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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. :o I really, really don't get it. He double checked the permission's they are all in order, I tried that it didn't work, I quadruple checked for the file, it's not working.
  2. It has something to do with the damn permissions. I just checked just now, and now all of a sudden it's saying access denied through ftp. I tried earlier chaning around permission's but it never would let me on security.inc.php do you tihnk I will run into this problem much with  my framework I also went ahead and tried chmod it didn't work
  3. Ok I was having this work fine earlier. Here is a cut down of my entire directory structure and explanation. Inside the root directory of the website. Whatever the actual root is So if the website is www.freelancebusinessman.com for instance it's in the public_html folder, whatever the root directory is. Ok inside the root directory i have a folder called master this is what I am also calling my framework, I wanted an easy way to organize my folder structure. Inside the master folder I have the following folders. images (still debating on whether I am going to have these in the framework or not, it would make it easier to keep up with. config - It contains config.php and a folder called functions (this folder is what I ahve my function incluide's at, and the one I am currently having trouble accessing. In master folder I also have ajax, javascript, css folder's each one with global.ext(there filename). I also have portable folder, which is a cut down version of the framework without the folder structure. So here is the total setup of my direction structure folder structure master images, css, javascript, ajax, portable, config, includes The inside of those folder's it's images (the images) css, javascript, ajax (global.css, global.js, global.js(for javascript), respectively.) config (config.php, functions (the one I am having trouble getting to include into config.php which was working earlier) includes (my website includes, this I don't seem to be having problem's with, atleast never have before.) and that's the folder structure I don't understand, I never had problems getting the include to work before. I tried doing a few things.  Here is my entire config.php file [code]<?php session_start(); // starts session automatically ################################################################## #          Joyel Puryear / Master Configuration System          # #                  The Freelance Businessman                    # #              http://www.freelancebusinessman.com              # #                Copyright Joyel Puryear 2006                  # #                    &copy;Master Framework                      # ################################################################## /* Config File for the master framework */ // Master Variables $docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $contactemail = "businessman332211@hotmail.com"; $elevel = 1; // level of error function (either 0 for off, 1 for on) $dbactive = "yes"; // either yes or no $dbhost = "localhost"; // Normally local host $dbusername = "######"; $dbpassword = "#####"; $db = "######"; // connection information if ($dbactive = "yes") { // if yes perform db work mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($db); } // making my include's work properly ini_set('include_path', $docroot . "/master/config/functions"); // Handling php security issues require_once($docroot . '/master/config/functions/security.inc.php'); // security include error($elevel); // function to set error level, defaulted to all and strict. ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc", 0); ini_set("register_globals", 0); // include master function controller include($docroot . '/master/config/functions/master.inc.php'); // master include ?>[/code] Ok the docroot was working perfectly before, in all server's I tried it, but now I run into this And no matter what I change the include path to it keep's happening. I don't understand it much. I tried setting it with set include path, and ini set but nothing is working. I was hoping I could have include's that worked universally no matter what the structure. Should I remove the functions folder, and just have them under config, but I wanted them seperated into a specific folder for functions. I have 2 set's of incldues for the site, the includes with my functions for my framework and include's for the site itself.
  4. Still absolutely nothing. I tried the set include path with everything but it's not working. I tried setting it like you showed but with a url of $docroot . "/master/includes/" or $docroot . "includes" "/master/includes" "includes" nothing is working.
  5. See this isn't working. I made this framework, if it was working all the itme, it would speed up time, but now it's just more trouble than it's worth. I have a folder called master. In this folder I have a folder for images, ajax, javascript, css, includes, processors, and portable. images - carries all the images for the website ajax, javascript, css - has a global.ext file for that specific type for all the website's stuff. includes, processors - contains all the file's necessary for the website's includes.  Whether it's processor's that are dealing with contact us processing or something similar, or the include's for the website. Portable - This has a mini version of each set of file's.  For instance if I wanted just the config file's without the directory structure, I can just pull that out and I have it, if I just need my library of javascript or ajax I can just pull those out for a specific purpose.  It's basically just a quick version of whatever I need. I was happy with this, very happy.  I really liked the setup but now I am having trouble getting include's to work. I can't get them all to work, I thought document root, then the filename was alway's going to work on most/any server's.  However before I even use it 3-4 time's I run into a site giving me problem's with the include's, I even ran chmod on the file's I needed before using them, but it's not working.  Is there a permanent way to make this work.  Or should I change the way I am doing my functions.
  6. That still didn't fix it, I am very confused in this situation, anyone else?
  7. Yes, all the permission's on it, seem to be set.  I checked the permission's on functions and hte permissions on the specific file security.inc.php and it's still returning the same error.
  8. It is, there are php tag's wrapped around the whole thing. The config.php in itself is a whole php page, I have the tag's spanning the whole page. edit- oh you mean on phpfreaks.com yes I had forgotten to do that this time, I just did it.
