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Everything posted by trq

  1. Why not check and see for yourself? Your code has no error trapping at all.
  2. trq

    php includes

    No, ../ means 1 directory up.
  3. You cannot write to a file using client side JavaScript. What exactly are you trying to achieve?
  4. Your example and description don't help at all. Learn to prepare a decent question and come back.
  5. You can test for a valid date format. JavaScript, like a lot of other languages has a regex engine.
  6. Your query is failing for some reason. Do you have any way of checking errors from those objects?
  7. Sorry, missed that all together. Remove the quotes from around the $connection variable. It's not a string. $sanitized_email=mysqli_sanitize($connection, "T'es'ts3e");
  8. The code you just posted does not work with the sqlsrv driver. Looks like it requires the old mssql extension which you apparently don't have installed either. Either install the old (and depricated mssql extension) or find an abstraction that uses the sqlsrv extension. PS: This thread has nothing to do with the topic of this board.
  9. Your passing the string "connection", not the connection resource that the function actually requires. On top of that, you never actually use the $conn variable anyway.
  10. The best you could do would be to make your function accept an array.
  11. Go to the freelance board, read the rules and if you agree, post your request. This board clearly states it is for help with code.
  12. No, it means that variables do not interpolate within a single quoted string. Try: exec("C:\PSTools\psexec -d 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php-cgi.exe' C:\inetpub\wwwroot\bkupdate.php '$var1' '$var2'");
  13. Variables are not interpolated within single quotes.
  14. You could start by showing us the complete error message.
  15. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=360286.0
  16. Well wouldn't ya know. It's been a long time since I've used jQuery (we use Mootools at work). I should probably check the manual before opening my mouth I guess.
  17. If you want to use it. oh, and jQuery doesn't have any include method.
  18. Ha, I didn't even see that. I guess I should have read the topic.
  19. I work for a company in Sydney. We develop administration software for schools.
  20. Remove the [] from around the string "Wood Axe"
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