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Everything posted by fenway

  1. What do you have now, what do you want it to do?
  2. Sounds like you're encoding HTML characters... on purpose?
  3. Table structure is less than ideal... but let's get the script to work first. Sounds like in_array() isn't doing what you think it's doing... nor is it possibly efficient. I'd build a hash. Are you sure it's not doing a string comparison? Check the output of $row['startdate'] and what you think $i is.
  4. Try SET @runtot:=0, then select it on the next line.
  5. There's nothing wrong with that code... but it shouldn't work with LIKE... that's not interchangable with IN.
  6. Why not this? SELECT t.tagid, MAX( readTimeField) FROM taglist AS t LEFT JOIN tagscans AS s ON s.tagid=t.tagid GROUP BY t.tagid
  7. set the scrollTop = 0.
  8. No difference... keep track of all of the ids.
  9. Should be fine in the onclick handler... you should go through doc.forms.elements, though.
  10. I'd hope you can't.
  11. If you're unfamiliar, I suggest you find some examples to copy...
  12. "javascript:" isn't valid anywhere... void(0)... perhaps.
  13. Could be any of these scripts... how can we guess? And posting the source of those won't help either... try to narrow it down to a single function / event.
  14. document.getElementById() to find it... then settting the display attribute to "none" should work well enough.
  15. You can't initialize it to a variable first!
  16. Depending on what you're actually trying to accomplish and don't want to use a maintenance script or the event scheduler in 5.1, why not just add a field called "valid_until", and set it to NOW() + INTERVAL 30 DAY every time they log in?
  17. Interesting... LENGTH(null) = NULL, not sure why you're getting blank.
  18. Why do you think you can solve a database issue with php?
  19. You should be able to look up the id in the DOM and delete it.
  20. You haven't set the user variable first.
  21. A fancy HTML widget that displays calendar-looking things and translates this into an sql-ready date for you.
  22. I assume there's php code that goes with this...
  23. I'm confused as to why you're not storing the events with a pure datetime field... but even so, you should simply retrieve all the events for a given month with a single sql statement, and then iterate though the days, and check for matching ones.
  24. Did I help?
  25. From the manual: To be honest, I've never used FLOAT ever... so I guess I didn't know. The easy way to cheat is the use CAST( field AS decimal) -- but only in MySQL 5 -- otherwise, use yourField+0, which forces an implicit converstion back to decimal. HTH.
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