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Everything posted by trq

  1. I never mentioned the $_POST or $_REQUEST arrays. Assuming your attempting to build around the MVC pattern, generally, this pattern gives access to (and creates) both a Request & Response object. These objects are generally available to the controller. Well, the Request object generally is, while the Response object might actually be available through the View. Having said that, it's not always necessary, it's really just a design decision.
  2. Generally, your controller would have access to a Request object which would store all the data that comes with a users request.
  3. Do you at least have a test account people can use?
  4. Have you actually searched anywhere for a free WYSIWYG editor? There are literally hundreds of them.
  5. switch ($_POST["score_" . $row['id']]) { case 1: $score = 'Low'; break; case 2: $score = 'Average'; break; case 3: $score = 'High'; break; } The bigger questions are why are you appending a users id onto the end of all your form elements? And why is this all happening within a while loop? In fact why does the SELECT exist at all?
  6. As for your signature, see #5 of the forum rules. http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/rules-and-terms-of-service
  7. I'm not sure I understand why you think my comment was smart arsed? I answered the previous question is all.
  8. That will work, depending on what you want done obviously.
  9. You mean it hasn't already?
  10. I would probably be inclined to look into Django, just because Python is a more powerful sys admin tool IMO.
  11. Absolute genius, that will come in handy.
  12. Yeah, I'm gonna give that another shot this year. We've a bub on the way.
  13. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319994.0
  14. This topic has been moved to Other Web Server Software. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319991.0
  15. I doubt very much your going to get it to work. But like I said, it would be a permissions issue, nothing to do with PHP.
  16. It's likely your server doesn't have permissions to open the window manager. Not sure how you would go about this under windows, or if it is even possible.
  17. Actually, doing what you have done will also break the current include_path, meaning that things like PEAR will no longer work. Make sure you always add to the include_path, don't just override it. set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . FRAMEWORK);
  18. Yeah, what you have will work but, IMO You really should (at least) look at the PEAR naming convention and using __autoload or spl_autoload to load your classes.
  19. Every framework that I have ever used simply gets put where ever you like, then the directory containing all the classes is added to php's inlcude_path. You should take a look at how frameworks such as Zend go about it, even PEAR works the same way.
  20. This topic has been moved to Other Programming Languages. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=319972.0
  21. 1) You could just as easily use PHP or .Net 2) Struts is just another web application framework built on-top of another language. They are designed to abstract away common tasks and to simplify development. 3) Drupal & Joomla are written in PHP, Ruby is another programming language.
  22. You might want to cut some more code out. We only need what's relevant, personally, that's far too much code for me to even bother with.
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