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Everything posted by trq

  1. Firstly, whats with all the concatenation? You could write this code as simply as.... echo "<td><a href=\"{$row['resource_name_path.']}\">{$row['hyperlink_resource_name']}</a></td>"; Now, what does that produce?
  2. What data type is the counter field?
  3. Then you should be able to answer this question yourself.
  4. In fact if you don't tell them to stop it you can be liable for prosecution (where I live anyway).
  5. Lock the rest of the system down. Users cannot generally create files or edit files anywhere that they can damage anything. There is no simple one stop quick fix, it's just typical sys admin stuff. Can you be specific about where it is your stuck or what it is you don't understand?
  6. And what? I don;t see what is sooooo difficult. What is the issue?
  7. Not really, you just need to create a user that will be in charge of executing it.
  8. You have created thousands of blogs but are yet to work out how much to charge? You really want us to put a price on your time? How should we know what your time is worth to you? Only you can answer this question. Personally, doing any kind of freelance stuff I won't bother for less than $120/hr. You however, I wouldn't have a clue.
  9. Why do you need to make this field dynamic? And why on earth would that be coming from user submitted data?
  10. You cannot use dynamic identifiers like that. PDO sees the value passed into :field as a string and will surround it with quotes accordingly. Column identifiers cannot be surrounded in quotes.
  11. Post your database schema and your code.
  12. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/data-type-defaults.html
  13. If I was in your position, I would hire a programmer. In order to optimise code, you first need a pretty good understanding of it.
  14. No, that would be one instance per request and I believe Zend_Auth would refer to the current users session.
  15. Cool. Do you have a question?
  16. You know what the problem is, all you need to do is learn how to think your problem through.
  17. There are better ways of accessing a files size without using COM as well. See file_size.
  18. You need to create a simple user to execute this service as. You then make the files this service requires access to be owned by that user. The idea of someone being able to upload a script sounds dodgy, what exactly are you trying to do?
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