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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. Validate your css, then go to google, and google something called web developer 1.0 it's a firefox extension. Open css, and edit, you can edit your css on the fly for testing in firefox.
  2. web developer 1.0 firefox extension, I just found it, it will take away 90% of the difficulty. 1 button can send you directly to xhtml/css, or 508 validation/check. Automatic link checking, I just had a friend tell me about it, it helped me tremendously, on the fly css editing, then you can go back after you fix it, and apply the changes to your actual css file.
  3. Can someone look at that, and see what exactly is that is causing that, but more of, I would like to find out, why it's causing that. I am not understanding the general idea, I have 2 background images. They seem proper but for some reason, one of the div's isn'tright, I can't figure out what about this, is not working.
  4. Can someone please tell me what's wrong with this. For now I just need the basics to work. I don't want to add any  more, until this works, for some reason the top part is above the div, is there something I am doing wrong, or something I can do better in my css, this is starting to come together some but slowly, and with problems. http://www.hasbadservice.com/admintemplate.php [code]body { text-align: center; background-color:#999999; } #header { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:50em; height:8em; background-image:url(images/header.jpg); clear:both; } .font1 { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:1.5em; float:left; margin-top:80px; margin-left:25px; color:#FFFFFF; } #wrapper { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:50em; height:auto; background-image:url(images/bodyoutline.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; clear:both; } #top { width:45em; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; background-image:url(images/top.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; height:2em; }[/code] [attachment deleted by admin]
  5. My site itself, I am rebuilding soon, I am getting plans together now, it will be totally rebuilt here in about 2 weeks, I have to get some stuff together, and organized a few ideas, hten I am going to start building it, while i work on my other projects.
  6. When someone get's a chance, all I am wanting to know, is if you have a big element for instance <div id="header"> <span class="text1">Administration Module</span> </div> The header div is going to be as big as the background image, which is pretty large, I need the text inside, to simply be position in the bottom left hand corner area, just a little ways away from the lower, and left wall. I can get it to the left with text-align:center but I can't get it to the bottom
  7. I have an image that is done in pixels, the photoshop file is in pixel's, I am trying my hand at a layout using mostly em's, the pictures have to remain closely the same sizes.
  8. I think I need some work at css.  The url is http://www.hasbadservice.com/admintemplate.php The css file is on there too, you can see it in the source I am trying to get that text, at the bottom left hand corner, a little above it, I tried using a new style called bottom i saw on w3schools, but it wasn't working, any other advice?
  9. I have a certain number of pixels, say I want to decide how many em's that is instead, is there a way for me to calculate that?
  10. $id = 3; $select = "SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE id = '$id';"; $query = mysql_query($select); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "I apologize but that record already exists"; }else { // insert, or update here } Is this what you mean.
  11. Maybe you are right, maybe I am looking at it wrong. I apologize. I know enough about them, to get around. WIth some effort, thinking, and help from other's I seem to be able to get past any type's of problems I encounter with the languages I know, maybe that is a better, more accurate way to put it. The graphic design, I admit, I wasn't cut out to be a graphic designer, and as far as not taking your advice, I try my best, it takes me awhile to admit I was wrong, but I always try to listen, I ultimately listened to all the advice about getting a graphic designer partner, I might ahve had to learn the hard way a little but ultimately I took all the advice.
  12. 1. Increase the size of the display box. 2. Decrease the size of the contents of the include, make it take less lines. 3. Make the inside of that box have a scrollbar instead to fit all the content you need to fit.
  13. Sorry you feel that way. I don't claim to know all these langauges. When I say mastered, I don't mean it in that context, I mean I can pick up any of those languages and do anything with them. Whether I have to ask questions or not doesn't matter, I can still do the stuff, even with a little guidance. With the exception of CSS, I am starting to understand just how weak I am at CSS, and I am trying to improve that, I have a lot of layouts to code over the next few weeks, so I can only get better with that.