  9. I never had this problem before, until now I start using this framework [code] <?php // Master Variables $docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $contactemail = "businessman332211@hotmail.com"; $elevel = 1; // level of error function (either 0 for off, 1 for on) $dbactive = "yes"; // either yes or no $dbhost = "localhost"; // Normally local host $dbusername = "#####"; $dbpassword = "####"; $db = "#####"; // connection information if ($dbactive = "yes") { // if yes perform db work mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($db); } // Handling php security issues require_once($docroot . '/master/config/functions/security.inc.php'); // security include error($elevel); // function to set error level, defaulted to all and strict. ?> [/code] Ok for the security include, it's not including. It's returning [quote]Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/homepages/30/d162063315/htdocs/master/config/functions/security.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /homepages/30/d162063315/htdocs/oakley/master/config/config.php on line 29[/quote] The thing I don't get, is I have alway's noticed in php.ini something called include path. Normally it requires a ./ before each include.  this one say's something like .: but that doesn't work either. Is there a way to override that setting manually, all the time, it ALWAY"S causes problem's or atleast it's going to.  I have to already manually include the config file into every page on the server.
  10. For larger amount's of text when saved within a database, is it better to use longtext, or blob datatypes.
  11. if you are inserting onload in the body make sure it's lowercase, or it doesn't validate <body onload="whatever"> if you do <body Onload="whever"> you get validation issue's
  12. uhh, that is something I wasn't expecting.
  13. That, uh. No, I can't believe that, this whole time, this whole entire time, I thought you were a girl. This entire time. That is something I have never imagined. So you are a guy:S
  14. Just an idea, it's not something I want to get too deep into to.  For debt collection, I simply have a lawyer.  He file's paper's for debt collection, if he get's money from the person, then he take's a specific percentage and I am set.  I have done that with 2 clients. I have 2 more now, one owe's me 1100, and one owe's me 300, I am going to have to do the same thing with them, it happen's a lot in this industry.  Don't sweat it, get your evidence together, contact a lawyer, or go to your local legal place, file paper's for debt collection. You 90% of the time don't even need to take them to court or anything.
  15. http://www.trainup.com/CollectingDebtsTipsandStrategiestoLegallyGetWhatYoureOwed9439.htm
  16. I think I will follow your first advice. Re-prioritize, and work my ass off. Thanks.
  17. i didn't mean anything personal to him, I just want to start removing the kind of remarks that seem rude.  Or directed toward's my personality.  That's why I am trying to more of, explain myself on each details.  As I said I have only done the footer, and the length of the left nav, now that I have gotten some positive feedback, the next things I am doing is replacing the logo, doing some more work with the bottom, maybe even restructuring the links/navigation, adn redo some of the box format's then see what you think again. All advice is appreicated, and thankful.  I try not to ignore anybody's advice even if it takes a few weeks.
  18. If they pay you half, and they don't pay you the other half, and you build hte whole site.  They should only be given half the work, nuke the database.  There is nothing wrong with that.  Nothing at all, the french would have a hard time to get you in court.  Your talking about international affair's it would cost the guy, a large amount of money nad they can't summon's you to court for that, and you can't be put in jail if you did all the work and only got paid half for it.
  19. [quote]Typically, if you pick up dental insurance now, they'll only cover upcoming visits. It won't cut down on the bills you've already accrued. Also, there is a marked difference between personal insurance and property insurance. I highly doubt you're going to find a package that offers medical, dental and housing/property insurance. One other thing to consider is your location. I'm assuming based on the fact you cited medicaid you are in the US. Where, though? What region? There are several national insurance companies, but you may well find a much better deal from a local place. Check out the coverage from Blue Cross/Blue Shield. They are a little pricey sometimes, but their coverage is excellent. Another idea, and this is what I've found to be the best with a family (at least for me) is to try and find a company to do a long term contract with that will allow you to opt in to their family insurance package. Typically, it is a lot cheaper than trying to get it yourself, and it often has better coverage.[/quote] I live in smyrna Georgia.  I will listen to your advice, some of those sound like it would be a good thought, especially your second paragraph.  I will keep both of those in mind. [quote]umm..what state do you live in? well you don't really have to answer that. I just thought that medicaid only covered children and (pregnant) women? And anyways, I hate to say it, but someone needs to (your mom or your dad, your wife, etc.. would be better), but you just posted earlier today in another thread about buying hundreds of dollars in video games last week, and how nothing stands between you and your video games.  Maybe if you re-organized your priorities, you'd be able to figure something out.[/quote] I live in georgia, yes they cover males, I don't know under what circumstances, but they are doing it with us however for some reason.  Thank you also for the advice on prioritization, I will keep that in mind for the future.
