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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. It's very nice, to say the least. Seeing that on a website is nothing, but seeing it in that black background image, looks very nice, make's me want to get that. Or atleast learn how.
  2. I also would be careful about working for someone like that, I personally had that happen 2 time's.  BOTH time's (literally), 1 owed me 1k, and hte other owed me 300, neither of htem paid. So I would get a percentage from him up front, because if he cares that little for copyright, what does he have to loose for not paying you, I had that happen 2 time's.  My new policy, is I make sure I only work on proper material, I would tell him this, and see about checking on the copyright, even the disclaimer might not protect you from a pissed of (multi million dollar), comic book company.  it's not worth the risk for a project, for one "possibly sleezy" client, there is too much at stake.
  3. Is that a place you can still request features for dreamweaver 9, or does macromedia not do that.
  4. if you have $row called above for another query, then here, you are overwriting the other, could that be part of your problem. It seems confusing, I never had that kind of problem with a query before. must be very frustrating.
  5. [quote]In a nutshell, I'd definitely recommend someone to take the plunge and learn .NET if they have the opportunity to do so, but don't do it at the expense of having time to expand your PHP knowledge.[/quote] I think that was very well said, because I believe (personally just my opinion), php is the language for me.  I have "played" with some ASP (not .net), and done just a few very small things with it (registration form/login system), adn some other small things.  I greatly prefer php, but I have heard a lot of things about .net, but I think that piece of advice obsidian offered is priceless, and very well said.  "nice wording too", because that would be the best advice you can use.
  6. http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/pressroom/pressreleases/200701/010407ProductionStudio.html I found that just now on studio 9 itself (but it refers to that as photoshop. Since I am interested I found this on dreamweaver 9 http://www.itwriting.com/blog/?postid=451 That's really all I could find, looks like there really isn't anything to go by yet.
  7. Forum - the same opinion, I have seen a lot of them before. Skin - it looks nice, if you did the whole thing yourself, it looks very nice. Idea - I love it.  What you did the forum for, and some of the categories "cancer support", "issues", and some of the other things there, sounds like it's a setup that could eventually help a lot of people, and give a lot of people some needed support.
  8. I am scared of beta versions now, and since my current photoshop is giving me problems, I have to hold out.  I might give it a try shortly, (after I get a more powerful computer.  THanks for the link, I can't wait for macromedia to release all of that.
  9. I can't wait for the whole macromedia suite 9, I can tell you that. Especially seeing they might have a whole new level of syntax highlighting, and a whole new level of code completion, that works even better.  Maybe even heavy code completion for OOP since i am starting to get into it, I can't wait to see what all they are doing, and if they heavily updated all the reference charts, and everything.
  10. Sounds good, also sorry about the double posting, I was unaware at the time about the restriction on modifications, so I double posted becuase I thought it was an error, I read the post, in the feature suggestion, I understand the situation now, it won't happen again.
  11. I know, most of you knew that, just giving you my definitions, so I could say my favorite of both.
  12. Fert, how the hell did you get that information in your signature. What is that, can I borrow that. WHatever you did to get that information (I know php or javascript won't run on the forum, how did you do that)
  13. [quote]PHP is so easy pretty much anyone can pick it up fast with some examples and tutorials you could do PHP in a week no worries ... that's why i love it Smiley[/quote] That might be true in some instances, it took me about 6 months, before I even got intermediate.  That was LITERALLY 16 hours per day, from 7:00 in the morning until 1:00 at night, doing nothing but studying and building test site's.  It depends on the person, and whether or not they ever had previous programming experience before starting (in my opinion). Only a few people I know, learn it that fast, and it was still about 4 weeks, before they could do php as well as they could wipe there butt. As for self-taught versus formal education, I am 100% in agreement with crayon violent, after some trial and error, and help from a lot of other developers, you learn to do things the "right" way, instead of the way they teach you.  I seem to notice a formal eduction they don't keep up-to-date with the current teachings.  so they don't always teach you waht you need to know, and this career isn't about knowing something specific but about knowing what to know (which is what I am learning recently), know what to learn and what not to learn.  I personally was self taught, but then again I had a shitload of teachers (the whole php freaks community, and a few friends). My first website (shitty design), took me through building a huge backend, whcih took me (literally 6 weeks), to do a basic website with some adding/editing/deleting capabilities and half ass admin panel.  It was for leanring the client new that, and I did it for free.  So when it was over, I came out tripled in php experience, but still sucked until I gained more experience.  Still far from knowing what I should.
