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Everything posted by trq

  1. If you give all your divs the same class you can hide them all, then show the one you clicked on.
  2. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=345516.0
  3. trq

    code help

    It means exactly what is says. $row['rvalue'] does not exist.
  4. Your foreach syntax is wrong. There are many examples in the manual.
  5. The object you are getting back is NOT an array. It's json. See json_decode to turn it into an array.
  6. You should really look into using a framework such as http://jquerymobile.com
  7. This topic has been moved to Other Libraries and Frameworks. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=345426.0
  8. Sounds like it would be best to add each image to a separate row. Simply loop through the array and insert each image.
  9. Then the problem would appear to be within your Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer code somewhere. Moving to a more appropriate board.
  10. You can place the id of the current thread in the form that will be used to post a new reply as a hidden field.
  11. You must have misread my reply.
  12. Before you go ahead and simply store an array in a format that is near useless for searching. What exactly does this array contain and will the data be used for? If you going to need to manipulate it or search for it while it is in a database then serialising it is a bad option. Instead, you should store it as normalised data, maybe even key value pairs. We need more details about what the data actually is for.
  13. Truth be known however, 99% of the people who struggle to post a decent question do so because they can't be bothered. Do you really think these same people bother reading stickies, guidelines or looking in the manual before they post? No. They are generally after a quick fix. Little do they know however that if they made more effort to resolve the issue themselves or to be more descriptive and helpful when posting there own questions there issues would likely be resolved a hell of allot quicker.
  14. I thought this feature already existed but apparently not. Currently there are a few devs working on upgrading the forums to a newer version. Once this is complete and in production we plan on collecting together a bunch of feature requests and seeing what we would like to implement. This request falls into that basket. We'll look at it when we get to it. Thanks for the idea!
  15. As far as I can see points #1 and #3 are the only things that are really that specific to css/html. Everything else is covered somewhat in our guidelines. I don't think it's really necessary to sticky a new thread containing two points specific to a particular board. Maybe we can just include these points within cssfreakie's sticky? If you would like to make suggestions on the guidelines I'm all ears.
  16. onClick is a client side event and cannot call php which executes on the server. You need to make your form submit to a script which executes your function.
  17. Have you tried simply echoing your database results first to see if the query itself is working?
  18. As simple check of the manual (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#include) and you would have seen that the Include directive is only allowed within server config, virtual host and directory contexts. So not, it does not work within a .htaccess file.
  19. The code you have posted has nothing to do with smarty and your question is far too vague for anyone to be able to assist you. What exactly is the issue?
  20. Your query looks fine. The only issue I see here is that $chatUsers isn't defined anywhere within your function. You will need to pass this variable into your function using an argument. function userChatReset($username) { $query = Doctrine_Query::create()->update('db_chatUsers')->set('type', 'user')->where('username = ' . $username); //execute query $rows = $query->execute(); echo $rows.' rows updated'; } Then call it using: userChatReset($chatUsers->username);
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