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Everything posted by pocobueno1388

  1. Try using the function nl2br() when displaying the data from the database. echo nl2br($row['db_row']);
  2. Try using the nl2br() function <textarea name="message" type="text" id="message" value="" cols="20" rows="20"style="width:470px;resize:none;">----------------- Original Message -----------------<?php echo nl2br($row_reply_msg_id['message']); ?></textarea>
  3. You just need to put a bracket in front of the line that is giving the error: } elseif ($stat[credits] < 1000){
  4. Does it give you a line number?
  5. My only suggestion for the layout would be to add some color, it's a little bland.
  6. How are we supposed to know what the problem is if you don't tell us?
  7. The HTML should be like this <input type="checkbox" name="checked[]" id="<? echo $row_details['id']; ?>" value="<? echo $row_details['id']; ?>" I changed the name to checked[]. That will be the array all the ID's are stored in. Now to get all the values, just use a foreach loop: <?php foreach ($_POST['checked'] as $id){ echo $id.'<br>'; } ?>
  8. Use this code to see if it's installed var_dump(gd_info()); Also, I think you can use phpinfo() to see if it's installed.
  9. <?php $textarea = trim($_POST['field_name']); if ($textarea == ""){ //textbox was empty } else { //textbox has a value }
  10. If you go to the link I gave you, it shows you exactly how to do that. It sounds like your going to want to write the information to a database as well. That way you can do a query that will randomly display the information.
  11. Do you want it to write the PHP tags (<?php)? I think what your meaning to do is this <?php $content= $_POST['content']; $date= $_POST['date']; $postContent = "<h2>$content</h2><br><br>Posted on $date by ".BLOG_AUTHOR; ?>
  12. I don't know what your function show_form() looks like, but if it returns a value of TRUE or FALSE, then you can do this: if (show_form()) { echo 'her'; } else if(isset($_POST["basic"])) { check_form(); } I can only tell you if the syntax is correct, other than that...I have no idea what your trying to accomplish.
  13. What's the question? We are here to guide you, not write code for you. Lets work on your first task http://www.tizag.com/phpT/forms.php
  14. The code you just posted doesn't make any sense. You would have to explain what your trying to do. To make your code make sense, it would need to be something like this if (some condition) { echo 'her'; } else if(isset($_POST["basic"])) { //code here }
  15. It's because you are using double quotes within double quotes. Do this $message="<span class='style1'>Your profile has been created</span>";
  16. What doesn't work about it, and what would you like it to do?
  17. Could you post your table structures? This is the best I could do from the information you gave SELECT v.title, v.blurb , i.image_from_image_table FROM videos v LEFT JOIN images i ON i.videoID = v.videoID WHERE cat_id='$catID'
  18. Replace the line in your code exactly with the code I supplied you. P.S. - Best of luck with your health.
  19. That just means there is a problem with your query. Add a die error at the end of this line: $resultTemp = mysql_query($hlTemp); Like so $resultTemp = mysql_query($hlTemp)or die(mysql_error() . "<p>With Query:<br>$hlTemp");
  20. Here are a few I just ran into: http://www.websiteicons.net/index.php?p=home http://www.icondrawer.com/free.php http://www.iconarchive.com/ http://www.userinterfaceicons.com/ http://dryicons.com/free-icons/ http://www.vistaicons.com/ http://fasticon.com/freeware/ http://iconbase.com/ http://www.iconspedia.com/
  21. That pretty much put my code to shame...much more efficient.
  22. Try <?php $text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; $text = explode(" ", $text); //array to hold the sections of words in $words = array(); //var to hold the sets in $set = ""; $count = 1; foreach ($text as $word){ $set .= $word . ' '; if ($count == 100){ $words[] = $set; $set = ""; $count = 0; } $count++; } echo '<pre>',print_r($words),'</pre>'; ?>
  23. Take a look at this http://vikjavev.no/highslide/
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