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Posts posted by AV1611

  1. I did the entire layout fluid in div's.  I've never done an entire site without using tables for the layout.


    I did an update to the site.


    The entire site is a single php css sheet

    and single file for the site.  All the content will be driven later.


    Again, I was looking for layout critique... technical stuff.  The site is a template for the learning experience.  I'm sorry it's not a live site, but what I master here will drive what I do for the next long while.




  2. Can someone help me...


    I've googled but can't seem to figure out how to do this:


    .png images with transparency that work in Moz & IE


    Let's do something real simple:


    <img src="FileWithTransparency.png" alt="" />

  3. This site is a template for some blot software I'm gonna make...


    1.  I am only looking for overall cosmetics and layout critiques.

    2.  The content and header logo are there only for effect, and do not have anything to do with the scope of this critique. 


    The site is driven by a single php stylesheet.  Content type per page will follow suit when I work it up.





  4. I am very grateful for the help.  I have done non-liquid sites for years, and also table based (which we ALL did in the old days...)  I just needed to get started on liquid...


    I do all my code in Firefox (I work on a linux box... with GIMP :D)  I use text editors, not NVU or Bluefish or whatever... it's just easier for me...


    Once I do something in firefox I do w3c validation.


    Then I do IE testing... and either fix it or change my strategy.  I don't like to do js hacks to fix code, so I limit myself...


    I used XHTML as this is a template... and I do extensive Database/PHP stuff... so I just do it from habit.


    It'll take me some time to get my head around all you said...


    Thank you again...



  5. A. Your fix did the trick.




    B. I have NO UNDERSTANDING of the fix, which means I've not learned anything.  I'm not sure how to google for an explanation...




    This was a training exorcise.  I need to understand so I can repeat it.




    -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;


    I can prolly figure out the rest with google, but I've never seen that stuff before.

  6. Ah... that makes sense.


    The inline is only because this is a training exercise for myself.  (as in lazy :P)






    *    *right*************

    *    *    *content*******

    *    *    *                      *




  7. Surely someone here knows how to make a fluid website...


    The issue is I am using a div with a float left and float right in the body for the edge and the text on white background.  I can't seem to do that unless I specify a height, but then the site isn't fluid any more. using % for height also doesn't work.  If I use height/min-height then it breaks out of the container if you change to a bigger font.  Besides, I'm gonna drive the text with PHP so that's no good.  I need a fluid div with the float left and float right.


    I am trying to not us tables any more.




  8. I'm trying to make a site that fluid both horizontal and vertical.


    Here is what I have so far.




    all code in view source.


    I can't understand why the "body" section won't display the .png for left and right?


    How do I make it expandable vertically?  If I specify a height, it works, but then it's not fluid.




    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="eng">


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


    <style type="text/css">



    background-color: #cf4c36;

    margin: 0px;

    padding: 0px;




    text-align: justify;



    {border: 0px green solid;}

    div, ul, li, p


    margin: 0px;

    padding: 0px;





    <div style="width: 80%; height: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-top; 0px; background-color: #cf4c36; padding: 0px;">

    <div style="margin: 0px; background: url(bannermiddle.png); height: 165px; text-align: center;">

    <div style="float: left; background: url(bannerleft.png); height: 165px; width: 25px;">


    <div style="float: right; background: url(bannerright.png); height: 165px; width: 25px;">


    <img src="bannermiddlepenguin.png" style="float: left; height: 165px; width: 140px; padding; 0px margin:0px; border: 0px;" />

    <p> </p>

    <p style="color: #cf4c36; font-size: 36px; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 0px; padding: 10px; text-align: center;">

    In a world without Walls...<p/>

    <p style="color: #cf4c36; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: center;">

    Who needs Gates and Windows?




