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Posts posted by AV1611

  1. I cleaned up some of the css last night, but it's not done. 

    Did the color change on the main menu on hover help?

    also, the stuff I already changed.


    anyone else got suggestions?


    thanks so much.


    (BTW if you wanna see ugly code look at the source of the site they did I posted above (it was publisher :P))


  2. I just took a quick look at your page source, WTF, I almost crapped in my pants!!!


    um... why?


    I have all the css (including some that's not being used) in the index file while I work up the site.  I also have to move some css from the tags to the css class. Other than that I can' t imagine what you mean.


    To whoever: I only have the w3c crap at the bottom because I like to check my work often. I will replace that footer info with some site info.


    As for the stats thing... not my idea... the person wants it.


    I agree, the banner sux... but I'm not a graphic artist :P Anyone who wants to make me one ... :P


    I am converting the site from what they originally had here: http://www.hevly.net/


    I agree gray is dull... but I don't have a better idea ... it's not a "marketing" site so much as a technical info site.



  3. how is the layout formated now? height:auto would make them dynamic which i assume your using and then if the divs are floated clear both should work..






    height: 100%;

    margin: 0px;

    padding: 0px;


    font-size: 12px;



    color: #222;

    width: 100%;

    background-color: white;

    margin-left: auto;

    margin-right: auto;

    padding: 0px;

    position: relative;

    height:auto !important; /* real browsers */

    height:100%; /* IE6: treated as min-height*/

    min-height:100%; /* real browsers */



    Then the content side is float right and the left is float left.


    the content is stacked divs


    now do I make the last div be the bottom, even when the page is changed?


  4. 1.  Ugly header.  It caught my eye first and really was disappointing.  It's so...bland, and in between the letters...well uhh...there's a really light shade of gray which bothered me.

    better now?

    2.  Make all of the menu items have the same width so when you hover over any of them, they all get borders the same way.  Less distractions that way.

    good idea... will do now

    3.  Bring the footer down to the very bottom of the page, not the bottom of the content.

    ... not sure how to make that happen... the page will have dynamic length?

  5. <?php
    function ceil_nearest($number, $power) {
        if ($power < 1) {
            return false;
        return ceil($number * pow(10, ($power * -1))) * pow(10, $power);


    All you need to know is powers of 10.

    thank you
  6. I need to round up to the nearest dollar so for example $51,000.01 would be 52,000.00


    Doesn't seem to be a way? do I need to add like $499.99 to the value then round to the nearest instead? or is there an easier way?



  7. actually I am just trying to get the list of dates for a throw away project and will not be running sql against it other than to fill in some data. when it's done I'll export to csv and delete.



  8. I need to create a database with two + columns.  one needs to have the date as "1/1/2007" and the other as "Monday" sequential through all of 2007.

    I really just need to figure out how to sequence the php to make all the dates... I can handle the rest... Thanks.

  9. If you create a file called index.php xampp should load that file by default if it's in the web root folder (/htdocs?)


    Anyways, if you make myfile.php you can only load it as a url in the browser or by another script with header() or whatever...




    mysite.com will load default doc type (usually index.php, then index.html, etc...) depending on your install

  10. I'm confused by sessions...


    I know that to access a session variable the script needs to start with session_start then I can read out $_SESSION[var].


    as I go from page to page, each script starts with the session_start and the session var is there..




    I have a logout hyperlinl that simply does this:



    header('Location: index.php');


    when I click the link, it give me this error:


    Warning: session_destroy() [function.session-destroy]: Trying to destroy uninitialized session in C:\xampplite\htdocs\cvlb\killall.php on line 2




    Am I just very confused...???



  11. if(!preg_match("/^[-_a-z0-9\'+*$^&%=~!?{}]++(?:\.[-_a-z0-9\'+*$^&%=~!?{}]+)*+@(?:(?![-.])[-a-z0-9.]+(?<![-.])\.[a-z]{2,6}|\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?::\d++)?$/iD", $email))

    LOL someone else just posted the exact same question :D




  12. I believe you have a parse error and not error reporting set in your php environment.  It looks like you have three closes when you have only two open:








    Or what he said... I miscounted.  Use indents in your code, life is easier that way.


  13. If I understand, you have 3 types of logins:


    1.  Admin

    2.  Users

    3.  A Specific User


    using if isset for session admin or user is ok, then a subclause under session users like && $_SESSION['user'] == fred (which you would set when fred logged in) would give you the extra functionality.


    Please forgive me if I misunderstand the question.  I just wrote the exact script last night for another project LOL.

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