  14. Nevermind, I read the sticky, and that all made a lot more sense than having the modify on there longer.  I didn't think of those points, nevermind, now I am all for the modify restriction.
  15. Just offering my own feedback, I think it would be nice to have it extended, if admins ever decided to, ti does get a little aggravating, but if a lot of thought was put into it, it probably won't change.  (just feedback)
  16. Ftp Program: SOmething you use to upload/download files to an ftp server Ftp Server: Something used to recieve, and give files requested by an ftp Program My favorite FTP program is dreamweavers native capabilities. There are a few problems, like if you synch, (one time I erased a whole website), it doesn't always turn out well, but for standard uses I love it. My favorite FTP server: http://www.serv-u.com/ I only ever needed one, and this was my favorite, it's got a free trial, about long enough to deal with any project, and it is easy to setup, I like the features, I only used it one time so far. It was a very easy, and pleasant experience however.
  17. I have been asking a lot of questions around here about frameworks. I want to ask one more, which framework do you use. I have been fighting with this debate for a long time, custom framework (building my own (personal programmer for example),) to carry around my own functions, classes, and ajax/javascript libraries that might  take me years to build, but would make me better in the end or use something that is already created (code ignitor, cake php). I just want to ask what other people use, what do you honestly use from project to project, if you even use a framework at all. That will help me decide heavily what I want to do from here. I don't really want to know what framework is what, what is good, which one's you have tried.  Which one are you actually using now, and intend to use in the future as well, the one you pretty much stick with permanently.
  18. It won't let me modify certain posts either.  For some reason, just the first one, even some of hte other's it won't let me modify.
  19. I am wanting to take my entire career itself up another level.  Start getting stuff done even faster. Right now, for php, I am currently studying MVC, as well as starting to get into OOP.  That is the direction I am taking so I can make my personal programmer assistant powerful enough to help me get things done faster, instead of just sitting there.  I want a place to start getting together php programs, I can re-use, as well as javascript, and ajax libraries, and some other stuff I want to start building.  I just need some time to get them built, especially a good place where I can build them. As for css, it still take's me 24 good hours to code a solid (medium sized) layout, I want to start getting them done faster.  I know quite a bit about the advanced syntax for css, but not always how to put every advanced bit together, what do I need to do to totally revamp my css skills. Is there anything else I should turn my attention towards while starting to enhance my other abilities.\ I tried to modify some text changes on the other post, to fix some grammer, but for some reason it won't let me modify the very first post, so I reposted with the corrected grammer (and spelling)
  20. I am wanting to take my entire career itself up another level.  Start getting stuff done even faster. RIght now, for php, I am currently studying MVC, as well as starting to get into OOP.  That is the direction I am taking so I can make my personal programmer assistant powerful enough to help me get things faster, instead of just sitting there.  I want a place to start getting together php programs, I can re-use, as well as javascript, and ajax libraries, and some other stuff I want to stop building.  I just need some time to get them build, especially a good place (way) to build them. As for css, it still take's me 24 good hours to be a solid (medium sized) layout, I want to start getting them done faster.  I know all the advanced syntax for css, but not always how to put every advanced bit together, what do I need to do to totally revamp my css skills. Is there anything else I should turn my attention towards while starting to enhance my other abilities.
  21. it also says in the rule's don't post help about code here, post it in php help.
  22. well, search eval, I found out some stuff about vuneribilities, it didn't sound too promising at php.net either.
  23. I really don't know why.  But throughout my entire career, and before that when I was studying, I heard it was very bad to use eval at all.  I even read somewhere, the owner himself repeated these exact words "If eval is the answer you aren't asking the right questions".  So I think that means quite a bit, I never used it because of that.  Other than that I am not sure.
  24. I never had that before, it came up with mail server problem, STMP connection or something, so I went onto the server downloaded mailenable, installed it, configured it, now php sends the mail (says it did it successfully), but a mail never come's through, any advice on a step I might have missed
  25. The coding is very sloppy, looks like multiple third party scripts.  I would throw away anything not needed, and have someone (a friend or something), recode the form and processor, make it valid and look cleaner (it would even run faster, and fix your problems at the same time)
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