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Everything posted by fenway

  1. You're missing a JOIN condition -- need to see the tables.
  2. If you're trying to UPDATE data, then use UPDATE, not INSERT. Otherwise, the first thing that jumps to mind that that you're checking for the query being successfully executed, not returned.
  3. 500k rows isn't a problem
  4. I'd strongly suggest using the file system -- you can dodge your system permissions with other cron jobs and file renames.
  5. What/
  6. Then show us the output of mysql_error().
  7. Also, with setInterval, if the interval is really short, you can end up calling the function while the previous function call is still executing,.
  8. Why wouldn't all developers use a site like this as a valuable resource? Between the staff and the gurus, people have access to help from the most senior of developers literally from around the world -- for free.
  9. That's pure gold.
  10. Stop using theta syntax (comma) and use JOINs.
  11. I highly doubt that the webhost is to blame -- or that the database is corrupt.
  12. Don't use "LIKE" when you mean "=" -- that's just confusing. A valid can't be "1" and "23" at the same time -- that's why AND doesn't make any sense. OR will give you either -- hence you're getting both. If you want to find items that have 2 rows -- once with termId 1 and a second time with term_id 23 -- you'll need to join twice.
  13. Formatted data is always better -- xls is preferable -- LOAD DATA INFILE is your firend.
  14. Yes, JOINs really work.
  15. You'd left join, because that way you can handle a book with no votes.
  16. Using an alias would make that pesky COUNT() problem go away.
  17. Then you need a self-join.
  18. Sure -- AVG(stars).
  19. We're not going to debug someone else's code.
  20. This topic has been moved to HTML Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=348542.0
  21. You've been told to use LIKE instead of =. REGEXP might work, too.
  22. Show us the output you want vs the output you have.
  23. Of course it only displays "1" -- that's boolean truth. You need to get the value for that expression -- with mysql_result() or by giving it an alias and using fetch_assoc().
  24. As an example -- try to count the number of features. Try to insert one after the 3rd existing feature. To to hide the features with the word "waterproof". Etc.
  25. It would in your server config.
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