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Everything posted by fenway

  1. When/how did this occur/
  2. I would have to argue that the situation you describe is impossible -- if you specify an ORDER BY clause, MySQL will return the recordset in that order... period.
  3. Just wrap any tables "around" comma with parens.
  4. Row number? Why? Just count them yourself.
  5. No, never. Make it a DECIMAL with however many decimals you want.
  6. Nothing will actually delete the account for you... but you won't have to if you include a valid_until date field that you check in your select statement.
  7. Yes, don't even attempt to do this.
  8. Sure, go nuts... if you want isolation, there are database engines that support it.
  9. Well, I could you could eval() some code, but that's ugly
  10. I assume you're generating this from php? If so, simply include whatever files you want... but you still can't do it inside a function.
  11. What do you get from this: SET @t1=0, @t2=0, @t3=0; SELECT @t1:=(@t2:=1)+@t3:=4,@t1,@t2,@t3;
  12. I mean inside the loop of meetings is good, but not the schedules.
  13. You can't include within a function... just include the whole thing from the start.
  14. Should be a negative sign somewhere, or flip the loop upside down.
  15. What doesn't work now?
  16. Not true -- NEVER omit the column names. Echo the interpolated string.
  17. You've opening a meeting element _inside_ the loop...
  18. Check out the relevant refman page -- TEXT is 65K.
  19. Says who?
  20. I've done this many times before, I don't get whitespace that doesn't collapse...
  21. Not syntactically.
  22. document.forms['form_1].submit() would be.
  23. What does that mean/
  24. You can... but not with a counter... what are you actually trying to do
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