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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. 1. Paste your htaccess file. 2. What web host are you using. Some hosts support certain things, while other's don't.
  2. It sounds like your trying to decide between the 2. I saw this post similar before. What are you wanting a web crawler for, give the reason and we can better give you feedback on which way would be the best one to proceed.
  3. You can also (if you have 2 classes) have the class you want to grab the variables, and inherit the first class.
  4. got to it before me again. However go to www.php.net and look for array_merge function. There is a lot better function in the user's comments that also deal with multi-level arrays.
  5. Ken got to it before I could. My thoughts exactly you could turn those 50 something lines of programming into more like 5-5 lines of programming.
  6. You can do it in either language. It's called a "bot" or a "Data Harvester". There are multiple ways to do it with any language. However you are looking at 20-45 hours worth of programming (and knowing what your doing) before having anything decent. There are 3rd party systems out there, and if you are trying to make one to resell it'll have to be better than most out there (a time-consuming feat). If you just want to use one because you need it, google for one. If you are doing it for learning, then google "PHP, link crawling tutorials".
  7. If I have a random set of numbers (perhaps some characters). I need to take. $variable = 'whatever'; And pad the variable with 0's up to 10. When it's over with if they variable has below 10 characters, it need's to add zero's up until it has a total of 10 characters. THe 0's need to add on the left hand side, any advice?
  8. Post that one page in one long set of [*code][/*code] (remove astericks) tags. Also make sure that you rehash what the problem is so I know exactly what you are wanting to do that it's not already doing.
  9. You can try the ip and ban it as needed. Or you can use filters. Not sure what it was (ask redbullmarky (pm) he had a great system. However I was using something like an htaccess file that filtered out a lot of "known" spamers, but redbullmarky told me he used another system that worked real well.
  10. Your post was too spread out for me to help. If you want a br tag in a while loop (based on your title question). Then just add a . '<br />'; at the end of whatever echo statement you already have.
  11. Since you don't know php, what fields are you wanting in your form?
  12. I definitely agree with you to an extent. I have a few variations I agree with,I was just concerned about the new developers, thank you for responding back in the way you did. It shows you really care about the education of beginner developers.
  13. Was that part about accident, was that a threat of some kind, or just a comment about the conversation? @ original poster - It could be schitzo (forgive spelling). It could be anything. If you are a christian (and some other religions) you might believe it's a demon. if you are an athiest it's a supernatural spirit. If you are against super-natural stuff then it's a mental illness or your imagination. Either way don't concern yourself with it. Demon, or ghost, or whatever it may be (even if it's retardation or some form of mental illness) it can't hurt you if you don't try to hurt it, so leave it alone and it won't bother you.
  14. The thing is all of the programming inside php is just that "programming". Based on what I have seen about hacking php's core, it's about getting inside the code that builds the language, and puts together it's build in functions. Each php function is a basic function (like me you or anyone else can write in php) are done the same way in php. They are functions that do what they say they are done. One form of php core hacking is goign in and changing the base functionality of those functions, adding new ones, or changing the basic way php is suppose to universally operate by default. Another thing is php is writting in either c++ or C# (not sure which one) so I am fairly certain you would have to know the language it's written in to get very far with it.
  15. Yes, you can. However, you need to redo the way you are putting it in. Do this... mysql_query("update bla set value='" . $_array['daniel'] . "' where bla='x'") That should work fine for you. However if you have problems just set that array value into it's own variable and use it that way. Either way you can make it happen.
  16. @ charlieholder good point there.
  17. It happens everytime I start to help. How do you think I got over 3000 posts. It happened lately that's why I have been manning the posts for the past few days. I do that from time to time.
  18. /** * Create a Directory Map * * Reads the specified directory and builds an array * representation of it. Sub-folders contained with the * directory will be mapped as well. * * @access public * @param string path to source * @param bool whether to limit the result to the top level only * @return array */ function directory_map($source_dir, $top_level_only = FALSE) { if ($fp = @opendir($source_dir)) { $filedata = array(); while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($fp))) { if (@is_dir($source_dir.$file) && substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' AND $top_level_only == FALSE) { $temp_array = array(); $temp_array = directory_map($source_dir.$file."/"); $filedata[$file] = $temp_array; } elseif (substr($file, 0, 1) != ".") { $filedata[] = $file; } } return $filedata; } } This'll grrab everything in a directory. Then just make them into images (easy)
  19. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/board,16.0.html also look at the top for a really deep list. Ask an admin to move this over there if you want to continue the conversation.
  20. Yes, he is right. Ip's are very unreliable for anything serious.
  21. there is a giant thread on here related to editors. Read that through and post there if you need help. fckeditor and tinymce are just 2 examples.
  22. Well it's marked as solved, we can assume the issue has been fixed.
  23. Based on what he said what encoding are you saving your file in?
  24. hahahahah. Now that was a very good response. Quite funny. I have nothing I can say against that.
  25. Something strange. He might be right as he mentioned above, never encountered that. Paste a link to the test page.
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