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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. What does "doesn't work" mean? You only posted 2 lines of code so we can't tell. Does the query run or fail? Does it work in mysql directly or not? Did you echo the query to see if the search term is filled in?
  2. You should be able to just select all users, if you need to email every user. Are you using a class like PHPMailer?
  3. for one thing, the list is not a list of who did it, it is a list of ideas with the names being who suggested it. Blackjack is already on it, so there's nothing to add. Secondly, pikachu is being facetious and implying you're on a "list" of something. Troublemakers, etc.
  4. This should be added to the list of ideas sticky!
  5. Then you're editing the wrong file or not uploading the file.
  6. Yeah I've seen in the past few weeks a dozen newbies think signatures are part of the posts. Can we use CSS to make the line darker?
  7. In your code in your first post, there is no $a. So you will always be setting $set = 0.
  8. There is still no syntax error in that file.
  9. What is $a?
  10. You should use descriptive aliases, a1, a2 and a3 don't mean anything. Either take out the aliases, or use them on the fields once you've made them.
  11. On this forum you can post your code in special tags so it formats correctly. That is part of my signature however and wasn't to you directly. *SMH*
  12. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/update.html
  13. Uhm, there are no jokers in Blackjack.
  14. Try Select user, homes from tbl group by user order by homes DESC
  15. Ditto.
  16. I think it would be Select distinct user, homes from tbl group by user order by homes
  17. What's the difference between your strings and ALL the ones in the second link?
  18. What have you coded so far?
  19. What DO you want? Why are you selecting the other variable when there is more than one match?
  20. That is the correct result - the owner LordDougy for example is distinct for homes 30, 23, 20.
  21. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php http://us2.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php#language.types.string.parsing
  22. Well, you have preg_match then if... Also if you read the forum a lot you should know to use code tags.
  23. Did you read the sticky we have on that error?
  24. Post the actual error.
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