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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. What is line 20? The mysql query? You don't have spaces between your INTO, table name and values. You have spaces AFTER the closing of the string, not in the string. try mysql_query ("INSERT INTO $table values (etc)" OR mysql_query ('INSERT INTO '.$table.' values (etc)'
  2. Just the images aren't showing? Check the html source for their paths. Use require, and turn on error reporting. If you actually get some errors, it's a PHP problem. Otherwise your path to your images might be wrong.
  3. Your topic was still on the first few posts. It seemed unnecessary. Try printing out $_FILES["upload"]["type"] and see what it says.
  4. Before adding the record, do a SELECT based on the information you don't want duplicated. IE, if it's a `product_name` field, do "SELECT product_id FROM products WHERE product_name = '$name'"; Edit to match your table. If you get any ids back, then you know it's a duplicate.
  5. Please don't bump your posts. Are you sure the file is uploading? What happens if you try to echo some info on the file. Is it there?
  6. Okay, so you're stuck on how to get those $vars out of the $file? Maybe you need to look at the explode() function. http://php.net/explode I should have specified that in addition to posting code you'll need to tell us what doesn't work.
  7. Javascript != Java. Good luck.
  8. No one said anything about a database, I think you confused a signature for a post. TRY IT and see what happens was the advice given.
  9. There are plenty of tutorials. Upload the file, then read the contents into a string, then query your database. If you have already written some code and it's not working, post the code and we will help. Otherwise, you need to get started by reading the tutorials.
  10. I think for what you are talking about you'll need to use ajax. You're saying after the user enters some data, more information will appear which they can then edit, and THEN submit? Try mootools.net's ajax features.
  11. ... What four letter word begins a T? Don't tell me. Have a good one.
  12. Change it to <form name="thisForm" method="post" action="<?php echo $filename.$extension; ?>#status-message" onSubmit="return checkForm()"> OR turn on short tags
  13. Hit the solved button at the bottom. Or edit the title to say solved.
  14. Did you read this thread? http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,37442.0.html In the code you pasted, you have a space right here: <?php session_start(); That space is being sent to the browser, if that is in your code.
  15. You're spelling messages wrong.
  16. Or, start a session (session_start()) and save the variable in the session.
  17. that has to be javascript, or javascript accessing a php script. php runs before the page loads.
  18. [quote author=thorpe link=topic=121437.msg499358#msg499358 date=1168217439] Nowhere does that mention double vs single quotes. [/quote] Ah, you're right...I saw it somewhere... *head explodes*
  19. [quote author=thorpe link=topic=121437.msg499349#msg499349 date=1168216952] [quote]Or, if you prefer to use double quoted HTML attributes like the XHTML specs say[/quote] Funnily enough, there is nothing in the specs that says you must use double quotes. I thought so for a long time aswell. [/quote] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.4 I looked it up just the other day. I said XHTML. It might not be in HTML, but w3 urges to use XHTML now.
  20. You could store their POINTS instead of their rank, and then have your code determine the rank. So a user STARTS at 0, and as they gain points, you store their POINTS. Then when you want to calculate the ranks, you select them ordered by the POINTS.
  21. Or, if you prefer to use double quoted HTML attributes like the XHTML specs say: echo '<a href="descrip.php?accountnum='.$accountnum.'">';
  22. I second Drupal, I've heard good things about it. Or, Try this. http://www.cmsmatrix.org/matrix/cms-matrix?func=search Pick what you want from the options on the right, (Discussion/Forum, Polls, Blog) and there will be a list of ones which will work. Maybe one of those will be easier to install. If you just needed pages and news, you could use wordpress, but if you need a forum and polls, I can't think of anything. Sorry!
  23. I meant what features do you need.
  24. What you're saying doesn't make any sense. Are you saying people will never change rank? I think you're approaching a goal from the wrong direction. Maybe there is a better way to address this...
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