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Everything posted by trq

  1. This forum is for help with code. Do you have a coding issue?
  2. I'm sure he meant the system would check for *all reminders* anytime anyone viewed *any page*. This can kinda be used to executed events at given intervals if you have a reliable source of traffic. Really though, it's not at all reliable.
  3. Ive not used it but isn't Yii another MVC implementation? You don't create "pages" per say, but controllers and views. I'm pretty sure this would all be covered in the manual. How much of that have you looked at?
  4. And you want help with what?
  5. No. You would set up a cronjob on the server to execute daily, check the database for reminders and send emails whenever required.
  6. Sounds like you need to look into web sockets or similar. Http alone is really designed to do what you your trying to do. It was only luck it ever worked in the first place.
  7. Without code we can't help.
  8. You have given us no information about how this data is represented.
  9. Why are you all using an old version of Zf?
  10. That is a coding error. Post your code in PHP help.
  11. So... where exactly are you stuck?
  12. Because your query is failing and you have zero error checking. Why is your query failing? Probably because strings need to be surrounded by quotes in SQL.
  13. Not at all. That's why I said I rarely use it.
  14. Is that meant to be a question? If so, the answer is yes. this board is for help with PHP code. We are not here to write code for people.
  15. vim's code completion is the best (quickest and most flexible) Ive used, not that I use it often.
  16. But who the hell uses Windows servers?
  17. You need to be more specific with the details relating to your question and you also need to post in the correct board. Try again.
  18. "Not working" doesn't help us help you.
  19. Why aren't you using dynamically configured virtual hosts? Restarting the server after creating each vhost is redundant.
  20. We can't help without seeing relevant code.
  21. So files cannot be executed directly by PHP, they are shared objects, made for C. PHP extensions are packaged into shared objects, is what you really want to do to load an extension?
  22. You would be much better off looking into a framework such as React in my opinion. pcntl_fork isn't really designed to work within a http server environment.
  23. If you are seriously asking these questions it is highly likely that you are not ready to take on such a task. Sorry, but people should really learn to walk before they attempt to run.
  24. There is no concept of "plugins" in PHP. They are application / framework specific. Still your sentence makes no sense.
  25. That sentence makes no sense.
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