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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. It was the = instead of == :)
  2. You never fixed the one I posted! echo "<p>POINTS: .$Stats['Points']."</p>"; Needs to be echo "<p>POINTS: ".$Stats['Points']."</p>";
  3. if($_SESSION['isLoggedIn'] = true) { = is setting it to true. use == to compare.
  4. You changed it to exactly what he posted? Can you show us the error, perhaps it's a new line farther on now.
  5. You can change it in Javascript. You can use PHP to generate the CSS and pass it variables for the colors.
  6. Location has to be capitalized, I think. Can you show me what $from prints out? Perhaps it's a path issue?
  7. you could use regular expressions, or you could use str_pos to find get, then just go to the end of the line using substr. Regexp might be the way to go.
  8. so...now you're saying it was sending to the home page, but you want to send it to a different page? That isn't hard to do, just change the page. But that's not what you had in your first post. Can you explain the problem a little clearer please? Try printing $from to the screen to see what it says?
  9. Did you turn on error reporting though?
  10. header('Location: newpage.php');
  11. You still get the exact same error? Are you sure... you have the right file?
  12. If you're really new to PHP, it's probably going to be easier to use a pre-made CMS or start with a smaller project, especially if you have no database. You could work with just the filesystem, but IMO it'd get pretty complex for that. If you still want to, check out the file functions like fopen, is_dir, etc. There are some good tutorials for working with the filesystem.
  13. intval() should also work.
  14. I wasn't sure if that's what that was - I missed the 29 part, that makes it obvious ;) thanks Ken
  15. See where the colors start to get funky? [code] echo "<p>ATTACK: $Stats['Attack']"</p>"; echo "<p>DEFENSE: $Stats['Defense']</p>"; echo "</blockquote>"; echo "<p>FRIENDS: $Stats['Friends']</p>"; [/code] You put a " after $Stats['Attack'].
  16. if your array is called $foo - $arsen = $foo['Arsenal']; $sdate = $arsen['sdate']; Or $foo['Arsenal']['sdate']; It's in the manual http://us2.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php
  17. You went from PHP to HTML without closing your PHP. Try this. [code] $continue = "/"; // will send me to my  homepage echo "Thanks $name_field, Your message has been submitted to $to!"; ?><p><a href="<?php print $continue; ?>">Click here to continue</a></p><? mail($to, $subject, $body);[/code]
  18. You should probably fix that in your database, so that doesn't happen again ;)
  19. Edit: I was wrong. You're missing a ; fclose($fd);
  20. I forgot to use the code tag, so my br tag got cut off. [code] echo $nt['username'].' '.$nt['money'].' '.$nt['email'].'<br>'; [/code]
  21. I prefer camelCase. The only naming I hate is Hungarian Notation. As long as you do it the same way all the time, you won't get too confused.
  22. You're accessing variables in arrays wrong. Try this. print_r($nt); echo $nt['username'].' '.$nt['money'].' '.$nt['email'].' '.<br>'; What shows now from the print_r?
  23. Ah I misread, I thought you meant you wanted to add a digg this button to your content - for the actual digg.com Digg was created in PHP, so it's obviously very possible - but you'd also have to get into mysql or another database, and ajax.
  24. What about using ob_start() and ob_flush(), etc?
  25. Jay - Ask Metafilter has a similar thing where the poster marks the best answers. That would be a good mod.
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