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Everything posted by trq

  1. Cli as in command line interface. See http://php.net/cli
  2. Sounds like your looking for a developer. We have a freelance section for such requests.
  3. && is the logical "and" operator. Where you going to find the data you need from the category is any ones guess though sorry.
  4. Skips? It ../ goes back up the directory tree one directory from where it is called. ../../ goes back up 2 etc etc So, all this (../../image.jpg) says is go back up two directories (relative to the current url) and find the file image.jpg If you have used any kind of computer from a terminal this type of thing becomes second nature. If you haven't (and your a programmer) do so.
  5. Nope, it's not at all right. MSSQL doesn't like `backticks` at all.
  6. mysql_insert_id works as described. Your code however is riddled with syntax errors. Is this your actual code? Do you have error reporting enabled and display errors on?
  7. This type of program needs to be run from the cli, not via apache. Essentially you are trying to run a server inside a server.
  8. Do you understand what the ../../ does?
  9. Session don't die when you close the browser, they expire after a period of inactivity.
  10. Can to share so that we might better understand exactly what it is you are talking about?
  11. What are you talking about? With the code you have shown, your service_id will show up within $_GET['service_id'] on the index.php page.
  12. Sounds like instead of simply including the files and having them dump variables into the global namespace you need to take more control. Functions would likely suffice, as they would enable you to encapsulate whatever it is that needs to be done to generate this data yet they can return it to wherever it is needed.
  13. Where exactly are you stuck? What code have you currently got in index.php ?
  14. This line: $from = '$_POST['ApplicantName']; Should be: $from = $_POST['ApplicantName']; And this line: <td colspan="2">"'Employment Application Details:"</td> Should be: <td colspan="2">"Employment Application Details:"</td> You need better eyes and a better editor.
  15. I use aws for everything now days so don't really have any hosting recommendations sorry. We do have a sticky thread on the subject in the misc board though.
  16. You don't need a filename. <a href="?dirchoice=<?php echo $darr[$x]; ?>"> I'm not convinced that is the issue though.
  17. The 2nd piece of code should not work on any version of php 5 unless some nitwit has seriously borked the configuration. If that is working on Godaddy, they are more fucked up than I thought. Time to change hosting providers.
  18. Do you think every time you make a post on this forum a new php page is created for it? No, your data is stored in a database and a single (actually a few - but you get the idea) php page is used to display it. So... all you do is store all your data that will change per user in a database. You then create pages that pull this data from the database to display it. This is what php is all about. Not dynamically generating more and more code.
  19. Why would each user need there own pages? Kind of defeats the purpose of creating a dynamic website.
  20. What is the relevant error and code now?
  21. Instead of dredging up some old thread from over 12 months ago why don't you post your own topic describing your problem. How do you know it is even the same issue?
  22. No kidding, you already said that.
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