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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Maybe use the string functions to remove everything between [ quote] and the next [ /quote] including the tags, and then trim the remaining string, and see what's left.
  2. $pid and $id are not the same thing.
  3. Put everything in a div with margin: 0 auto;
  4. That was my first thought. Plus, the question in the title and the general question in the post are different. OP is really asking if he should learn PHP. And seems to think that it would only take a few months to learn enough to be good at it.
  5. The question doesn't make sense.
  6. *jesirose wonders if .josh is the inspiration for Ron Swanson.
  7. You could just do: $search = str_pos(",{$numbers},", ',8,'); I'd probably go with the explode/in_array solution though, it's a bit more proper. Touche!
  8. Yes, explode into an array and use in_array. The other more complicated option is to check if 8, is first, ,8 is last, or ,8, exists. The first way is easier and smarter.
  9. Be sure to use <?php not just <?
  10. That version is slightly better but almost as bad. Indentation matters!
  11. Also true.
  12. If you want to sell it, you can sell it as what's known as "software as a service". You host their site on your server, and they don't have access to the code.
  13. ? Are you saying the actual PHP is shown?
  14. What if you echo them in the include? Are either of these part of a class or function?
  15. After the include, echo the three variables. Are they correct?
  16. I agree in theory, I just think if you're dropping support for anything less than 9, you're already dropping it for a majority of your IE users. I'm sure they ran all their own analytics on it though before making that decision
  17. There's also the PHP button, the buttons both have hover text, and it's explained in the rules. Not to mention YOU WERE TOLD THRICE. Rather than deleting on all those conditions, you should use a primary unique key. Does your table have a PK? See the link in my sig for debugging SQL statements, you're not capturing or displaying any errors or attempting to do any testing.
  18. Are you asking why they wouldn't just drop support completely for IE? Yes. They have Chrome, plus how many people using Google's services besides search and MAYBE maps (I'm thinking docs/drive, etc) are using IE anything? Has the latest IE exploit that affected all versions been fixed?
  19. I think you have your file names backwards, because otherwise your file is including itself.
  20. I'm surprised they're including 8 already. And also, why not just drop support completely?
  21. No. OP: The links provided explain the different between a comparison and an assignment. Look at your code and compare.
  22. This is the third time I've seen you've post code using <code>. That is NOT how this forum works. Post using our code tags, you've been shown how, and now you're just being rude about it. No one wants to read your unformatted un-highlighted code! In addition to that you've also been told "it doesn't work" is not a good post. What doesn't work? What does it do? What doesn't it do? etc.
  23. You should ask the person who wrote it. If it's a third party script, we can move this to the right forum, and you can say the name of the script. If you need to hire someone to help, we also have a freelance forum.
  24. If you need help with the rest of it you're going to have to post it so we can read it. Not one line.
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