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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Delete your html file and only have a .php file. Is this your server or hosted? If it's yours you can change the settings, if you're on a shared host, you can't, and you'll have to have just the .php file. If you search the web for more info, you'll find it.
  2. Post the code. What is a form list? Do you mean a drop down? Explain more (and read How To Ask Questions in my signature.)
  3. Yes, but the file extension must be .php unless you have configured your server to parse .html as php.
  4. In your table which has the news, add a field for DATE. Not a new table, just a field to your existing table. Post your database structure and we can explain more if need be. If you don't have a database yet, do more research and start actually making something ;)
  5. Did you check the actual database to see if the changes were made? With arrays, you need to do $_POST['CustCOMPANY'], surrounding the key in single quotes.
  6. Can you post an actual link? I think you are viewing the wrong file or something. Yes, it is possible to load more than one css file, just as it is with an external js file.
  7. /images is not your root folder. If images is a sub folder of the folder this php file is in you can do ./images Otherwise you need your whole path which would be like $_server['document_root'].'/images..etc (or $_server['document_root'].'images...etc)
  8. So what it's saying it's there's a problem with your $db->Execute. Are you use ADODB? Have you checked that your mysql connection is valid? Where is the code where you create $db
  9. What did you use for the value? Can I see the actual page live?
  10. View the source of the outputted page. You probably have an HTML error now.
  11. Read the other posts here. Specifically this one: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,120692.msg495350.html#msg495350 Don't call yourself stupid, just take the time to actually think about it and READ the answers you're given.
  12. What isn't working. Just saying it isn't working doesn't give us much to go on.
  13. look up mail();
  14. Did you read what anyone posted? Several times you've been told that isn't valid code.
  15. Look up http://us3.php.net/file_exists The manual is really good if you just type in what you want it finds close functions. [code] if(file_exists($yourFile)){   $id = 'default'; }else{   $id = $yourFile; } [/code]
  16. foreach($_POST AS $key=>$value){   //This will loop through each posted var. }
  17. That's what I wrote...
  18. Post the code
  19. This is HTML/CSS not PHP. Wrong Forum. You tried http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_pos_vertical-align.asp
  20. What I do have a table of tags which stores all the possible tags. IE: 1 | school 2 | work 3 | animals Then you store which image has which tags image1 | school image1 | work image2 | work image3 | animals etc. You'll need to actually write some code on your own before we can really help. If you want someone to write it for you, post in freelancers. Or you could just use Wordpress as a CMS :)
  21. On your processing page, store all the info that was POSTed into an array, save the array in the SESSION and save the error in the SESSION. When you go back to the page, print the error. Get the array out of the session, and put the values in the value="" part of the html. (for textareas you just print it between the two tags, no value tag)
  22. header("Location: $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']"); You don't need those {}
  23. Fabulous! :)
  24. If I have the following string: $str = "This is a bunch of strings. String One: Test. String Two: Test Two." And I do this: $strings = explode("String", $str); The result is like this: $strings[0] = "This is a bunch of Strings."; $strings[1] = "One: Test."; $strings[2] = "Two: Test Two."; How would I keep the String on the front of the strings which have it. I can't just add String to the front of each line because the first entry does not have String on it. Help?
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