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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Yeah. Please don't use PHP Nuke. Seriously...it's full of security holes, it's generally poorly written.... What are you trying to use it for, I might be able to recommend a better CMS.
  2. 0 is always lowest. If they've just joined, they have no rank at all. As they gain rank, update it to go higher. Then when you list them, THEN you reverse the numbers so the person with the highest (say 1473) is 1, and the next (1247) is 2, etc.
  3. Shilling: You should find a PHP Nuke support forum, PHBB support forum, or post in the third-party code support. You didn't write the code, so you're going to have a hard time debugging it. Go into your database and make sure the tables exist is all I can suggest. Magic: It's not, it's from PHPNuke, one of the worst possible CMS systems ever spawned from the depths of bad code.
  4. [s]I am pretty new to classes, but I thought you could only define the variable, but not assign a value. IE: var $query; and then in the initialization function, you give it a default value.[/s] Edit: Tutorial says otherwise. Hm.. Maybe it needs to be $urlArray = explode('&', $this->query); ?? Sorry, hope you figure it out. @devnerds: you do in classes. :)
  5. It's probably the content of the mail.
  6. You need to understand the code you use, don't just copy and paste and hope it will work. You have the function, so you should be able to know what it does...
  7. Which I bet is the timestamp for today, meaning $end = 0. See my above post.
  8. Well that's a bit better. Did you set $end = $tomorrow?
  9. Isn't checkUser a function you wrote? Why are you asking us what it is looking for... $required is an argument being passed. session_start() has to be called before anything is output to the screen. Move it to the very first line of all your code. When do you get the user info out of the db and into the session? That's when you need to set the session var you are missing.
  10. What is the entire output? $tomorrow is already a timestamp, so you don't need to run strtotime on it again. PS: tomorrow is time()+(60*60*24). A lot easier than what you have IMO.
  11. Take the $_GETs out...you're not getting anything from the url. You already have your variables. $start = strtotime ($time); $end = strtotime ($tomorrow); $diff = $end - $start;
  12. Read the article in my signature.
  13. thorpe - I rarely put them there, but I've forgotten to use them around reserved words before, and fussed over it long enough to make me swear. ;)
  14. haha good catch thorpe. He's right, you'd use `` around a field name, not ''. Mgall was actually right ;)
  15. thorpe - then he'd still have to use date() on it...
  16. substr()
  17. Then you need to read some tutorials. This is simple stuff which there are plenty of resources for.
  18. Help you with what? After all your bumps, I'm confused as to what the actual problem you still need help with is.
  19. You're passing 6 vars into 7 fields?
  20. So then...you can deduce.... The other variable isn't set. Go from there.
  21. You're pulling in about.com's rss feed and attempting to publish it on your site. I don't see anywhere where they say that's allowed. Have you gotten their permission as stated in #2 of their terms? Just...out of curiosity. No point in trying to code something you can't even do...
  22. use require() instead of include. that should produce an error.
  23. print_r($_SESSION) and make sure the values are right.
  24. OMG OMG OMG! After your query!!!!!one!11
  25. if($_SESSION['userranks'] == $required){       return false;   } else {       return true;   } False and true are backwards. This says if the user's rank is equal to what you pass, return false. otherwise return true. Switch them.
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