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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. http://www.imore.com/apple-siri-customer-insight-play And google doesn't do that on their phones? I'm serious, isn't google much worse about mining data?
  2. I was surprised how much I liked Windows 7, after using XP for so long. I really prefer 7 now.
  3. Everyone would have to park in single rows instead of doubles. Which would actually probably improve parking lots. I had a guy actually back his car into me while I was putting my baby in his carseat the other day.
  4. That's not a problem, that's basic relational data design.
  5. Doesn't Sony have the same issue with the Playstation? People want to mod it and they won't let them? What about windows phones? Or dumbphones?
  6. I've broken mine at least 5 times, over 3 different models. *sigh*
  7. Did you try it?
  8. Hipster... I am so not a hipster. Don't even get me started on hipsters.
  9. I'm not saying everyone should have an iPhone or want one, I'm saying the people who DO have/want them don't fall into a category as easily as people who buy a mac computer vs a PC or run linux.
  10. You answered half of my questions. Do you understand what your script is attempting to do.What's on those lines? What is each variable at each stage? Start doing some debugging.
  11. Exactly. Edit: With the exception of iPhone users, which spans about every "type" you could label a person.
  12. I hope you take the train/bus! :-P
  13. Your line of thought makes no sense. You said he's going to school for football, and everyone uses Apples. Then you say geeks didn't like apples. Well football players don't tend to be geeks, so if you're going to make broad assumptions at least make them make sense. He wants a laptop. Tell him to get a job and buy it himself.
  14. If the URL doesn't have any parameters, your $_GET array will be empty. I misunderstood the purpose of your "empty" string, change the last case to case "empty": unset($_SESSION['cart']); //unset the whole cart, i.e. empty the cart. break; default: break;
  15. What makes you think it should be 100?
  16. Did you read the manual like I said? The page I linked to tells you how to do that.
  17. Go through step by step backwards. What does $action print? What is the URL of this page?
  18. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=php+watermark
  19. Try this: $('#slideleft a').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); ...
  20. An associative array can be one dimensional. Associative means it uses strings instead of numbers as the keys. What are you having trouble with? If you want one row, use fetch(). http://us.php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.fetch.php Read the manual.
  21. Try changing $action = array_key_exists('action',$_GET) ? $_GET['action']: null; to $action = array_key_exists('action',$_GET) ? $_GET['action']: "empty"; And your switch case "empty": unset($_SESSION['cart']); //unset the whole cart, i.e. empty the cart. break; to case "empty": default: unset($_SESSION['cart']); //unset the whole cart, i.e. empty the cart. break; Edit: you can also just use isset() instead of array_key_exists.
  22. I'm saying they get turned down and are told they are overqualified. Not that the job seekers are saying they are over qualified, that they are rejected on the basis of them being over qualified. Edit: I personally think some of these people would rather collect unemployment than take something they feel is beneath them, or work at all, because that's what my generation wants - money for nothing. I'm just reporting what I've been told.
  23. Do you know what $_GET is?
  24. Given the influx of people I see complaining that they can't get a job because they're "overqualified" and the people complaining about student debt without a job - I have to disagree. In this economy, I've asked coworkers for years what their degree was in. Not a single one of the Americans had a degree in computer anything. Architecture, business, arts, religion, etc. Yes, I tend to be the odd one out in offices with not having a degree of any kind, but I'm also usually the youngest (I'm 26). When my coworkers were graduating and getting their first job, the economy and work force was MUCH different. But all I hear lately from people my age is how they can't get a job like the university promised them they would. They are desperate for any job and they get told they are overqualified (a company doesn't want to hire a programmer to flip burgers because they know as soon as a "real job" is available, you're gone". But the "real jobs" aren't hiring [this is what they say, I've never had trouble and I don't have a degree]). Also by traditional do you mean not a community college, or are you including that in there? Because you can easily do 2 years at community, then finish at a university and save a lot of money, plus cut out a lot of the crap courses. I am personally a big advocate for trade schools and community college. My husband learned a trade and has never had trouble finding work. Same for me. We are not going to pay for college for our kids because for 90% of people it's a waste of money and time. If you're one of the 10% for whom it's valuable, that's great. I do agree that a business degree is probably the most useful if you're going to go that route.
  25. For the umpteenth time, you're not going to get anyone here to agree with you that PHP allowing procedural code is a "huge drawback". If anything it's the opposite. PHP is FLEXIBLE.
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