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Everything posted by cmgmyr

  1. cmgmyr


    true...you can also make different statements with putting the brackets in different places: if($a == 0 && ($b == 1 || $c == 3)){ echo "You did it"; } is not the same as: if(($a == 0 && $b == 1) || $c == 3){ echo "You did it"; }
  2. yes, i think that was the only thing doing it. I think it's also good to enclose your statements in {}'s just incase your statement gets bigger later you won't have to worry about it. Like: <?php $d=date("D"); if ($d=="Fri"){ echo "Have a nice weekend!"; }elseif ($d=="Sun"){ echo "Have a nice Sunday!"; }else{ echo "Have a nice day!"; } ?> hope this helps
  3. ok i think i got it, try : <?php $newsheads = get_news_id(); $i = 0; while($i < count($newsheads)){ //output newsheads echo $newsheads[$i]."<br />"; $i++; } function get_news_id() { $conn = db_connect(); $result = $conn->query("SELECT newshead FROM news ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 5"); if (!$result){ throw new Exception('Could not execute query'); } $i=0; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $newsheads[$i] = $row['newshead']; $i++; } return $newsheads; } ?>
  4. what does your DB structure look like?
  5. did you get an error or anything? what happened? ...also your hello needs to be echo "Hello";
  6. try something like this: <?php $newsheads = get_news_id(); $i = 0; while($i < count($newsheads)){ //output newsheads echo $newsheads[$i]."<br />"; $i++; } function get_news_id() { $conn = db_connect(); $result = $conn->query("SELECT newshead FROM news ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 5"); if (!$result){ throw new Exception('Could not execute query'); } $i=0; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $return[$i] = $row['newshead']; $i++; } echo $return; } ?> ...i didn't test it, but it looks right let me know how it works out.
  7. do you have an id associated with the record? if you do not you will have to make unique primary id's. also you can check this out: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/06/26/fulltext.html
  8. or <?php if($var != 1){ //do something } ?>
  9. also you can use this: <?php //go to page.php in 2 seconds echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=\"2; URL=page.php\">"; ?>
  10. Try this, it seemed to work for me. <?php if ($errors == "") { mysql_query("INSERT INTO registration2 VALUES( '', '".addslashes($_POST['firstname'])."', '".addslashes($_POST['lastname'])."', '".addslashes($_POST['email'])."' )") or die(mysql_error()); echo "Registration Successful!"; } else { echo $errors."Please go back and try again."; } //Here is the header code that doesn't: if ($errors == "") { mysql_query("INSERT INTO registration2 VALUES( '', '".addslashes($_POST['firstname'])."', '".addslashes($_POST['lastname'])."', '".addslashes($_POST['email'])."' )") or die(mysql_error()); header("Location: thankyou.php"); } else { echo $errors."Please go back and try again."; } ?> I pretty much just took out that exit;
  11. try: <?php // Page ID $page="1"; ?> <?php require("db/connect.php"); // Already connected to mysql $query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = $page"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $cnt = $row["count"]; $cnt++; } mysql_query( "UPDATE table SET count = $cnt WHERE id = $page"); // echo the number of htis echo $cnt; ?>
  12. I'm assuming that your database will be getting bigger later so you should also think about looping through your query to show more lines of data.
  13. Hey, maybe this will get you started. This is what I use for one of my sites. You can alter the sql query to send to only certain people, like type = 1. <?php global $db, $subject, $msg, $site_name, $site_email, $site_url; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $name = $row['name']; $email = $row['email']; $userid = $row['userid']; $message = "Hello $name,\n\n"; $message .= "$msg\n\n\n\n"; $message .= "-------------------------\n"; $message .= "$site_name\n"; $message .= "$site_url\n"; $to = $email; $header = "From: $site_name <$site_email>\n"; $header .= "Reply-To: $site_email\n\n"; if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $header)){ echo "Success sending to: $to (<a href=\"profile.php?userid=$userid\">$name</a>)<br>"; }else{ echo "<font color=\"#FF0000\">Error:</font> Failed sending to: $to (<a href=\"profile.php?userid=$userid\">$name</a>)<br>"; }//end else }//end while ?> let me know if you have any questions.
  14. cmgmyr


