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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Looks like a double-post to me.
  2. Great... what error, what query?
  3. Not all views can be generated with the MERGE algorithm. And SPs usually slow things down.
  4. Sorry, this seems overly complicated. You're trying to group by the date of the week (e.g. MON/TUE)? That's it?
  5. If you alias that expression, you should be able to use it in the ORDER BY.
  6. Well, you'd have to log the actual query you're running to verify this strange fact -- though you can cheat and output UIDs and see if it's true.
  7. Ugh... evil. Why not use a proper many-to-many table?
  8. Sorry, I don't follow random links... maybe someone else will be brave.
  9. Then use STR_TO_DATE() to fix that up first.
  10. A LEFT JOIN .. is NULL should suffice.
  11. Sorry, I don't follow -- what's the difference?
  12. Why not add this to a WHERE clause?
  13. Who said anything about easy? ... and how can a simple question be "hostile"? And yes, yes, I did think I was helping; and since you won't clearly can't find it yourself, Here you go. And try using "ldd" to see exactly where it's trying to find it -- likely a busted symlink.
  14. Why can't you just UNION all of the tables?
  15. Did you read the sticky on the child board?
  16. I see no reference to "topic_id" anywhere.
  17. I'm not sure I follow.
  18. Does it work or not?
  19. As soon as you mentioned "explode" and "while loops", I knew you were in trouble. You'd have to handle this all in sql -- and you don't have to do it in real-time.
  20. Maybe you're referring to this?
  21. Unfortunately, you still can't use an expression in the limit clause...
  22. I don't see a query anywhere.
  23. No, I don't follow whatsovever.
  24. What do you have so far? EXISTS is an option as well.
  25. Hard to say, having seen none of the actual input.
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