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Everything posted by cmgmyr

  1. Thanks for that obsidian that helped me out Do you usually get those "bigger" jobs locally? or though something like guru.com? I've gotten a lot of work though guru, but I don't think any of them have been over $2,000. Locally I have done a lot better.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrent_Versions_System
  3. Great! Thanks for that it makes sense now.
  4. You will have to do some research on JOINs. Take a look at: http://www.keithjbrown.co.uk/vworks/mysql/mysql_p5.php
  5. So i'm going to be building a catalog soon and i'm just stuck on one "little" detail. I would like an unlimited number of categories, sub-categories, sub-sub-categories, and possibly sub-sub-sub-categories,etc... Is there an "easier" way to do this instead of just making 3-4(or more) tables? is there a way I can do it in like 2? It's not a big deal if I have to make more tables, but I'm just trying to be as efficient as possible. Example: - Buckets --1 gal ---blue ----holes ----no holes ---red ----holes ----no holes --5 gal ---blue ----holes ----no holes ---red ----holes ----no holes Thanks! -Chris
  6. Here is another good link: http://www.belahost.com/pp/
  7. I'm actually pretty bad at this too, but I try and guess as best I can...but you should always quote more hours then what you initally think. I've been using AllNetic Working Time Tracker for tracking projects and tasks. This way the next time a similar project comes around you have a better knowledge of time spent on a specific task/project. I recommend that software for anyone...
  8. i try and comment as much as i can, it's even more important when you are handing it off to someone else... I use // for little comments and /* */ for larger ones (obviously). I don't think it really matters what style you use...just if you do it or not. It's a pain to comment everything, but it will help you in a few months when you have to change something in your script and you don't remember where everything goes or what it does...
  9. your overall layout is pretty good. you need to work on your banners though...they are pretty rough. Your footer a:hover makes your link dissapear. It's a good start though, good job.
  10. fert - yes, doing that in java is def a lot harder and not the same as C++ for that. I just meant that a FOR loop is pretty much the same thing in C++, Java, and PHP...for example. There are a LOT of things that are different between languages but there are still a lot that are very similar.
  11. Maybe something like this? ...I don't know...just messing around [attachment deleted by admin]
  12. You can do this with VB. I would suggest going and checking out google groups. There are a lot of VB boards on there with a lot of good talent on them. You will get the best response there I think. I got a lot of good stuff from them.
  13. C++ is pretty much the same as PHP and Java (with very little differences). I started off in C++ and when I looked at PHP for the first time I was able to get through it and understand most of it. Once you get past some sintax stuff you are all set. C++ won't help you with the html part but it will with the actual programming.
  14. $add = 2 + 2; echo $add; // prints 4 $sub = 5 - 2; echo $sub; //prints 3 $mul = 3 * 2; echo $mul; // prints 6 $div = 4 / 2; echo $div; //prints 2 $mod = 2 % 1; echo $mod; // prints 0 ...hope this helps, you can find a LOT more online if you search for "php math functions"
  15. What is the website? What is your current resolution set at? 1024 x 768? Did you try changing your resolution to see if the "recommended" size changed? They might just have that hard coded because they just assume that 1024 x 768 is the "norm".
  16. You can use: $results = mysql_query("SELECT product FROM `products` WHERE `brand` = '$currentbrand' AND `product` = '$newproductname'"); $count = mysql_num_rows($results); if($count>0){ echo "You have a record"; }else{ echo "You do NOT have a record"; } Hope this helps.
  17. That's a hell of a chart! I like it! :)
  18. So I went in and told my boss today that I would be going down to a part-time/contractor basis because I want to spend more time building my own business. He went for it. I'm pretty excited about this and I have a lot of projects ready to go, so I think I will be ok I'm pretty happy so I figured I would share with all of you!
  19. go for the 4GB. Go big or go home! haha I have the 80GB and like it a lot.
  20. Check this out: http://help.godaddy.com/article.php?article_id=1409&topic_id=&prog_id=GoDaddy&
  21. pow is power: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.pow.php
  22. you have to change the max upload file size in your php.ini file to be bigger then 5M
  23. I can't see what's going on in your left image! Damn it!!! haha looks good so far
  24. you should add some shadows to each section. Also your 3 middle sections should be the same height and your bottom section should be as wide as the 3 sections above it. Right now it looks like it's going to topple over
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