  14. Your right, maybe I should slow down, but you can't say I don't know anything. XHTML, CSS(few problems with it), php, mysql, javascript I have mastered all of these langauges, I don't know everything about them, of course I sometimes ask questions, but in general I can do a lot with them. I have learnt quite a bit of perl, python, command line(linux), and countless other things (seo, submission, and various other things. I expand my knowledge, because I can. I hate to see when someone get's to a point they don't pursue any other languages, or trying to do anything for learning. You say jack of all trades, master of none, that's far from true. Trying to learn too much is hard, it takes me awhile but I decide on my limits, when the time comes, I now know enough about logo's, layout's, to be able to occassionally have fun building them, but instead of getting deeper, deeper into it right now, I turned it over to someone else, and have a good arrangement for that, so I can concentrate most of my effort on coding/programming, and other web related stuff. I also read that last post, thanks. I will try to slow down, as far as programming/coding, I am delving totally into it, because I am becoming obsesses. I can't stop programming, I look at these languages, perl, python, and I start getting into it, and I feel so much power. Programming is one of the greatest things I have ever done. RIght now I do coding(css, xhtml), and programming. I bear other aspects as well, like seo, optimization, I am not the best at them, but I know how to do them with some pretty good results. I did C++ for 15 minutes, and I loved it.  It was the best, and funnest language I ever worked with, I don't have a lot of time for other languages now, I am doing 90% of my time in php/mysql. I do know that once you know mysql, you can go to  any other database platform, on my own test host, I went and bought a nother host for testing purposes, I have tried my same website in Oracle(It was included on my friends host), postgresql, OSDB, peardb, mssql, msaccess I didn't get so heavy into these i memorizes all there specific functions, but I can say, if I was given any project, at all with any database system involved, I could either use it, or figure it out very quickly. I wouldn't be an expert at them, I am not even an expert at mysql, but I am learning a lot more than I use to know. Most things I wasn't wanting to master just feel comfortable doing the basics, like the graphic design stuff, I got comfortable then I stopped. Actionscript, I have 2 people now who are masters at "flash" and they do some actionscript, I am a programming so actionscript will be easy to pick up, then when I combine my skills with those people, it will be amazing I will slow down some, it's just I get frustrated now, after all this time, when I run into something I can't do.
  15. here [attachment deleted by admin]
  16. This is the first time I ever stopped and coded a pre-planned layout from someone else. It all makes sense but one thing. I have a border type of situation going on around the whole page.  See picture below, how do I get that whole border area affect, and still have it going downward, is this the type of design, I am going to need scrolling bars with or is there something I can do with the borders, to make them extend to the content.
  17. You must have everything wrong. I am a web developer, you seem to want to stunt people who seek knowledge. I don't care what anyone say's there is nothing wrong with continuing to learn, if you had not of heard me in my career, I made a lot of major career choices lately. I stopped trying to do graphic/design, layout/design, content writing I have a friend who has ton's of experience, we are helping each other in a partner sort of way. As for the rest I am interested in other forms of web development, coding in css/xhtml programming general web design, coding, programming I still do everything, I get the project, do all the planning, send the specs to him for a picture of a logo/layout I code/program organize everything, adn I do the content, the send it to him to proofread.  Granted it might have been hard trying to master graphic design/photography and still keep my knowledge in other areas mastered. I also know full well everything you said I didn' tknow, I sometimes get back into research, I study I ask questions to see what other people know, maybe there were things about something i didn't know.
  18. Oh sorry, does anyone know about a good shopping cart, I would use zen, or os, but I am looking for something, I can just put within another layout.  Something that seperates there module's or is easy to install, for maybe a website that has say 15 pages, only 3 are going to be shopping cart related. I need something that work's sort of like that. Where I can have gallery1.php gallery2.php fractals.php but have them going to a page with the shopping cart installed. Any advice on a good one.
  19. I want to set up a shopping cart(3rd party), it's a project I am doing for someone for free,I want to surprise them with something extra on it, the thing is the shopping cart I am only going to need to put on 2 pages, or 3, and I have to keep the same layout. Well it's one I did for someone for free, when I first started my career, I mantain it for them, when I have spare time I experiment on it, to make it better for them, and I am doing a major overhaul on it for them, without them knowing, so I wanted to add that in there, and because it was a favor, I didn't have time to program one from scratch.
  20. Thanks, it gives me something new to play with.
  21. That's why i said Pear:db, it allows you to support many databases, with just one set of functions.
  22. I am about to start a huge project, with a friend, he is wanting it to be heavily portable, so I was just going through available options I might go with pear:db
  23. Is there a way to test what database servers/ or possibilities exist, like for portable code. Like if it's postgresql, then you can setup that connection, if it's another, then you do another connection. Is this possible.I wnat to build a function, that when you feed it the variables, the db location, username, password, and database to select.  Then you have an optional parameter of database, but if you don't insert that, it checks to see the first one that is available for testing, sort of like auto-detect, or something.
  24. Ok, I am trying to get this to work, I have 2 folders on my website www.freelancebusinessman.com one is repository, and one is checkout, I am trying to get this extension for dreamweaver to work, there is no manual, no installation, what do I do from here.  I have the tortious thing, I went into it, and created a repository in the folder repository on my local drive for my own website, then created a folder called checkout, how do I work this thing inside dreamweaver.
  25. This is starting to piss me off, this whole control version system. I am just going to create a new directory in dreamweaver, I am going to call it library, if I need something out of it I will take it out, forget the version control system.
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