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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Too bad no one linked directly to the manual which has actual examples.
  2. You missed a step. mysql_fetch_assoc
  3. Turn on error reporting and you'd get: Notice: Use of undefined constant hourly - assumed 'hourly' which evals to 0. You've got another one too. A decent editor with syntax highlighting makes it obvious as well.
  4. I think you just need to order them then. You may need to change your query a bit... If you do a left join to the same table you can very easily order them in the query. Can you do a dump of the structure and some data?
  5. Sure, my hourly rate is $100 with a min of 5 hours.
  6. You are getting the count of how many rows are not deleted, then picking a number at random from 1 to that count. That doesn't give you the ID of the non-deleted row, it gives you a number that is useless. You can either select one row and ORDER BY RAND() or you can select all the rows, put the ids in an array and use array_shuffle.
  7. I wrote a tutorial covering this. http://thewebmason.com/tutorial-parent-child-lists/ You'll need to order them by the parent id, then use a variable in PHP to track if it's a new one yet or not. Although you may just need to fix your ordering.
  8. I have no idea what your question is. Please try to use proper spelling and grammar, and clearly state the problem. What datatype is the deleted column? You shouldn't put numbers in quotes, especially in SQL.
  9. Look at the variables. Psycho made a small mistake which is fairly obvious if you read the lines $query = "SELECT id, PLC, DateOpened, Raised_by, Block, Description FROM log WHERE PLC LIKE '%{$plcSQL}%' ORDER BY DateOpened DESC "; $result = mysql_query($sql);
  10. What? The first query you have should be all you need, you don't need that second one. You also need to then loop through them instead of just showing one.
  11. define the function, then your success function can either be a plain wrapper for it, or I think you can just send the string name of the function.
  12. We are aware of the issue, I know it's been reported a few times. Sorry about the trouble I believe it's a bug in the rich-text editor. If you toggle to the plain-text, does it work?
  13. You need to post in freelancing.
  14. Instead of a textarea just do text.
  15. Oh and remove the space between mysql_error and the ().
  16. Try fetch_assoc() and do a print_r() on $row
  17. That's not an error, that's code. Yes you should use a specific host, not a folder on the host.
  18. $_POST['ownert']; ownert?? Edit: and actually you said when you submit it goes straight to the other page. So your code to put the variables IN the session won't ever work.
  19. And even if it were, he wrote v.hotelname and then a.hotelname so...
  20. For the record - phpmyadmin is a PHP based tool for viewing a mysql database. It is not a server and does not contain your database.
  21. You are confused about the fact that 1 will never be equal to 2?* It's rude of you to keep wasting people's time when you should be going back to elementary math class apparently. Barand and Psycho are both very helpful and smart, and by not only ignoring their advice but rebuking them for it you only make yourself look like a damn fool. *except for extremely large values of 1.
  22. What are you using to view the data? More importantly why does your customer have access to do a "restore" that they don't know how to do correctly? If the customer is messing with data and doesn't know what they're doing, you're going to have even bigger issues in the future. The fact that where you "used to" have blank lines (ie \r\n") and now claim to just have "rn" - it's relevant that \r\n is a carriage return. Your post makes it sound like you have absolutely no idea about that.
  23. \r\n is a carriage return.
  24. Hotels change their names. You need to use a unique id column like an auto incrementing id
  25. It's not our fault you're so bad at reading comprehension you can't understand the points that were made already. I think it's hilarious how people think something they don't "get" is automatically a failure.
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