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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I have also had trouble in the past months getting jQuery plugins, specifically the metadata one. Not sure what is going on with them.
  2. SimCity isn't the right thing though. Maybe you can have A cupcake.
  3. have you tried using the uft8encode functions on the text when displaying it?
  4. You didn't list the games! :-P
  5. order is a reserved word. You either need to surround your table name in backticks `order` or (best option) pick a different name. Even orders would work.
  6. Considering Psycho posted the corrected code, and I never got an answer to how you know there's an error if you don't see an error, at this point probably not.
  7. I feel like you didn't really read his entire post...
  8. Glad you figured it out! Thank you for posting your solution, and marking as solved.
  9. Josh, both I'm trying to find one I played once which definitely had a "correct" configuration. I also was looking for more games like that. It was very graphical, not just dots in a grid. It had a round planet (just a circle, not 3-d), and it had things like a tree, and buildings. You would click on the certain areas and make them grow or shrink, and then hit play. the world would then come to life, and if you configured everything just right you got all the maximum growth in each area. I know it's a long shot, I figured if I could just get the genre of the game I could search for lists of games like that and maybe find it. I am 90% sure it was on the web, not a game system like playstation.
  10. Are the Sim City (Farm/Roller Coaster/Etc) type games just called "Simulation" or is there a more specific genre?
  11. Not like Sim City, the zero player game idea is more like what I mean. The link in there to Conway's game of life is exactly what I'm talking about. I know of one where you had something with buildings and animals, on a round planet.
  12. If you are selecting data from your database and the column is any kind of int, you do not need to do anything special when outputting it.
  13. Have you ever seen a type of game where you do things like configure a world, and then hit play and it grows/dies based on where you put stuff? Maybe an example is you can put creatures on the ground and they start to eat the plants, reproduce, etc, and it goes until they either die out or achieve some equilibrium? I know that is really vague. I've played a few games like this but can't think of the name. On some of them there is a "right" configuration that lets you win the game. Anyway what would you call that sort of game? Besides just a simulation. Bonus points (in the form of cupcakes), if you can list some games like this.
  14. Well, it's a matter of mindset. If you're a mercenary focused on immediate payout, then maybe the question isn't really directed at you? My interpretation is that the poster is an entrepreneurial individual interested in the possibility of equity in a venture, and is looking for advice to that end from like-minded developers. Your pessimistic outlook on joint ventures, while providing a good caveat, is a bit harsh, in my opinion. Not every partnership opportunity is worthless. Look at what the OP posted: "Have you ever done it, would you, when would you and why?" Kevin's reply answered that question very clearly.
  15. I'd use the array_combine method. However if you want to post the actual code, we might be able to explain what would be easiest in the long run
  16. I was trying to find the right function, I think what you really want to do is use array_combine. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.array-combine.php That way you can have an array like PFM describes from your current two arrays.
  17. Nope. I subscribe to the "Fuck you, pay me" school of business. In my experience, people offering equity are those who are too cheap to pay for quality labor while desperately trying to get their ill-conceived and doomed to fail Facebook/Twitter/Kickstarter/Craigslist clone launched ASAP. Ditto.
  18. You don't need eval. PHP has "variable variables". <?php $namesArray = array("bob", "jim", "alan", "mark"); $agesArray = array("44", "33", "42", "40"); foreach ($namesArray as $key=>$value) { $$value = $agesArray[$key]; } echo '$bob = '.$bob; ?>
  19. No, they're not. Original code: if((isset($_POST['status']) && ($_POST['status']) == 'Active') { if( ( isset( $_POST['status'] ) && ( $_POST['status'] ) == 'Active' ) <- there should be a closing one to go with the if( right here. { Or remove the extra one after if( so it's if( isset( $_POST['status'] ) && ( $_POST['status'] ) == 'Active' ) {
  20. Spellcheck?
  21. Most especially for we bigginers, there comes a time when you either like it or not you have to use output buffering No, you can actually use the right solution, and then be less of a beginner.
  22. *seeing *have It wasn't even a full question, it was a fragment. So don't whine when you don't get the answer you want. Read this: http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/rules-and-terms-of-service#toc_forum_guidelines And this: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
  23. Did you see this thread? http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=349529
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