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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. pdo is just a method of using a database (like using mysql or mysqli functions. Just a set of functions.
  2. Post this under the proper posting area, please.
  3. That is correct. I should have said.. "I advice using it, based on the grounds that (in my view point)... {{Insert my arguments here}}".
  4. You have to specify row names, like this. $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords (fieldname) VALUES ($values)");
  5. It can be called "shorthand". Ternary operater is just one of the operators used with shorthand. I listed my reasons above. It is "Rumored" to be faster, which as I mentioned is a good thing. I do not like/use shorthand, and generally a new programmer has problems understanding/reading/learning short hand code as opposed to normal code. On top of that I find it * Ugly * Hard to read * messy. I recommend new developer's to avoid it, because it is in partial "opinion" it's also pretty hard to disprove the above points of it being messy and hard to read. The last thing a new programmer need's is unneeded difficulty in the learning process. Shorthand also refers to doing <?= in order to start an echo statement. http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.basic-syntax.php - here they claim that the original method is preferred. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_operation - this operator is a way to do shorthand it is not the full definition of what shorthand is. IT is just one operator used during it. It also encompasses the dumb habit of avoid brackets if (whatever) do this else do this That is dumb, dangerous, and hard to read. Shorthand overall I feel should be avoided However other's have there opinions, I will continue to point developers away from shorthand as much as possible. This means avoiding short opening tags, short else statements, ternary operator and anything else that is considered shorthand.
  6. @ wildteen88 Very neat/clean explanation and directly to the point. HE summed up what someone can put in 5 paragraphs into 3 sentensces, and a partial list.
  7. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=how+to+hijack+a+session+in+php
  8. Never let anyone rub there practices off on you. Listen to multiple view points and do what you think is best. I PERSONALLY find MVC a good pattern OOP a good programming standard. I also like to avoid ternary operator, and shorthand all together. I keep other basic rules in mind for myself when programming php 1. Always use full open tags <?php and avoid short tags and/or asp style tags. 2. always make code clean and neat. 3. Always comment code well. As far as sessions specifically I advise you to use php's basic built in session handling until you are very advanced because there can be a lot of security issues with custom session handling if you are not in full control of what you are doing.
  9. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=webfusion+complaints They don't seem to have a great love of some of there clients.
  10. What you mentioned you just need 1 table. userid imagename imageid height width Then in the name grab the path to the image, pull it out and use the height/width you databased from the user to determine the height/width specs on it. Use gd/imagemagick to do the scale downs so it doesn't lose quality during all the size changes.
  11. Well you can generate the pdf like you would an english pdf. The content of the pdf is determined by what you are building it with. Just use araibic language inside the code. THe coding in php is always in english (that's just the way programming generally is worldwide), but that doesn't affect what language your words for your actual pdf are going to be in.
  12. Thus another reason why I try to advise against shorthand, and or the ternary operator. I have heard some rumor's it can be faster, however it's * ugly * hard to read * Hard to understand to the average programmer * messy.
  13. I know what you are wanting, however you need to learn a little more before starting to get into programming. You are speaking of needing basic validation and a basic db call.
  14. Oh you mean click on a button and throw a php function. With ajax you can.
  15. Your settings look fine. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=php+sessions+stopped+working Check the top 3 mostly, read them carefully and try to do as they say.
  16. It's also true that some of the people who are using improper grammar and bad spelling are still younger members (literally) or don't speak very good english. There are a lot of people here from other countries and some don't speak as good of english as other's.
  17. I love curl, it's a very powerful language option. However if you are doing Paypal IPN which is what it looks like I advise you to just use there standard IPN configuration.
  18. I don't understand but it's doing it on both my server at 1and1 and my local machine. The normal one doesn't work the longer one does. Apache returns just header error when I am running the script. When I run it with all that OOP code it works fine. It is rather strange.
  19. The converter was meant to make php 4 code compatible with php 5 and vice versa but the only good one was discontinued.
  20. You definitely don't have to docroot. However it can help you to make the path's easier. I recommend using it if you are not good with paths in php. ONce you get good then you can do it manually. What docroot does is look at the VERY root, so it helps you to get the path's right. In case if you were 5/6 folders down. the only purpose of it is to help find the path with less problems, but it's far from required. I personally find it easier.
  21. Make sure they are in unix timestamp format or the same format nonetheless. Then you can say date > date or whatever just using mysql's built in comparison operators.
  22. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=mysql%2C+comparing+dates
  23. Also repost your entire code from top to bottom on the file with the syntax errors.
  24. It probably has something to do with the settings in the php.ini file. Review them and paste all configuration related settings here.
  25. That is then because they are restricting access to it. Try adding a php.ini file in the root directory and set allow urlfopen to on. Then see if it works, if it's ignoring it then it doesn't. Then try htaccess and try setting a flag for url fopen (if there's a flag to it). If that doesn't work contact your host and check your options.
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