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Everything posted by pocobueno1388

  1. It's not that they are "similarly named", they ARE the same. Try changing that and see if it works.
  2. $ethnicity[$ethnicity] Are those supposed to be two different variables? If so, then one of them is probably overriding the other. It's hard to really say much more without seeing more code.
  3. There question is about the QUERY, which is 100% MySQL. If they were asking a question about how to use the query with PHP, then maybe the topic would have been fine in the PHP forum...but they aren't.
  4. It has way too much silver in it, you should choose one or two other colors to go along with it. I think a navy blue would look nice.
  5. Why put it in the PHP forum when it's clearly a MySQL issue? Can you give us the table structures, and tell us exactly what your trying to select? It sounds like you can do it with one query using a join.
  6. If your using GET, just make sure your not passing any personal information as it will show up in the URL. Always check to make sure the values are as expected, with both. Other than that, use whichever one suits the situation...just be aware of the data being passed.
  7. <?php $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE data='$data'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($query); if ($num > 0){ echo "Duplicate!!"; } ?>
  8. What does your site have to offer that Myspace and Facebook don't? If you don't have something unique, your going to have a hard time convincing people to leave these already popular sites and use yours.
  9. SELECT DISTINCT(Month) FROM table
  10. You make links exactly how you are doing Now you just take the "id" part of the URL and put it in the query. SELECT * FROM example WHERE id='{$_GET['id']}' Now you have all the information selected for that specific person. Just make sure you sanatize your $_GET['id'] variable before using it in the query, I didn't just for the example.
  11. Take a look at this thread tutorial http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95426.0.html
  12. You could use external CSS files...otherwise I'm not sure there is a way around it. Why is it so important to hide the HTML?
  13. Add a die error to the end of the query $thisguide=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM guide WHERE id=$gui[id]")or die(mysql_error());
  14. The bold red didn't show up, but I'm assuming that your query is the problem. Where are you getting the variable $gui[id]? If you want to pull something from the URL, you need to use $_GET. Try SELECT id,name,num,flink,rew,pre,guide FROM games WHERE id={$_GET['id']}
  15. On cart.php On search.php As for the look, it's not very professional. I would definitely get a better header image, and all the gradients take away from any professionalism as well.
  16. Most definitely use a database. To speed up the output of the comments, use pagination. That way it's only fetching a handful of comments at once.
  17. I think if you want to do it that way, your going to have to use GROUP BY as well. SELECT DISTINCT * FROM `song` WHERE category='$cat' GROUP BY category If that doesn't work, you may have to just manually type all the fields SELECT DISTINCT field1, field2 FROM `song` WHERE category='$cat'
  18. I'm not exactly sure what your wanting, but it sounds like you want to use DISTINCT select *, DISTINCT(name) from table where user='$cat'
  19. <?php $date = "2006-12-25"; list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $date); I didn't test this, but it should work.
  20. If you don't want a ton of if statements, you can just use an array. <?php $files = array('welcome', 'cc'); if (in_array($_GET['request'], $files)){ include("homepage/".$_GET['request'].".html"); } ?>
  21. Take this line out $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1); Are there multiple rows with the same emails in that table? If so, you can use DISTINCT.
  22. The way you would get post data is like this $paymodal = $_POST['paymodal']; $btn_cc = $_POST['btn_cc']; If that doesn't work, try echoing them out to see if they have a value.
  23. Can you explain the first two lines? I'm not exactly sure what your trying to accomplish there. $paymodal=${"paymodal"}; $btn_cc=${"btn_cc"};
  24. What about it doesn't work?
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