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Everything posted by trq

  1. Can we see some relevant code?
  2. Yea true... ok. I need to read up a lot more than i thought. phpMyAdmin, is just an application which sits on the linux os right? Can it be launched from the command line? Or does it always have to be launched from another web based application like cPanel, webmin or ispconfig? phpMyAdmin is a web application like any other php web application. It runs on a web server, just like any other php application. There is no command line interface to phpMyAdmin, there is however a command line interface to mysql itself.
  3. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=342166.0
  4. Yes. You can check it by using: grep User /etc/apache2/httpd.conf && grep Group /etc/apache2/httpd.conf Your config file location may differ.
  5. The rute guide is an awesome (non distro specific) guide. http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz
  6. You'll want to check strpos() returns false. Instead of >=0 use === false
  7. Iv'e never bothered using any of the GUI interfaces and you'll have a hard time using both because cPanel and the like tend to make a mess of your configs. I've always found it easier to just do things myself.
  8. Take a look at: print_r($_GET); for debugging.
  9. This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=342045.0
  10. See http://php.net/manual/en/info.configuration.php#ini.magic-quotes-gpc Magic quotes can and should be disabled.
  11. It's pretty hard to tell without seeing your design, but I have my router return a command object which has class and method as properties. I would then do something like... $class = $command->getClass(); $method = $command->getMethod(); $obj = new $class; $class->$method();
  12. If your going to use it in a query what do you need to print it for? echo implode(',', $_GET['selectedSetupTop']);
  13. This statement is all together incorrect. The header function sends http headers back to the client. One of the common headers sent happens to be the Location header which asks a browser to redirect to another location.
  14. trq


    And your question is?
  15. You could write your own Ajax functionality in JavaScript (as you have done), but it is much better to use tried and true implementations that are well tested, flexible and easy to use. Using a framework for JavaScript just takes allot of the grunt work out of it.
  16. You could use glob to build an array of files to include then loop through that array including them. Because in the end, it's a better design that is more efficient and easier to implement.
  17. Why are you storing serialized data in the database in the first place?
  18. You should read this.
  19. That makes no sense at all and will throw a parse error. Just use include.
  20. That kind of functionality would require something custom made.
  21. You do have an smtp server installed?
  22. Another issue is that your pretending to send the mail from a hotmail address. The client will see that the actual server and the From address differ and mark the emails as spam. You should always send your emails from a valid email address on the actual server sending the email.
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