    <div style="width: 80%; height: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-top; 0px; background-color: white; padding: 0px; height: auto;">

    <div style="margin: 0px; width: 100%; background-color: white;">

    <div style="float: left; background: url(bodyleft.png); width: 25px; height: auto;">


    <div style="float: right; background: url(bodyright.png); width: 25px; height: auto;">


    <p>this is a text<br />this is a text<br />this is a text<br />this is a text<br />this is a text<br /></p>



    <div style="width: 80%; height: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-top; 0px; background-color: white; padding: 0px;">

    <div style="margin: 0px; background: url(footmiddle.png); height: 21px; text-align: center; ">

    <div style="float: left; background: url(footleft.png); height: 21px; width: 31px;"><p> </p>


    <div style="float: right; background: url(footright.png); height: 21px; width: 31px;"><p> </p>


    <div style="height: 21px; ">







  9. I was trying to fluid horizontal and vertical on the same site. I decided that this was too complex for my first go at div only, so I went with a fixed width body.


    I got it up, but have a question:


    Any idea why the site is not CENTERED in IE? It's fine in FF etc.

  10. OIC,


    I changed it to this:


    <div style="width: 800px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 0px; background-color: yellow; text-align: center;";>

    <div style="float: left;">left float</div>

    <div style="float: right;">right float</div>

    <p>This text should be in the middle of the main div.</p>



    Now nothing is "broken out". 


    I still don't understand why the container isn't centered, Do I need a clear: right or something? I don't understand that, but know it fixed a site once.

  11. I read through the last section that deal with liquid 3 column layout, which is what I'm doing kinda.


    Here is a sample of my problem:


    <div style="width: 800px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 0px; background-color: yellow; text-align: center;";>

    <div style="float: left;">left float</div>

    <p>This text should be in the middle of the main div.</p>

    <div style="float: right;">right float</div>



    You can view the problem here:




    The right is under the container, not in the container. (and the whole container is right not centered...)

  12. I've always made my overall sites the old way:


    Make a table for the template, then css it to look good.


    It works great, but it may not always,




    I have to make sites using div's for layout.


    One thing alludes me when using divs:


    How do I line 3 of them side by side. 




    Here is what I mean


    main div

    div1  div2  div3

    close main container


    what happens is this:


    main div




    close main container



    I have figured out that i can do 2 side by side with float left, float right, but what If I need 3 or more side by side? how do I do it then?


    A good example would be a liquid header. 


    Here is a site that does it with a table.  I want to convert this site to div's only:







  13. BTW





        <a href="server3.php?run=start">Start Game Server</a><br />

        <a href="server3.php?run=stop">Stop Game Server</a><br />


        die('You must specify an option');




        set_time_limit(3); //<--- did not help


        exec('/home/aops-lnxded-2.8.1/System/server-bin GLOBAL sniper_range.aao -nohomedir ini=server.ini &');

        echo 'Server Started...'; //<--- never get here




        exec('kill -9 $(ps -C server-bin | grep server-bin | awk "{print $1}")');



  14. That worked just as expected.


    I've got 2 final minor problems.




    When I issue the exec() to start the server, it starts perfectly but the browser never gets any info so it sits with an hourglass and never times out or whatever.  You can close the browser ok, but that's kinda annoying.  Suggestions?  I put an echo success at the end of the clause but it never get's to it.  Suggestions?




    The stop worked flawlessly.  I need to modify that to some kind of check to see if the server is already started before trying to start it... I can handle the clauses, I just could use some help with the $var made from the exec() to see if it is running already.  Hope that makes sense.



  15. I untared and mod'ed the ini's.  no install, no compiling. 


    I did notice that when I try to execute it with ssh it gives me an error if I don't do it from the

    /home/username/aops-lnxded-2.8.1/System folder.


    It complains about not finding ../System/somefile


    I make a shell script that does

    cd /path/to/System


    then did

    exec('sh /path/to/file.sh');

    but it still doesn't work,

    but the sh works in ssh from anywhere.



  16. Let's review:


    Because the virtual domain is chrooted to /var/www/virtualname/ then /home doesn't exist.  "/" is actually "/var/www/virtualname/" 


    If I

    mkdir /var/www/virtualname/home


    then  copy





    all is well.


    Is my understanding of how the chrooted jail work correct?



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