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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I think he wants something to handle comments?
  2. See, that just seems like common sense :-P
  3. I'm grumpy, but it has nothing to do with you people.
  4. And sadly, his developer has never heard of Reply-To.
  5. $cat_title = $cat.'Text'; Read the manual.
  6. Change die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); to die('Error: ' . mysql_error().' SQL: '.$sql); And see what the problem is in your query. It's probably due to $cat_title, $cat_info being undefined.
  7. In that case, "just isn't working" isn't enough for us to go on.
  8. It's probably not working because you have a single quote before $cat. That said, you need to sanitize your user input.
  9. You said it has errors, so I assumed you saw them. Read the link in my sig re: errors.
  10. Must be.
  11. Jessica

    SQL Join

    Just add them to the fields you select.
  12. ? : is the ternary operator. If you get errors, it helps if you post what they are.
  13. Jessica

    SQL Join

    SELECT COUNT(assets.id), location.jobname FROM location INNER JOIN assets ON assets.currentjob = location.id GROUP BY location.id
  14. I'm so confused...that's exactly what you said didn't work in your OP.
  15. Then I'd go with use the right function. <?php $pow = bcpow(254, 187); echo $pow.'<br>'; echo bcmod($pow, 319); ?> I got 100.
  16. <?php $myarray = array( array('a', 'b'), array('c', 'd'), array('e', 'f') ); foreach ($myarray[1] as $x) { echo "$x "; } ?> It works that way, which is why I said you need to post your code if when you attempt to do that, it doesn't work.
  17. Not to mention think of all the people who use phones. The phone are smart but people aren't. Think of all of the posts you've seen on php freaks forums of people who say "it's broken" (hopefully I'm not the worst offender) but with no idea of what they are actually doing. Now picture those same people in the cell phone stores with the phone they had root access to extended in their hands "it's broken..." Amen. I was talking about this with a colleague about a tool we have which lets the users do X Y and Z, then we get frustrated because it can't do A B and C, well if it did A B and C the users would go "WTF is this??"
  18. It's too bad I didn't write anything besides that part huh.
  19. Show us the actual code, what you're describing doesn't make much sense. You can also do a print_r() on the data to make sure it's the way you expected.
  20. If you run it today, that will happen, because there is no February 30th. March will show up twice due to that. Try changing your strtotime arg to "Y-m-01" or something that uses "1st of month, year" etc.
  21. You said this is your URL. You say you understand what $_GET is. But you don't understand why THAT url will not give you a value for $_GET['AccountID'].
  22. There's a bit more to it if you want it to work past one refresh. For example, this forum - when you load the new replies page, it shows you the unread ones. Once you view one of them, the rest are still there to view.
  23. People expect search queries to be aggregated... not their Siri requests. Why? And who? Do you think the average person knows that google has all that info on them, plus everything from YouTube, gmail, maps, etc, and they expect that to happen, but think their Siri requests which could be more, could be less information, are not archived?
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