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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. How on earth is that logical? I use 4 different browsers every day on 5 different devices.
  2. Why are you only letting people login from the same browser they registered with?
  3. Before each return add a die("test 1"); but change the number.
  4. Why would you put HTML tags in an image?
  5. Check to see which one it was.
  6. How is it changing?
  7. Put the images in an array and shuffle it, then store it in the session.
  8. Mail() returns a true or false value.
  9. You're not even checking if the mail call was successful.
  10. You should have a function for getting and setting friendships, so the code would only have to be in one place. If you do it in mysql (which you can't anyway, not possible), your insert would fail, giving you LESS information than your few conditionals will.
  11. You need to look at the manual for crypt.
  12. Yes.
  13. Uhm. First of all you don't need the .'' in there. Add your ".html" string to the end. Look at the manual for string concatenation and parsing.
  14. Psycho's post showed it. <?php $var; ?>
  15. Noz. Figure out whichez partz you have a problemz with.
  16. We will help you with code YOU write, or you can hire someone to do it for you. What have you done so far? Cause so far you're saying "help me out" but it's looking like "do it for me".
  17. You'll need to write a script using something like PHP. If you need someone to do it for you, post in Freelance.
  18. Did you lock yourself out with too many failed attempts?
  19. The unix timestamp will not go back or forward when the clocks change. Did you look at the time function?
  20. Variables do not get parsed inside single quoted strings. Either use double quotes and escape your existing double quotes, or use concatenation.
  21. You need to increment $i, and then use modulus. if($i%3==0){ // new row }Edit: Actually, what? Your title says every 5 states, your example shows 3, but really it looks like you just need to do a new column every state.
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