ID (Must be unique, starting with 00001, id should increment by 1)
-PK, auto_increment, BIGINT UNSIGNED, deal with the zerofill on the output only, no in the DB
-varchar, 255
Gender (Male or female)
Contact Number
-varchar,255 -- unless you can be sure you're only storing north american numbers, in which case CHAR(10) is sufficient
Email Address
Time Of Registration
-store date & time, in the DATETIME() field, use NOW() on INSERT
-UNSIGNED INT, store with INET_ATON() -- don't store the dotted octet
Paid (Yes/No)
-ENUM... but it seems like it's missing lots of info (when, how much, for what, etc.)
Could use some normalization when there are more fields.
At the very least, index name -- but that really should be first and last separately, right?