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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. <?php if not just <?php.
  2. You are likely missing a closing } somewhere. I commend the person who finds it in that code.
  3. Woaaaaa. Use code tags (the # button) and post only the relevant section. If your page link end in id= with no number, you need to capture the id before trying to use it and make sure it exists. On both the page that uses id, and the page that prints the links.
  4. You should have a dev version of your site where you can put the problematic code and debug it.
  5. I read it as the OP has stored HTML in his database, and when he tries to echo it on a page, the HTML shows up as <td> etc, instead of being rendered as HTML. Hence my explanation of how the entities have been converted.
  6. Jason, for one, this isn't even your topic!! Secondly, my response to the OP was probably one of my most polite, so it's very odd that you're freaking out about it. If the OP has a problem he can probably handle it himself. Thirdly, if you can't handle someone correcting your spelling, you're going to have a hard time with this whole internet thing. Please refrain from using language like that.
  7. Uhm, what? PS: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling
  8. Somewhere along the lines the data is being converted into html_entities, so the < symbol is changed to < and so on. You'll have to figure out where.
  9. SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE field LIKE ('C%'); There are also string functions in mysql. Use the manual. And stop smoking so much pot so you can actually learn this stuff.
  10. safe_mode_include_dir =" This seems like it should be a 0 or a 1. Also have you tried adding a trailing slash to $clientLibraryPath = '/www/ttunrm/ZendGdata/library'; to make it $clientLibraryPath = '/www/ttunrm/ZendGdata/library/';
  11. Post your new code.
  12. So you want a bunch of strangers to validate your code rather than just either checking the config yourself or checking with your sysadmins?
  13. Try running the query in mysql/phpmyadmin
  14. You're not creating an array anywhere. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php Scroll down to Creating/modifying with square bracket syntax But if you're just going to echo it, you should use a string I guess. Or implode the array. This line $product_id_array .= "$id-".$value.","; would read $product_id_array[] = "$id-$value"; Then use implode() on it.
  15. Your new error means your query failed.
  16. What is $db?
  17. I'm going to guess OP hasn't heard of regex.
  18. :facewall:
  19. The one about ternary operator
  20. 88%?? wtf. I want to see what I got wrong. :-P
  21. On # 11 I would add parens on the answer.
  22. I'm getting used to using vim, if it didn't have syntax highlighting, I would not even bother. My coworkers all love vim though, and have covered my whiteboard in vim commands. They even have "the mug of vi" with the commands. When I need to get something done fast I'm still using my windows client but I don't particularly MIND using vim when I have the time to remember the commands. It's like anything else, the more you use it the better you get at it,
  23. 1. Use code tags. 2. We aren't here to "solve it for you". 3. Post only the relevant part, not the whole file. 4. Don't suppress errors.
  24. We are using vim actually, I just don't know the difference.
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