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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. either way, functions just do not operate that way.
  2. I am not sure if the form is in actionscript or not I only looked at the link for half a second. however we need to know what the form looks like from a code view, as well as what values are being passed.
  3. One thing I noticed right off is function editrules($rules){ $rules=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rules WHERE ladderid='$rules[ladderid]'"); $rules=mysql_fetch_array($rules); Doesn't make sense. You pass the function the variable rules, which is automatically overwritten by the query followed by overwritten again by te fetch array. It's completely formatted wrong, you are going to want to rewrite the whole function. basically you want the variable you are passing to it named differently than those, and you want both of them different.
  4. As I mentioned, post the entire code for the "processor" AND the "form".
  5. Post entire relevant code on both pages (including the entire switch statement you only posted part of it).
  6. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=building+a+proxy+site+in+php Shouldn't be too hard to find examples.
  7. Post the ENTIRE code for the form and for the processor. It looks like if the form might be in flash (only checked for a second) if so make sure submit has a value of true.
  8. Nice responses. I see some really valuable code throughout this post.
  9. Chances are they grab your original ip (or not) then scramble the ip, or use a random set of numbers and then use url open (data harvesting)> Or use file_get_contents or include on a page from the other server. Perhaps there are some high level technologies at work in those, because php is limited to what it can do in that regard.
  10. You have to grab THAT user's ID inside a SESSION. Do that when they login,and let the session $_SESSION['id'] get grabbed instead of letting them put it in. YOu can have it grab the session (don't forget to clean it) from behind the scenes. It will be there id number.
  11. anytime, if you have any further problems, let us know.
  12. It's ugly, do this. <?php //********************************************************** // * // volumeforlife.com * // PHP mailer script created by versionthree * // * //********************************************************** if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { // basic mail variables $to = "jon@versionthree.ca"; //for multiple email addresses separate addresses with a comma $subject = "Website Comment"; $from = "This has just been sent from www.volumeforlife.com"; // other details $name_field = $_POST['thename']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $email = $_POST['email']; $comment = $_POST['comment']; $date = date("D M d, Y H:i:s"); $message = "$date\n\nName: $thename\nPhone: $phone\nEmail: $email\n\nComment: $comment\n "; // Sends email and redirects if ($_POST['submit']=="true") { mail($to, $subject, $message, $from); header("Location: http://staging.volumeforlife.com/contact_success.html"); }else{ header("Location: http://staging.volumeforlife.com/contact_deny.html"); } } ?> There was also a misaligned bracket.
  13. This is too "generic" of a question. Review some basic tutorials, read a few books. Review some of the boards, and look around at some questions people ask. Work up some sample projects to learn your way through the basic programming principles and ideas.
  14. Use the document root in the server variable to help find the path. Check if the file exists BEFORE attempting any moves, also check to make sure the permissions are correct on it.
  15. You want to avoid doing a straight variable test if ($whatever) { // do this } You want to actually check the variable. For one that'll throw notice errors, another it's insecure.
  16. For that kind of variable security is very important. You probably want to use regex or C-Type to make SURE it's a number with NO extra characters.
  17. Well you can just open your log file,and delete everything out of it. Like a clean page. Then it'll just start loggin from that point.
  18. Me personally, those were all based on opinion. I stick to all of those when I program. It is especially helpful to me when I am working with other developers and I know someone else is goign to look throug my code. As for comments it'll help you later when you come back to your code and need to make changes.
  19. Your id of your submit button need's to be the same as what you are trying to grab through javascript. It seems to me you are trying to make something simply and generally easy to do into over convoluted code, and a very roundabout way. Simply have them submit the form, then do the file saving stuff right after that.
  20. Don't forget to mark as solved if your problem is solved.
  21. You could auto-build the array in about half the code. Then just specify the number ou want to add. Or you can turn it oop, and easily add new images into the array. $this->classname->addtoarray('key', 'value'); Then at the same time have it do all the other stuff at the same time as well.
  22. You don't want to do that. Save them inside a folder, and reference the "path" into the database. You shouldn't save "files" inside a database, it's not what it's for.
  23. 1. Don't use caps in title. 2. Be more generic in your request. 3. Use code tags around code examples. 4. Use full open tags so it does the syntax highlighting. Repost your code with the following in mind (the last 2) and I will take a look at it.
  24. Well in order to do pdf creation, just get an html->pdf class. It can be a little grueling trying to do full pdf creations from scratch.
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