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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. ?Put it in a folder outside the root? ANother thing is if they are allowed to upload php file's, set chmod them so tehy cannot be executed, or automatically change hte <?php ?> tags to html entities to prevent them from running, change them back when they are needed.
  2. This specific problem was solved, I got the thing aligned right, just have to do some cleanup.  If anything come's up I will make another post later, thanks.
  3. Grr, major problems here. Tried everything, can't get it to a four column (4th below header) It is making the ads box go all over the place, The footer is off, and It's evne worse in ie any advice on how to clean "some" of this up, or atleast point me in the right direction. Maybe I hsould try to recode it again, see if I can try a different approach, any advice
  4. What about a list of editor's for rich text editing. FCKEditor - I tried it, it was working great, now everytime I install it I get the error's for page cannot be found tinymce - Don't really want every text area going like that Since this is editor's, anyone have a list of good rich text editors.
  5. Yes, I just discovered this morning, I was thinking mysql there was something you needed to do inside mysql server to password protect it.  However I did it with phpmyadmin, so the problem was taken care of this morning, thanks.
  6. Still having some issues here, any advice would be appreciated, if someone had the time.
  7. Not too long ago I installed wamp, on a windows server.  It's not until later, I realized my mysql system wasn't password protected, so I can't connect to it from php at all.  I need to figure out how to password protect mysql databases, and setup user privileges directly.  Anyone know how, I know of one file I found related to mysql after the installed, and all that was, is my.ini after researching that and other methods, ntohing told me how to do this.  Any advice would be appreciated?
  8. ok, tonight after I finish working I will virus scan it, then defrag, and then try again.  IF that doesn't work I will look up how to clear photoshop's temp file's, if that doesn't work, I will perform a clean install, I don't have any extensions for it.  (Obviously now that I know about photoshop extensions, later I am going to go out hunting some down.
  9. http://jeffhowden.com/code/css/forms/ I found this very helpful awhile back, when I started using tables for forms themselves.  I got tired of doing it, so I did some research and found that, it solved all my problems, even for small login forms, and allowed me to branch off to even better more customized styles.  Read that slowly, and understand it all, then you shouldn't have problem with form styling even more, it even covers cross browser issues.
  10. Ninjakreborn


    [quote]11.1.1 Overflow: the 'overflow' property 'overflow'     Value:  visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit     Initial:  visible     Applies to:  non-replaced block-level elements, table cells, and inline-block elements     Inherited:  no     Percentages:  N/A     Media:  visual     Computed value:  as specified[/quote] It is suppose to work on table cell's, it's something else causing you that problem.
  11. So far I have only coded the basic layout, I still have to put in box structure and everything else. But I coded most of it, then he changed his mind on something, I can't get it in www.thevirtualgolfsociety.com is the live site I am coding at. The attached image is the layout I want to recieve. 2 issues I see, that I can't figure out 1. THe footer, the left navigation, there is a little whitespace in between those, and I can't get it to go away 2. The box, I needed to add in was a box for advertisements, so I increased the size of the layout itself (like he said), and tried to fix in an ad box just on the side, against the wall, now I am in a situation, where it won't get up there no matter what technique I tried to use Any advice on these 2 problems would help. [attachment deleted by admin]
  12. How do I check my temp space I never even knew about that, do you know where I can see that at, and look/or delete it, that might be what's cuasing it, a reinstall is another option if that, and/or defragmentation doesn't help.
  13. thanks, I jsut signed up for google analytics, it kicks ass.
  14. Based on the advice of a friend, I attempted fireworks.  I think I like it a lot better, I know photoshop, if I need to do something with it, but I think fireworks is a lot better overall.  What are your individual takes on what software to use, and why?
  15. 500 internal server means a misconfiguration of the htaccess file. I personally didn't even know you could use regular expressions in an htaccess file
  16. 422mb are being used out of 800 and something. 510 mb ram those are my specs, as for plugins no, never got any plugins for photoshop at all.  When I first got it, it did a huge update of versions, and one more time not too long after that.  Another hting is font's, I only installed a total of about 12 new fonts into windows, so that can't be it. Is there anything else I can do, I know I can do some stuff but this is work hours, I wouldn't have time right now. I could defrag it, and clean up free memory, and clear the cookies, and settings.  And some other stuff to free up some memory, but could ther ebe other solutison that you know of, what happened your other 2 time's, what did you do to get it fixed, or temporarily fixed so you could work.  I can't even finish this layout like this.  Does that mean it's time to go to fireworks (I heard it's lighter), or is there another solution.
  17. This is the first time I ever encountered these problems. When I code a layout, I have dreamweaver open, and photoshop, plus firefox, and sometimes ie. My computer is pretty powerful, but for some reason photoshop has been messing up lately. Just today actually, it locked up 2 time's yesterday, adn today it won't even let me open the color pallete.  Trying to get a color sample. When I click on it, it just sits there thinking the whole time. Anything I can do to lower the amount of resources photoshop is taking, without loosing any of the critical functionality.
  18. Well for a cookie, you can set it cross domain.  So you can set the sessions up, but also pass a specific cookie id over to it, with a generated id code, and use that id code to retrieve the data from the database, but thorpe's sounds more promising.
  19. <?php if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { foreach ($row['players'] as $var) {   echo $var; } } ?>
  20. Thanks for the advice. I finally got all 3 working, part of it was the host, they didn't have there end set right, the other part was me.  I got the whole thing working now, including ftp installed, thanks for all the advice.
  21. I found a friend who said he would do it for like 150, so I guess everything turned out in the end.
  22. Your probably right.  So now would be the time I break out the flash 8 books, tackle what I can (for learning purposes), when I get stuck hire a flash developer.  In the end * I gained some flash experience, and learnt some stuff off of it * Still got the map created one way or another
  23. Did that, I tried "moving flash maps" "flash maps" "free moving flash maps" "free flash maps" "moving maps" "moving flash maps" I am havnig a hard time pinpointing what I am looking for, something about like www.m3com.com however I am not having any luck finding anything, anybody have any advice about it?
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