  20. I apologize you feel that, way, Do not insult me again.  If you are going to respond to a post of mine, please use a calm tone, or I will abandon the post completely.  This is not the way to treat another human. [quote]nav is still pretty much the same as it was before.  the font is the same.  the logo is STILL bunched in the top left and it breaks off right after with no continuity => your layout STILL looks bottom heavy.  i'd say there's slightly more flow to it, but frankly it looks the exact same. i have another question: why bother publishing a site if it's perpetually changing, being re-written, made better, etc?  how does that make a client comfortable?  at least test this on the back side and put up a temporary placeholder on the front. you have no right to ask us where we think you should go with the site when you haven't addressed a single issue we've laid out for you.  to disagree with these comments is one thing (in that case you likely wouldn't come back for more), but to claim you're actually considering the advice is preposterous.  this is a very common theme with you, and for some reason you can't get your head around that fact.[/quote] I agree with you on most of these issue's.  I am still working on that.  I disagree with the flow of the "navigation" itself, I will probably keep the current link structure.  However all of the advice mark offered so far is going to be done, as for "bottom heavy" I don't know if there's anything I can do about that, using that term, it sound's like it mean's it looks like it has a heavy(big) bottom.  If that is the term, then I have restricted the size of the bottom as much as possible.  While still keeping true to the original layout I am trying to achieve.  I consider, and look at all advice.  Not everyone on here, take's all advice that is given, sometime's someone just need's someone to talk to.  This isn't the case, I intend to atleast look at, consider, and weight heavily, any advice given to me on these forum's.  I come back for more because I trust the people on these forum's if I did not, then I wouldn't waste my time here. Overall the "rough, and rude" part's of what you said I am going to disregard, the large volume's of useful advice I am going to listen too. At this point I had done 2 things, the left nav(extending to length of right content), adn fixed the bottom, I wanted to make sure that was doing some improvements.  Based on your response [quote]i'd say there's slightly more flow to it, [/quote] That tell's me that it is improving and that is what I was wondering. I am now going to move onto the next stage, restructure the look and feel of the left nav, right content, and top bar, and redo the logo, and make it exactly like that layout, compare it to your comments, do what I can, and ask again. As for Jcombs. [quote]I was bored, what do you think of that...[/quote] I like it a lot actually.  I am very surprise and think you are very creative.  Chances are I am going to keep the layout I have, remove the current logo I am using, cut the whitesace around the logo you showed me, down to logo size.  THen I am going to probably use that one, I like the color's it's going to go well with my layout once I am finished, and I am deeply grateful, thank you very much.
  21. Yes the source would be interesting to say the least.
  22. Ok, I have done a lot, I was wondering what direction I should take it in now. www.freelancebusinessman.com The 2 thing's I did so far, was spend about 2 hours fixing up the logo(re-writing the css for it), and putting in some javascript to make the left hand navigation, go down as far as the right column no matter how much content it had, that made that part look better. Now, for the content, he is rewriting all teh content for me, because he has 7 years experience, he is my content writer. So where do you think I should gow ith the layout now, I could keep making it more and more like the layout I originally had http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/temp/joyel_layout2.gif Or I could start veering in another direction.  If I followed the layout he drew up, then I would decrease the logo some, and start working on the border's around the left nav, and top bar(logo). If I did this, then it would take a few day's that's why I wanted advice on which direction I go before I start fixing up the top part.
  23. My name is Joyel, my website is www.freelancebusinessman.com I launched my career a long time ago studying, now I try to make a living with it. I play video game's all the time, any type of game I can get my hand's on, I spent 300 (more) dollar's on game's last week alone, batman begins, (playing tale's of symphonia), mercenaries, and some others. I buy large volum'es of game's a lot, and play them, and would hurt anyone that stood in my way of game's (it's dangerous) That's about it, I freelancer, I study, and I play video games. Also I am married, I have a wife, and a daughter, I have been married for 4 years.
  24. I have been on medicaid for a little while, but the time has come I am reporting an income change, I have the paper on the way.  I also need to get more insurance now than they cover.  I just need advice on what to get.  I owe 24,000 dollar's in medical bill's, or will soon.  I was wondering about insurance, what would be a good overall dental insurance.  I was wanting something that cover's everything at first Life insurance, dental insurance, health insurance, and if you had a house, then house insurance.  Like a freelancer insurance package or something. I heard that dental insurance can sometime's cut the cost down by nearly 50% which is what I needed. Does anyone know of a good insurance company overall for freelancer's, or a freelance insurance. I was hoping to find one really good company later that did ALL insurance, for all 3 family members, me(my wife, and daughter), but something specifically for self-employed worker's or freelancers. Any advice?
  25. The same with my host. www.bluehost.com they did the same thing until I kept complaining, theya ren't going to likely admit there wrong's. The probably have so many people on one box, or a server hog, so it's making it run slow.  Your only thing is to keep complaining to them or change hosts. What company is it, if it's bluehost then I can already tell you why.
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