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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I've been gone on and off a while, and I happened to look at my profile today. Instead of being a link to my site, it linked to http://www.darkmindz.com/ I changed my password, but the email address was still the same and no posts had been made under the account. I don't think someone has access to my account. What the heck?
  2. Oh and here is the text layout for about: http://grady.us/site_about.jpg See, I only do the coding - I hired two different designers to do this one and couldn't get anything I could use out of them. rcorelew - I think it's a teal I was going for red but I moved the wrong slider in PS and got this, it was cool
  3. jcombs that is just it, I am not a designer, I am a programmer. Working on the text layout today.
  4. Actually, you should use post - change your form's method to post!
  5. This is the first redesign I have done actually using graphics! http://grady.us/about/ I am thinking about changing about to "home" and just having it be the index, instead of no real index. Other than that, any thoughts on the design?
  6. Why are you using the $_SERVER array for this? Try defining the u and p as constants or variables. Also take the @ off the mysql_fetch_array, you are supressing errors. Add ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); at the top.
  7. PS: AND vs &&: The reason for the two different variations of "and" and "or" operators is that they operate at different precedences. (See Operator Precedence.) http://www.php.net/manual/sl/language.operators.logical.php
  8. Also, why does it not have a problem require()ing the first file? Only the ones in lib? Maybe I should move them from the lib folder to the www folder. I'll try that.
  9. Thanks, I wish it explained more clearly the affected functions in the php docs. Or maybe I'm actually turning blonde. Couldn't I chown the file using php? Or is that going to be affected as well? I will check out the site again when I get back to my computer. Unfortunately changing hosts is not an option, as I was contracted by a designer for their client, I don't think he'd want to change the host.
  10. ...instead of only checking for $_POST['test'] also check for the x and y.
  11. I've never had this problem before since I've never had to use a host with safe_mode. I can't find anything on the net about safe_mode affecting the require or include functions: index.php <?php require_once('cal_base.php'); ?> cal_base.php <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); $library = array('O', 'Admin', 'DB', 'Lib', 'Calendar', 'Event', 'HTML_Safe', 'SmartForm/SmartForm'); foreach($library AS $lib){ require_once('/lib/'.$lib.'.class.php'); } ?> I have tried all sorts of things for lib, every path I can think of, I have tried setting the include path: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.set-include-path.php I have also tried require, include and include_once I don't have access to php.ini at the system level. Errors:
  12. I disabled all extensions and it's still happening, I'll try safe mode, thanks!
  13. Since this gives an unexpected ! error: if($section !instanceOf Section){ } I keep doing this: if($section instanceOf Section){ //do nada. }else{ $this->getSection(); } Is there another way to check if something is not an instanceOf? Am I missing something basic here?
  14. Thanks. I think something is messed up on my firefox, I just wanted to find out if anyone else using firefox was not seeing it, before I reinstalled Fx.
  15. I know it's not my firefox settings because I can see images fine on every other site, and the background. If I browse to the image I can see it, but it doesn't show up in the site: http://client.creativxchange.net/development/PRSM/ The image in question: http://client.creativxchange.net/development/PRSM/images/bannerad1.jpg It should be next to the header, works fine in IE7. Do you see it? What is going on? Edit: I would just like to add I had NOTHING to do with the design of this site or any graphics - I am just the poor programmer forced to recreate the original site
  16. I posted on Smarty's forums and no one has responded yet: I have tried several versions of this, and nothing works. I want carDesc to have a string, the year make and model, which are values of $car. I can print them out normally, but all of these attempts to make one variable fail. I also cannot use the $car object's toString method, so I am at a loss. Code: {assign var=carDesc value='$car->year $car->make $car->modelDesc'} {assign var=carDesc value=`$car->year $car->make $car->modelDesc`} {assign var=carDesc value='{$car->year} {$car->make} {$car->modelDesc}'} {assign var=carDesc value=`{$car->year} {$car->make} {$car->modelDesc}`} I even tried making a toString wrapper so I could use the internal toString and that fails too! Code: {assign var=carDesc value=$car->toString()} Help!
  17. Barand, so you are saying that way is FASTER than just selecting all of them at the start and checking if the new one is in the list in PHP?
  18. No, I know how to use mysql_insert_id, I am saying if it already exists, I have to do another select to get the ID of the already existing row. I guess I will just write it both ways and run unit testing, nevermind.
  19. I don't think that will work for an OR, just AND. I want EITHER the phone or the address to match. So the phone number could repeat if the address is different. Also, if I try to insert it and get an error, I have to do a select to get the ID to insert in my other record, yes?
  20. Which column? Also, after I find out if it already exists, I need to get the uniqueID for that record, and insert it with another record in another table. (The other table is "Cars" and each car has a "Dealer". But a dealer can have many cars, so I need to find out if this is a new dealer or an existing one before I insert the car.)
  21. That is what I said...That is the second option I listed. But I have to do that for a list of about 100 possible phone numbers, every few minutes, and search a table of several hundred records. So I am asking which way is faster when dealing with this much data.
  22. I have to go through a large group of addresses and phone numbers, and see if there are any database records that match (either or). If not, I insert a new record. The two ways I came up with to do it are : select all of the records, and use php to loop through the new records and see if they exist in the selected records. Then if they don't, insert. Loop through the new results and select where the address or phone match, if there is no result, insert. Which of these is a better way to approach it, or is there a third option that is even better? Thanks
  23. You should use BCC or send two different emails, so they don't see your email address.
  24. Store it as bbcode.
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