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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I see three columns.
  2. You already have the - in your rule. What happens when you try the link with red-widgets? if you echo $_GET['name'] on the page what does it say?
  3. If you purchase code from a company, it should include support.
  4. Do you know how to write an SQL select query?
  5. If $row contains the url, just echo that URL instead of adding it to the end of your view00.php page.
  6. Since you said this has to do with tabs, the #c1 probably already has a click event on it. Are you using jQuery UI to do the tabs? If so you should be able to add the ajax loading using their functionality. Also make sure maintext.php is in the same directory as this one.
  7. I don't really care if people are "receptive", I'm not the one who is asking for something. There wasn't a single insult in my post.
  8. You said the first one is an American style date. 6/11/2012 that's month, year day. Then you convert it to day, month year. 11/6/2012 That's still June 11 in day month year. Later you said: "$raw = "6/11/2012"; The date being 6th of Nov 2012." Not in American notation. Which is what you said you were starting with. 6/11/2012 in american is June 11. Is your original value in American or British format? It's either D/M/Y or M/D/Y - figure out which your input is then you can format the output however you like.
  9. Is this your first homework? I'd expect the first class to go over setting up your work environment. If you need help setting up XXAMP post in the right forum. I've only ever used WampServer and there's no difficulty in setting it up.
  10. Yeah it helps if you don't comment out the definition of a variable. You are trying to use $a before it's defined. $a['test'] isn't defined there either.
  11. You posted that the code is working as it should, so what is the problem?
  12. strings need to be surrounded by single quotes in a query. Next step, google SQL injection. Your code is very insecure. You also need to learn how to capture mysql errors, I'd find an actual tutorial rather than trying to learn from Dreamweaver code.
  13. 1. Calm down. 2. I never even look at who posts stuff, so no. If you don't post things that are categorically false, I won't respond in that way. If your post makes sense you get a much more helpful answer.
  14. You're right. I still think a deck approach is better, but I was mistaken about the deck probability.
  15. I guess my PCs are all magical then, because I've been running Wamp Server on my windows PCs for years, and using .htaccess files all the time.
  16. foreach($arr AS $k=>$v){ echo $k; print_r($v); }
  17. This. Choose a framework that is well documented and has good support as well.
  18. If you are dealing a shuffled deck, there is NO less chance of getting a 5 after a 5 than after any other card. The chance of getting 4 5s is the same as the chance of getting 5, 6, 7, 8 or 5, K, 3, 7. What you should do is create a deck array that has all 52 cards in it. $deck = array(); $suits = 4; $cards = 13; for($i=1; $i<=$suits; $i++){ for($c=1; $c<=$cards; $c++){ $deck[] = $c.$i; // (you could make $suits and $cards arrays with the names and use a foreach instead) } } now use $deck and the array functions to shuffle it, then pull cards off it. EDIT: same as above, didn't see your reply sorry.
  19. You can't just echo something within a class either. IE, this won't work Class Bob{ var $name = 'bob'; function sayHi(){ echo 'hi'; } echo 'this is bob'; } Everything inside it needs to either be a function or a property definition, maybe you meant to put that stuff in the constructor? Or maybe just at the end of widget() looking at the link.
  20. You'll need to use javascript. I recommend jQuery.
  21. Again, that error will not be produced by that code. You are likely missing the single quotes somewhere. You can set error reporting to a specific level, but you really should find and fix the notices.
  22. I thought your answer was correct PFMaBiSmAd
  23. Because you have single quotes around the whole thing, that won't work. echo "www.google.com/{$your_field_from_database}therestofyoururl.com" Would work and remove the concatenation. Or use single quotes and concat. OP, if you're stuck post actual code.
  24. SELECT DISTINCT deals.handset FROM .... the rest of your query.
  25. Also, I use .htaccess files with Wamp Server all the time.
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