    can you list an example of what you would like to do? Maybe something like this: if($a == 0 && $b == 1 || $c == 3){ echo "You did it"; }
  15. wow...you are amazing! thank you so much!
  16. OK...so right now I have gotten all of the categories to display correctly with the current amount of products. I have found if the current category had children categories. Now what I want to do is make a list out of them. So that all categories are in the <li></li> tags, but if the catefory has children then add <ul>, then close the ul when all of the children for that parent are done. Currently I have the code outputting the begginning ul ok, but I can't seem to figure out how to close them all correctly, it's getting some of them...but not all. I have attached the small (test) database, the current (incorrect) output, and the correct output (that I manually altered). And here is the current script that I'm using: <?php session_start(); require "class.mysql.php"; $db = new mysql; listCats(0); session_destroy(); function listCats($id, $level=0) { global $db; $sql = "SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '$id' ORDER BY cat_name"; $result = $db->query($sql); while (list($id, $name) = $db->fetchRow($result)) { $indent = str_repeat('-', $level*2); //See how many products this category has $products = "SELECT count(*) FROM products WHERE cat_id = '$id'"; $count_products = $db->fetchOneCol($products); if($count_products > 0){ $count_products = "($count_products)"; }else{ $count_products = ""; } //Get parent id $parent = "SELECT parent_id FROM categories WHERE cat_id = '$id'"; $parent_id = $db->fetchOneCol($parent); //See if there are any child catagories $child = "SELECT count(*) FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '$id'"; $count_child = $db->fetchOneCol($child); if($count_child > 0){ $end = "\n<ul>\n"; $show_child = $count_child; if(!$_SESSION[$id]){ $_SESSION[$id] = $count_child; } }else{ $end = ""; $show_child = "0"; if($_SESSION[$parent_id]){ $_SESSION[$parent_id]--; if($_SESSION[$parent_id] == 0){ $end = "\n</ul>\n"; } } } echo "$begin<li><a href=\"page.php?cat_id=$id\">$name</a></li>\n$end"; listCats($id, $level+1); } } ?> Thanks [attachment deleted by admin]
  17. Simple enough Thanks again, I think that should be it for now.
  18. Thanks! That worked great! Just one more thing... require "includes/class.mysql.php"; $db = new mysql; listCats(0); function listCats($id, $level=0) { global $db; $sql = "SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '$id' ORDER BY cat_name"; $result = $db->query($sql); while (list($id, $name) = $db->fetchRow($result)) { $indent = str_repeat('-', $level*5); echo "$indent $id. $name<br />"; listCats($id, $level+1); } } Can I use anything other then global for $db? Thanks
  19. Yes, I am using the parentid method. I'm just having a little trouble getting started. Here is what I have so far: $db = new mysql; $sql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE parent_id = 0 ORDER BY cat_name"; // Perform a query selecting five articles $result = $db->query($sql); // Display the results while ($row = $db->fetch($result)) { $cat_name = stripslashes($row['cat_name']); $cat_id = stripslashes($row['cat_id']); echo "$cat_name "; //See how many Sub-Categories there are $count = 0; //Clear count $sql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE parent_id = ".$cat_id; $sub = $db->query($sql); $count = $db->numRows($sub); if($count){ echo "($count) <br />"; //Continue to find more sub-categories }else{ echo "<br />"; } } Thanks
  20. What is the best way to cycle through these categories and sub-categories? Thanks
  21. Well the first thing that you need to do is close your content div like: <div id="header"></div> <div id="nav"></div> <div id="content"> <div id="box"> </div> </div> <div id="footer"></div> I'll assume that you are trying to center "box" right? If so you need to do this: #box{ width:200px; margin:0px auto; } and that should center it for you...you do need a width in there though. Hope that helps.
  22. I'm not really fond of the network site. I think your PPA site has a lot more potential. The PPA site needs a little modification but I think it's doable. Your current network site just doesn't work, it looks pretty unprofessional and I think you will have a hard time attracting clients with it. Just my opinion
  23. How much do you want to spend per month? How much space/bandwidth do you want/need? What features do you want? What's the matter with just buying a big shared hosting package?
  24. I agree with ron...Why don't you keep the same site design as your main site? Usually if you make a "network" of sites they should all have the same flavor. I would say stay with your current main website design.
  25. So I'm starting out in OOP and I decided to make my own little MySQL class. Can you please review and let me know if there is anything else i NEED either to make it better or for security. Will this be ok to use for a large site with lots of queries going on at the same time? Thanks mysql.php <?php $host = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = "password"; $database = "database"; // Connect to MySQL $connection = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password); // Select desired database $link = mysql_select_db($database, $connection); if (!$link) { die('Fatal Error: Could not connect to MySQL Database' . mysql_error()); } class mysql{ //Query MySQL Database function query($sql){ $result = mysql_query($sql); return $result; } //Fetch array Query MySQL Database function fetch($result) { $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result); return $rows; } //Count the number of rows in query function count_rows($result) { $count = mysql_num_rows($result); return $count; } } ?> test_mysql.php <?php // Include MySQL class require_once 'mysql.php'; // Instantiate MySQL class, connect to MySQL and select database $db = new mysql; $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE type = 'f' ORDER BY name ASC"; // Perform a query selecting five articles $result = $db->query($sql); // Perform a count $count = $db->count_rows($result); echo "$count<br /><br />"; // Display the results while ($row = $db->fetch($result)) { $name = stripslashes($row['name']); echo "$name<br />"; } ?>
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