it's not the answer you were hoping for. P.S. one last thing to try quickly is to NOT send the email as html and only as simple text. HTML emails are also a flag to ISP's to be very careful in delivering to inboxes as they can disguise harmful things much easier than simple text. -
Well you don't have a href in the <a> so it's not going to do anything.
php code for selecting multiple values from dropdown
fastsol replied to php2learn's topic in PHP Coding Help
Yeah I forgot the quote part on the implode example. And for sure any validation becomes next to impossible with this way but like Pyscho says you haven't provided enough code/info to demonstrate that based on your needs. -
I explain how to use a database in the article. You simply need to get an array of list items from the database using normal queries and then put that array into the foreach loops in the example. It's the same exact theory, but you're making an array of list items from the db rather than hard coding the list like my example. Here's a quick example from a db query using the $makes from the tutorial. $get = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM `car_makes`"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get)) { $makes[] = $row['make']; } // Now $makes is an array from the DB listing.
php code for selecting multiple values from dropdown
fastsol replied to php2learn's topic in PHP Coding Help
$category = $_POST['category']; // Replace this line with the one below. That will give you a comma separated list for the IN() in the query $category = implode(',', $_POST['category']); -
Here is a tutorial I have on this subject. http://amecms.com/article/Building-Chained-Select-Boxes-with-Jquery-and-PHP
php code for selecting multiple values from dropdown
fastsol replied to php2learn's topic in PHP Coding Help
You have syntax errors in the code you posted. If the form is going to post to the page it's on, then just leave the action="". Also it is not suggested to use $_REQUEST because it can include both $_GET and $_POST which is not a good thing. You should always specifify the method you want to use. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title>Untitled 1</title> </head> <body> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $category = $_POST['category']; print_r($category); } ?> <form action="" method="post"> <select multiple="multiple" name="category[]"> <option>item1</option> <option>item2</option> <option>item3</option> <option>item4</option> </select> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </body>