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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Group by
  2. No, add the year into your original group buc
  3. So obviously you're not passing it any data. You need to look at the code that implements this class.
  4. No. Dude. $_fname is the property name. When you pass an argument into the function you can call it whatever you want. PHP doesn't care if you typo your variables when they're legit names. I'm sorry but you're dead wrong on that. Seriously go google PHP variable scope.
  5. Look up the .live() handler. There's a ton of info in the jquery manual about that. When you did the initial .click() the new elements you've added did not exist.
  6. That's kind of how function arguments work. You can call it whatever you want when you pass it in. See variable scope.
  7. Do you need to send it via POST?
  8. Do you really not understand that the code you're working with is NOT CORE PHP? What are you confused about? You are asking for help with third-party code, which unfortunately for you appears to have no documentation. Try looking for the functions you're having trouble with in the PHP manual. You won't find them. We can't help you because we can't see all the code that you're working with.
  9. He does if he wants to run the scripts in the browser. Yes, you can run PHP in the command line. DO you really think that's what he wants to do? The problem is that he doesn't even have a web server running. From THERE he can worry about the email server. Edit: By web server I am talking about the software, not the hardware. He needs Apache or similar. I use Apache on my windows machines. It has nothing to do with the Operating System or the hardware.
  10. Uhm, go reread this question.
  11. This is the way to do it, not trying to parse the URL manually. PHP handles this stuff for you.
  12. I'm a little confused about you wanting to learn OOP but not arrays. Do you mean you already understand how arrays work?
  13. Your files are in: /home/ausplayg/public_html/ PHP is looking in: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ You see that there's a major difference right? http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.include-path
  14. Compare the directory it's looking in with the directory the file is actually stored.
  15. I believe the user got banned for this and other antagonistic behavior, so maybe we can lock this thread?
  16. Moved to the correct forum. You need to be running a web server.
  17. We don't respond well to this type of demanding entitled language. We also can't help you if you don't post the relevant code. Barand asked you to.
  18. It never hurts to learn new skills
  19. Ack! No queries in loops! Read this tutorial I wrote: http://thewebmason.com/tutorial-parent-child-lists/ You need to join your tables. For tags you can probably use group_concat or the method in my tutorial.
  20. Probably, but why not use a language that's designed to make desktop applications not a web scripting one?
  21. <?php $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "pass!"); mysql_select_db("login1", $conn) or die ('Database not found ' . mysql_error() ); $cust = $_GET["username"]; $sql = "select * from weight"; $rs = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die ('Database not found ' . mysql_error() ); if (mysql_num_rows($rs)>0){ echo '<table width="700" border="1" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td>Username</td> <td>date</td> <td>weight in lbs</td> <td>weight in kg</td> </tr>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { echo "<tr> <td>{$row['username']}</td> <td>{$row['date']}</td> <td>{$row['weight_lb']}</td> <td>{$row['weight_kg']}</td> </tr>"; } echo '</table>'; }else{ echo "<p>No weight with username: {$username} in database.</p>"; } See how much easier to read that is? Don't go in and out of PHP all the time.
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