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Everything posted by trq

  1. trq


    Firstly, MySql does not use the http protocol so you can remove all that. Its a hostname (or ip address), not a url, there is a big difference. You also need to make sure that the user account on server B has permissions (on server A) to connect to your database from server B. This is all covered within the MySql manual. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/adding-users.html
  2. The word 'KEY' is a reserved word in MySql. Either (and preferred) change you field name to something else or force MySql to see it is an identifier by using `backticks`.
  3. Did you actually write all that code or the more obvious, just copy and paste it from somewhere? On line 6 is a call to a function called bloginfo(). This function is not part of php and must be defined somewhere else within the application. You need to include this functions definition within the same scope that it is called.
  4. Also.... Because your code says: alert(id);
  5. Mind posting some relevant code?
  6. There is a force download script in the FAQ/Code Snippet board that should get you most of the way toward implementing this functionality.
  7. You said it yourself. <?php drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); ?>
  8. The way you described yourself using the script in your very first post is how it is intended to be used and the only way it really can. I'm really sure sure what the rest of your post has been trying to get at.
  9. I know what an events calendar looks like. My previous post still sits. You just need to think your problem through. What does an event calendar need to do? 1) You need to be able to display a calendar (you've got this within the ui plugin). 2) If a data is clicked, a new div needs to open up containing a form to collect details. 2a) This form needs to submit to a php script (likely via Ajax) to store the event details. That's the basics....
  10. Of course there are ways of doing it. You need to think the problem through logically and plan out each step of the process. If you don't have that ability, you might try searching the jQuery site for an existing plugin.
  11. Members have been promoted on a fairly regular basis around here. It isn't something that is asked for.
  12. What exactly are you suggesting? We have already determined that activity doesn't really equate to quality. look at me for example 22,000+ posts and I would estimate near half of them are telling people to RTM.
  13. This is a very simple example written by the guy who first wrote php. You would however be much better off using a framework such as jQuery these days.
  14. Most of the decent IDE's support frameworks simply by placing them on an include path. Sure though, if you've got the $ to fork out for Zend Studio, it looks pretty good.
  15. You need to have this function in its own file called via an img tags src attribute. The reason being is the entire file needs to be treated as an image. I'm not sure you can try placing a call to your function within the src attribute. eg; <img src="<php yourfunction(); ?>" /> Might be worth a shot.
  16. Scripts like these aren't really designed to be executed via a browser. What exactly does the script do?
  17. Likely because its a bug. Either fix (and maintain) the package yourself or report it.
  18. Indeed it is, and nothing at all to do with php.
  19. Then take a look at strtotime and then date.
  20. What does $row['dob'] look like?
  21. Sounds like your simply needing to customize the default 403 Forbidden page.
  22. Sorry, but your post makes little to no sense at all.
  23. If you put your password within single quotes it shouldn't parse the exclamation mark which has special meaning to the shell.
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